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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. Thanks for the report, keep em coming for us out of towners!
  2. I'm not trying to sound too negative or anything but I could see the interior of the D-line really being the achillies heel of this defense. I just got done watching some of last years games on the Ol' Tivo (Weeks 12-16) and I have to say that I think Tim Anderson could possibly be the worst player on this roster. I know he was supposed to be getting his feet wet last year, but from what I saw he tends to get blown 10 yards off the line of scrimmage on every play. I've heard a lot of refrences to "Anderson's improved play last year" but I just don't see it. I'm not thrilled about the idea of him starting at the nose this year and occupying the bulk of the double teams. Triplett is a great 3-tech DT and I'm glad we were able to sign him. I also liked the John McCargo pick, his "up the field" quickness was pretty impressive at the combine and believe he will turn into a very good player eventually (also in the3-Tech DT mold). Having both McCargo and Tripplett on the field in passing situations should really improve our 3rd down pass rush. My concern is... the coaching staff has hinted that he could also see time at Nose Tackle. I'm not one to put too much into combine workouts but I do put some stock in them. From what I remember McCargo was able to get 22 or 23 reps in the bench press; that number doesn't overly impress me for a man of his size. Overall I am excited about McCargo and Williams but I'm not that sure what to expect from either one of them this season; but I'm hoping they exceed my expectations (Tim Anderson too). I just don't see a DT on this roster who seems suited for NT. And before I get burned for it........I know Tim Anderson's not the worst player on the roster but am I the only one who thought he was fuggin terrible last year? What are everyone's expectations for this year's crop of DTs?
  3. I have to agree with Scribo about Bowen easily being able to replace Wire's special teams contributions this year. I tend to disagree about Aiken. IMHO Sam Aiken is extremely underrated as a gunner and is more important to our STs unit. I remember him making a lot of tackles last year and he was usually always the first to the ballcarrier (exactly what you would ask for in your gunner). Sure he's no Tasker, but ol' Steve was the best STs gunner in the History of the Game. Does anyone know if Peters played Special Teams last year after being inserted into the Starting Lineup? Thats another aspect that needs to be examined because he was one hell of a Wedge Buster and a great Wedge Blocker in our return game. I'm assuming and hoping that he doesn't see the field on Special Teams this year because I don't want to risk getting him hurt.
  4. Good Post but I can't say I agree with you on this one. As much as it pains me to say this, I think the Rams are going to be much improved. I believe the new staff is a big plus for this team; Martz is a great Offensive mind but with all the drama there was between him and their front office it created a huge distraction. Linnehan will actually give the ball to Steven Jackson enough times to utilize his ability to wear down defenses (Martz's tendencies to throw, throw, throw and the presence of Faulk prevented Jackson from getting in a rythm). Oh and what do you mean Jamie Martin? They still have Bulger and one of the best WRs in the game in Tory Holt, their defense has been improved, and I thought they had a pretty good draft. I bet they go 10-6, just my opinion though.
  5. Thanks for the advice , I'm just making my observations of why this team didn't have much success running to the right the second half of last year.
  6. I am so sick and tired of hearing this crap about Peter's run blocking being sub par. If anyone watches film of the second half of last year's season, check out how terrible Chris V. was. Either he's getting too old or he was injured more than we knew last year because he absolutely sucked. Check out the Cincy game where he gets completely turned around on the goaline on back to back plays (literally, he was facing the wrong way when both plays ended). A lot of people claim that as soon as MW's left the lineup and Peters took over at RT, Willis's production dropped off significantly....maybe so, but I blaim this on Chris V.'s performance in the last eight games of last year. If you have the opportunity to go back and watch the games....do it, and watch Peters because he sure as hell can Run Block. Lets not forget that he's still developing but if you want to see what he's capable of watch the second Jets game and then come tell me his Run Blocking skills are below average.
