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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. You're joking right? That would be absolutely stupid to not let the best returner in the league return kicks for fear of injury. I for one think Mcgee has developed into a pretty good corner (hasn't been great this preseason, but what the hell its preseason) but his ST contributions are much more valuable IMO. Even if he doesn't take a few too the house he consistently gets the ball way past the 20.
  2. I think they actually got a pretty good player in return as well. I attended the University of Missouri the same years that C. J. Mosely played there and he was, besides Brad Smith (also a Jet) , my favorite player on the team. I've seen virtually every start this guy had in college and even saw a game last year where he started at DT next to Phat Pat in place of an injured Kevin Williams. When he played last year he actually did pretty damn well. I thought for sure he would be a first day pick but he slid all the way until the 6th. C.J. plays with a lot of quickness and has some pretty decent strenth and did a pretty good job for the Vikes filling in last year. I think in years to come he could be a very good pro. Sucks that my favorite guys from my college now play for the fuggin Jets . Anyway, heres some info on C. J. Mosely
  3. When the hell is that fight? Thats another one I would really like to see. Silva looks like a beast but Franklin is a fuggin warrrior. By the way, am I the only one who can't stand Shamrock or Tito? I guess I really enjoy watching the up and comers or the guys who are on top of the mountain. Neither Tito or Shamrock could come close to hanging with Chuck at this point. That being said, I still like watching the Ortiz/Shamrock fights because it means one of them is going to catch an ass whooping (or at least Shamrock at this point). I don't think Shamrock is fighting for money at this point, I think he's fighting because Tito has embarrassed the hell out of him twice and he hates Tito so damn much. Should be fun to watch.
  4. Very True, but he doesn't try to hide his Pac-10 love as much although its just as annoying. Personally I don't mind listening to Dan Patrick but don't really care for anyone else.
  5. I already caved in. Just what I thought pretty fuggin gross and weird, but interesting none the less.
  6. No way. Just reading it made me wanna barf, I don't want to see it.
  7. Or it could have been about the 25th take, but on TV it really does look real. I'm still pretty skeptical though.
  8. Cowherd is a fuggin CHOAD! My guys at work always listen to ESPN radio and I generally am there during his show so I've heard him a lot. All I can remember is how he went on a 2 hour speal last year before the Texas/Ohio State game about how Texas had no shot at winning in Columbus. I mean really, he really would have bet his house on it. Then when Texas won he hung up on everyone who called in to laugh at him. He really couldn't take being wrong; it was like a 4 year old was on the radio. Not that I don't like Ohio State or anything but this guy is a closest Buckeye fan and it shows in the worst way. He also did the Same thing to Texas prior to the National Championship and took every chance he could to take a shot at Vince Young. I don't even like Texas (I went to Misssouri), but I couldn't stand to listen to him bash them last year.
  9. To be honest I can't tell if this is fake, it looks pretty fake on the internet but on a high def TV it looks real as hell. Scott Norwood, get out a pencil and a pad of paper.............. Neil Rackers
  10. Yeah and he hosted last night also, think he's going to be a guest host at least all this week. Marv will be on tomorrow night as a guest. Should be a lot of Bills Talk with Jimbo and Marv on the show.
  11. With Houston's #1 we could probably get Adrian Peterson from OU. That being said I don't think I would do it because it would pretty much be flushing this year down the toilet and IMO would have a serious impact on the development of JP.
  12. If he got cut for something like this (and he won't) I will personally drive to Buffalo and kick Marv, Ralph, and Jauron in the nutts.
  13. Exactly, give him a break and let him take his time. Not like it matters but last I checked he was our 4th or 5th corner at this point and while his development is important, it's not going to happen if his mind is elsewhere. Let the guy be with his family.
  14. All right first off, I've been pretty happy what I've seen from Royal this preseason; he's a lot better than I thought he was. And second, IMO Wimbley has been the most impressive rookie I've seen play this preseason; he also made a nice strip on Nall. Anyway to put this in context......its one play in the preseason, relax.
  15. The more I think about it, the more I agree with you. Probert and Brown will be remembered for a long time for what they did and Twist is more of a local legend around these parts. I know he's a goon, but he's my team's goon so I'm still a little partial to the TWISTER. In the grand scheme of things though, guys like Probert and Brown have done more to go down as greatest enforcers of all time. That being said I'd still put Twist up against either one.
  16. I thought Bunkley looked pretty good when he played; he just hasn't had too many snaps. Wimbley from Cleveland looks like he is going to be a pretty good player and so does Kiwi from the Giants. I'm surprised AJ Hawk hasn't had a better camp, that was the one guy I thought would make the quickest impact on his team. Not to mention I thought he was one of the "cant miss" prospects in this years draft. I still have high hopes for him though, time will tell.
  17. Hey William The Conqueror, eat my Ass! You'd figure after three Super Bowl wins the least thing you choads could do is come up with your own damn message board. That being said....... Choads-24 Bills-----17 Just don't like hearing it from some Patsy Fan
  18. 3150 Yards 22 TDs 19 Ints 330 Yards Rushing
  19. And More TWISTER ......... here is francois leroux vs tony twist, twist actually gets beat in this one but he's still one crazy !@#$er...... Another Great Twist Compilation........
  20. Are you serious AD? Twist doesn't even crack your top 8, guess we'll have to agree to disagree (wouldn't be the first time, huh ). Anyway part of me agrees with Probert as the best enforcer of this generation just because he did it for longer than Twist, but I have seen Twist whoop his ass (I know they've fought at least three times though). Anyway just because I'm a homer, here's some more TWISTER .........
  21. Eat my ass Peter King, BTW really looks like Romo will be taking over in Dallas pretty damn soon.
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