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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. Mock Draft Don't know about the middle two picks but really like the Smith pick in round 3.
  2. Its a pro-day number which always come out to be better than the combine. The year before DeAngelo Hall came out of school he worked out a VT's proday just for the hell of it and was rumored to run a 4.18. Nobody runs a 4.18! And as a previous poster mentioned, arm length is never considered in bench press numbers but should be. Guys with longer arms tend to bench less reps but doesn't necessarily effect functional strength (shedding blocks and what not)
  3. I miss the Bib myself, even though we did kind of get off on the wrong foot. Here's to the Bib As for my current favorite.....I have to say that goes to Smokin and Jokin......seems to be the closest poster to my way of thinking.
  4. I was at the Bar last year getting hammered drunk and watching the games.....I miss being self-employed.....its like being unemployed but you still make some money.
  5. You can watch every game for free!! Just sign in and it will take you to a waiting room. Even if it indicates that there is a long wait....it doesn't take longer than 5 minutes to get live NCAA action. Tourney Action Linkage It comes equipped with a "Boss Button" that instantly brings up a giant spreadsheet. Very Nice!
  6. Thats my homeboy Waino. Played High School Football with him in Georgia and now he pitches for my Cardinals, which means free tickets for me. Anyway, its pretty much my claim to fame these days, pretty sad.
  7. I was being sarcastic....I like turner but I'd rather spend 1 of our draft picks on an unproven starter rather than two high picks on San Diego's unproven starter.
  8. I think Michael Turner would be the answer to our RB question and what do you think it would take to get him here? I'd be willing to give up a 1st and a 3rd. Thoughts? Just f-ing with everyone.......somebody had to start at least one Turner thread today.
  9. 44.5!!!! Man this thing really passes the last hour at work
  10. 1. Wake Up 2. Insert ass into recliner 3. Chief a Bowl to get rid of my hangover 4. Watch 2 hours of pregame in HD glory on my new 61 inch Samsung DLP 5. Watch the game 6. Order a Samich 7. Watch more football
  11. Pipe dream.....too many holes to fill to trade away all those picks.
  12. Didn't realize there was a curse but now that I think about there must be....put Tim Anderson on that fugger.
  13. Martin Rucker TE This guy is a freaking beast......the scary thought though is that he's not even the best TE on that team.
  14. I'll give them something to pull off.
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