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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. I bet he'll make a damn good DB coach in years to come....wouldn't surprise me at all if he got into coaching.
  2. Hey man I love Xmas, I just can't stand the damn music.
  3. Change the Station That being said I can't stand Christmas Music either. It's palatable on the 25th and thats about it.
  4. Hey man chereos have been around a long time and are pretty damn classic. I love me some Wu Tang and they ain't nothing to !@#$ wit!!!!!!!
  5. Can't say I agree there, All eyes on me was his best IMHO and better than the other albums you listed (although I still think they are classics--especially illmatic and Enter the Wu).
  6. Nate and T.Mcgee are in for a long day and our two rookie safeties are going to learn a lot today.
  7. Yo Phil, I think he was joking.
  8. BF's Fried Noodles thread is the greatest thread of all time IMHO.
  9. Michael Irvin doesn't play in the NFL anymore, and besides he was a WR.
  10. Got this from sports.yahoo.com while checking fantasy football...................... Oct 23 Buffalo Bills head coach Dick Jauron confirmed Monday, Oct. 23, QB J.P. Losman will remain as the team's starting quarterback despite struggling for the third consecutive game Week 7.
  11. Beltran has had amazing individual success against the Cards but even in 2004 when he was lights out in the NLCS the Cards won that series. We'll have to see this year... so I don't really get the analogy.
  12. The only team in the country with both Offense and Defense ranked in the top 10 nationally--10th ranked offense and 2nd ranked D. Big Test today at Texas A & M.
  13. Think he's doing a pretty decent job cloggin the middle just like he's supposed to. I know he had a long INT return; can't remember if it went for a TD or not.
  14. I hate both these choads. I hope Shamrock can at least put up a fight this time but I don't see that happening. Can't wait to see Lidell beat the piss out of Tito in December.
  15. I don't know if he'll never develop into a decent corner but like you I've seen quite a bit of him as well and he gets burned all the damn time. Just seems to be lost on the field. Someone will take a chance on him as a nickle back sooner than later I think. He's got all the physical ability and is very young; he just doesn't seem to know how to play at this level.
  16. Is it time to resurect the greatest thread of all time again? Gotta love those famous fried noodles.
  17. My man Poojer speaks the truth, 12 bud lights and 6 J-Bombs a night will have you waking up next to skanks and fat chicks in no time. Don't ask me how I know .
  18. Why don't you find a sports bar with NFL Sunday Ticket?
  19. First of all this is just some BS that Peter King is assuming has carried over from last season. Last Season there might have been a hint of truth to this. This year JP won the damn job in an outright three way competition. He won the job and was given the same chance as the other two to come to camp and show a new coaching staff what he could bring to the table. I just don't see too many guys in our locker room being on the Kelly Holcomb bandwagon anymore.
  20. I'm just glad the Blues finally have an owner who is willing to spend some damn money. If it wasn't for the Lorys we'd probably still have Pronger and we wouldn't of had to lease out Doug Weight for a year .
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