  7. Sweet! Someone needs to break the news to VaBills easily because he's going to be pissed. Poor guy, its been a rough offseason....first we cut Bennie's fat ass, now this ,
  8. Man how did I miss that one, I love that movie. Can't wait to see some Talladega Nights.
  9. They have toilet stores? WTF. Anyway, I don't see why everyone is getting so bent of shape over his post. The original title was a little harsh but he corrected his mistake by changing the title, so who gives a sh*t. Some people on this board need to relax.
  10. 1. Evans 2. Price 3. Reed 4. Parrish 5. Davis 6. Aiken-too damn good on Special Teams to Cut. Bonus Points- Got to agree with Matt in DC, Nance assigned to Practice Squad eventhough this team could use a bigger wideout in the Redzone.
  11. I know the feeling, as a cardinal fan I stuck up for BF for a while but even I got sick of his crusade. That thread about his famous noodles has to go down as the best thread ever on this website, I still laugh just thinking about it. Don't forget to leave yourself an hour to prepare that masterpiece.
  12. Whatever everyone desides......count me in. I didn't know Paul that well and I even started out on the wrong foot with the guy, but after a few months of posting I was able to bury the hatchet and come to love his posts, sense of humor, and wit. This is truly the saddest news I can ever remeber being posted on TSW and I would be honored to particpate in any act in his rememberence. I too am at a loss for words and my thoughts and prayers have been reserved for his family and friends.
  13. Actually Gibson doesn't look all that fat for someone that big, check out the picture of him on the right, his arms look bigger than my fuggin waist......... Aaron Gibson
  14. PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- Philadelphia traded wide receiver Billy McMullen to Minnesota for rookie free-agent receiver Hank Baskett on Thursday. A third-round draft pick in 2003, McMullen never really found a steady role in Philadelphia with 22 catches for 294 yards and one touchdown in three seasons. He'll be reunited with news Vikings coach and former Eagles offensive coordinator, Brad Childress, and quarterback Mike McMahon in Minnesota. Baskett, New Mexico's leading receiver in each of the last two seasons, had 67 receptions for 1,071 yards and nine touchdowns as a senior. I know this isn't Bills news but how Hank Baskett went undrafted in this years draft is way beyond me (not sure if there were character issues). I had the pleasure of seeing this kid in person this year, not knowing who he was. When I left the game I was in awe of this guy. He lit up my Missouri Tigers for 10 catches 210 yards and 3 TDs. He's a huge target that runs in the 4.5s; bottom line... the kid can flat out play. IMHO we could use a bigger wide out on the roster. I'm predicting this kid makes an impact in Philly (maybe even immediate with their WR core). Even if he only develops into a possession reciever, IMHO he's going to be a good one. Would have loved this guy in the 7th. Oh well.
  15. Is Eto still on Barcelona? Haven't been able to watch any of the UEFA stuff this year....but man am I ready for world cup soccer!
  16. Not sure if it makes a difference but Derrick did play FB all 4 years in high school. The guy is built like a brick sh*t house too, 5' 10" 240lbs. Anyway I hope he makes the team, he was my next door neighbor for 2 years and a pretty good friend of mine, you know what that means.....free tickets, and good ones at that. Oh and I got my weed whacker back
  17. Sorry, the sight was down for a few hours, but now its back up. I could elaborate but I don't think I would do it Justice.....Whoo Whoo!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I believe you guys are reffering to the team work outs that were held a few weeks ago, he did show up....for the first day and then never came back (believe there were three days of workouts).
  19. I have to disagree about Anderson. I've got every game Tivo'd from last year and when boredom sets in, I like to watch the games and try to see who did what (or who sucked the most). Anyway, one thing you can count on is that Tim Anderson will be 15 yards off of the line of scrimage when any run play is over. He gets blown up over and over again. I'm not trying to be overly negative but I didn't noticed any improvent in his game towards the end of last season (which some on this board have stated how much he improved). IMHO he sucks at playing the nose. As for McCargo, who knows about his strength? Personally I've never seen the guy play so I don't really know. Just because he's a few pounds lighter than some other DTs on our roster does not mean he is stronger/weaker than those tackles. Even in the Tampa 2, you're not supposed to have two 3-tech. tackles, but if Marv and Co. really believe this kid has first round talent..he better be in there over Anderson. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
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