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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. someone beat ya to it. Good, we don't want Lewis anyway
  2. He has a radio show here in St. Louis and he's actually pretty damn funny. FYI his nickname as a Ram has always been Big Grease
  3. IMHO its a missconception that he can't shed blocks. Playing behind Bannan and Anderson (not to mention No TKO next to him) for the majority they year usually provided him with TWO o-lineman in his face on most plays, and he still made plays. He's short but he's built like a fire-hydrant and always seems to be around the ball. Everyone who claims he can't shed a block was always quick to compare him to Urlacher (who's probably the best MLB in the game); I don't get this sh*t.
  4. Not to say I don't believe you, but I'm sure you know that without visual evidence you'll probably end up getting flamed for this post. It will draw a lot of interest though.
  5. Yeah but those guys were good while they were here; also both left with plenty of tread still on the tires.
  6. Although Vasher wasn't a 1st rounder but a Longhorn all the same.
  7. Nathan Vasher turned out OK, he was a member of that secondary and no where near as highly regarded as Huff
  8. I think we'll see Roscoe returning punts a lot more this year (as long as he holds on to the ball!!). I know it might be asking too much and it's a little different than returning kickoffs, but I would love to see Mcgee return punts. The more times we get the ball in his hands the better. Although I don't want him getting hurt either!
  9. That kind of worries me about Bunkley. I didn't get to see the actual game, only practice and drills. I know its the "Senior Bowl" but I really wished they could somehow include the top declaring Juniors. Afterall, the whole point of the game is to further evaluate these kids and it would be nice to see how players like Ngata and Mario do against top competition. I only saw Ngata in his bowl game against OU and I wasn't overwhelmed by his presence (he did occupy double teams and hold the point of attack which I guess is all he really is supposed to do). Since he went out with a knee sprain, one half of football really isn't enough to evaluate and generate an opinion on a top football prospect.
  10. I hope you're right about Mangold Rich, every report I hear has "experts" and GMs raving about him. I watched him in the Senior Bowl practices, and WOW I was really impressed. Then his combine workouts had some calling him "the best C prospect in the last 15 years". I still see him sliding into the first round, not sure where he would go though (haven't done much research into who needs a C around those picks). I did read some Titans boards and there fans have their fingers crossed that Mangold gets to them in the second so we might run into some trouble there but one can still hope!! In all honesty, I almost care more about landing him in the second then I do about who we draft at number 8 because unless Brick falls we probably aren't looking at an O-lineman.
  11. IMHO thats not enough, Like Malta said at least our second to move into the top five.
  12. That was me (check my mock in my sig); Thats a long shot though, a lot of things have to happen in order for something like that to occur. If Martz was still around we would probably be able to gank their whole draft for them moving up a few spots to draft a guy like Davis: Linnehan seems a little more intelligent to me for some reason.
  13. No kidding, he was pretty damn productive (10 TDs) for his price
  14. WTF? Was watching Cold Pizza on ESPN2 (don't ask why) and they brought in some "expert" (never seen this guy before) to talk about the latest free agency moves and he claimed Seattle will definetley match the offer on Hutch and still be $10 mil under the cap. How the hell can that happen, I know it's a larger cap but c'mon still be $10 mil under? Well guess if the Vikes front office doesn't get Hutch they still did a good job of pissing off Seattle.
  15. I also love a lot of people in that Mock, the only prob I have with it is that I think Mangold will probably go in the first (I pray he's there for our 2nd), Lutui goes in the 2nd, and Baskett probably goes in the 3rd. I hope I'm wrong but all those guys stock went up after the combine, that would be one hell of a draft for us though!
  16. I don't think Baltimore is really on that list of needing a QB. Boller really came on at the end of last year and actually started to look pretty good. Is Jamal Lewis a UFA or were there just rumors he was going to get cut? I think they'll probably looking at DeAngelo Williams or Lendell White with that pick, but who knows.
  17. Yeah but Phat Pat and Big Sam were both from A&M, so the man does have a point
  18. True and I've made the same point (ala my mock below), the problem is you have to find a trading partner thats looking for a QB. Miami is the only one that comes to mind but IMHO they are a little too far down and they way things appear to be shaping up with Brees that would squash that. St. Louis might be an option if Huff or Davis is on the board and we decide to go DT. The only problem with that scenario is that if one of those QBs (Young or Leinhart) falls to us at 8, that probably means Davis is off the board and St. Louis would have to be convinced Huff was their man. Before that happens we would first have to decide that WE don't want Huff. Bottom line: finding a trading partner isn't always that easy.
  19. I'd like to end free agency with having cut 1 guard: Bennie "Fat Turd" Anderson would love it if we brought in Neal
  20. On second thought, my list would be a little different. 1. Mario 2. DaBrick 3. Bush 4. Hawk 5. Davis 6. Leinhart 7. Huff 8. Bunkley
  21. Swap 5 & 6 for me and thats my list, almost the same analysis too. I'm one of the few who also likes Bunkley over Ngata; although I like Ngata too.
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