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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. This thread can't be in honor of LSI b/c you forgot the
  2. I don't know if its illegal but its annoying as hell and kind of dangerous...... I had a labral tear repaird a few years ago, and was in a sling for 2 months. You can drive an automatic but don't try to do anything else like change the radio, role down a window, or adjust a mirror..........then it gets complicated.
  3. NICE! when can I order my Jersey
  4. Yeah it was and on defense it was the William Moore bowl, the guy who single handedly B word slapped Mcfadden and F. Jones........16 tackles 1FF, 1 int returned for a TD 3 tackes for loss . I love Tony Temple, we should give him a look if we weren't so loaded at RB.
  5. Who said anything about him being dumb, I just said he says "most definetly" a lot.
  6. Anytime during an interview that James Hardy says "most definitely" drink 1/3 of your beer. Anytime he says "most definitely not" you have to chug the rest of your drink. You'll be wasted by the end of the interview.
  7. Slothrop, Why are you taking the NO after your workout? Yeah its got some creatine in it but its a pre-workout supplement that is really intended to give you that exta Pump you feel during your workouts. The creatine in NO is minmal and furthermore its counteracted by the amount of caffeine thats in the supplement. If you like the effects of the NO, trust me, you'll like the effects of the NO even more when you stack it with BSN Cell-Mass. Cell Mass is a Creatine/Recovery supplement that IMO is the best supplement on the market, I love this stuff! The NO gets you pumped up in the gym and causes you to get great workouts and the Cell-Mass ensures that you get optimal benefits/results from working so hard. Don't take NO after your workouts go get a bottle Cell-Mass and take that instead (plus Cell-Mass tastes good, not like NO which taste like sh*t). Trust me after 2-3 weeks on both the NO and the Cell Mass I made some signifcant strength gains. BSN recommends a 12 week cycle with a 4 week off cycle for both NO-Explode and Cell-Mass (thats a long fuggin cycle though I usually do about an 8 week cycle). Also you will build an immunity to the NO-Explode like John from Hemet said (especially if your doing 3 scoops pre workout). Thats why its good to cycle off of it. In additon after you get off Creatine your body will lose a lot of the water weight it causes you to hold and you'll naturally get more cut up anyway. Heres the routine I've followed for the last 6 months with the best results I've ever had.......... Creatine Cycle 8 weeks Pre Workout--NO Explode (I only do 2 scoops though) Post Workout --Cell Mass (1 scoop on training days right after working out, 2 on off days: 1 in am, 1 at night) 200 grams of Protein every day (Shakes and Meals) Cutting Cycle 7 weeks Animal Cuts (2 packs daily for 3 weeks, 1 week off, 2 packs daily for 3 weeks) Drink lots of water, cut calories (especially sugars and sodium) and still consume at least 150 grams of Protein Daily This combo will get you fuggin ripped. Heres links for the other Supplements, you should try these.................. BSN CELL MASS ANIMAL CUTS ABB PURE PRO EXTREME BODY 50 SHAKES
  8. 28. Jacksonville Jaguars -- William Moore, S, Missouri Moore emerged as a playmaking machine in 2007, when he notched 114 tackles and eight interceptions. At 6-1 and 215 pounds he could be the versatile strong safety Jacksonville needs opposite FS Reggie Nelson. This is who we need to draft...........Dudes an absolute Freak! Willy Mo FO SHO!
  9. Pretty sure he was being sarcastic there bud.
  10. He told me I could, so its all good.
  11. I plead the 5th on that one.
  12. I wish he went to UK then I wouldn't be forced to hate him.
  13. I'm not 25, just celebrating my 4th consecutive 22nd B-day. Thanks fellas.
  14. Anybody else catch this late yesterday on ESPN, the entire panel of "experts" was asked this question. I'm not a big fan of McShay but he said Leodis would instantly become the most dangerous returner in the league with the exception of D. Hester. I didn't realize that McKelvin returned 7 punts for TDs and 1 KR for a TD.
  15. Cheifs had a pretty sick draft too IMO.
  16. That might be the best highlight reel ever, I like this pick a lot.
  17. No More GAYhawks please
  18. Man I wish we could have gotten Rucker though.
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