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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. 87% scored higher (more stupid), 3% scored the same, and 10% scored lower (less stupid). You are 10% stupid. This means...
  3. Don't forget about Entourage....the best show on HBO. New season starts in May I think, only thing that sucks is that the show is only 30mins and not an hour.
  4. I wouldn't mind him as a solid number 1B back but I just don't see him as a feature back. A big part of the reason Addai started towards the end of the year was because Rhodes felt more comfortable and more effective coming off the bench. I am a firm believer that we should have a solid two back system like a lot of teams are adopting these days.
  5. Just the messenger? Well then who the hell came up with the post? I need to add them to the list, pronto.
  6. Why don't you right a petition to get that saying banned from this board and see if you can get people to sign it. C'mon you can do it........ Getr Done!
  7. I'll add you to the list I just started: People who can eat my ass 1. Belicheck 2. BenchBledsoe
  8. Not gonna happen.....think DC United was going to break the bank for him.
  9. Who the hell cares what his 40 time was?
  10. Thats the coolest thing I've ever seen.
  11. Git er done..................................wait, who? Oh, nevermind.
  12. Good point, but still........................
  13. Well, Leon Hall might be fast but I don't like drafting anyone who I'm stronger than.................
  14. Tuesday-Combine Results Runs a 4.32 then throws up 27 reps on the bench press . Leads both categories for DBs.
  15. You mean all the pre-combine Mocks that don't mean a damn thing. Come to think of it the post combine mocks don't mean a damn thing either. How many mocks did you see last year that had us taking Whitner at 8. IMO it is very, very possible Okoye is gone by 12.
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