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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. No the knock was that he was never asked to be an in-line blocker at Mizzou and instead lined up outside on EVERY down and nobody knows what kind of blocker he is.
  2. Na man, Hardy's just keepin it real.
  3. Yeah I def. don't know for sure but I did throw up once, the pain in my gut was pretty intense all day and then just disapeared. I had the flu twice this year so I can't imagine that was the culprit. If my stomache is in pain tomorrow I'm blaming those damn Maters.
  4. So Yesterday I woke up with one hell of a stomach ache that proceeded to get worse and worse as the day went on.........by about 2pm I was very light headed and dizzy at work and ended up going home a few hours early. By the time I went home my stomache was in some serious pain....I ended up going to bed about 3pm, got up at 6pm and barfed, got up at midnight and I felt almost completely normal. When I woke up this morning at 6 am I felt almost back to 100%. I kept trying to remember if I had eaten any Tomatoes on Weds. but I couldn't remember doing so untill today when it dawned on me about an hour ago that I had eaten a sandwich from Panera Bread that had Tomatoes on it. Only problem was, it also dawned on me that I had eaten the same damn sandwich today for lunch and now my fuggin stomache is starting to hurt again.............hopefully its just in my head and I'm not in for Round 2. Just stay away from those damn tomatoes.
  5. 1. Steve Johnson 2. Fred Jackson 3. Marv Levy
  6. No sh*t, I've snuck booze into concerts and games but who takes sand to the beach? Its a bar Marshawn, they got everything you need there and they'll even call you a cab or a limo if you ask.
  7. He is tall, only problem is that he sucks at Wide Receiver.
  8. That doesn't in anyway indicate the extent of the damage; I was side-swiped about a month ago on I-70, my rear bumber was scratched and it got marked in the same manner as did Marshawn's car on his police report. It could have been touched up with some paint. My quarter panel was F*cked up (5 grand worth of damage) and it was given the same mark as my bumper and tail-light.
  9. Yeah I must have missed it too, where do you see the amount of damage on the car?
  10. Nope, Deep Voice.................if he knows the answer then we are DOOMED!
  11. Hopefully Deep Voice doesn't have the answer to your question
  12. Anchor Man Slackers
  13. Or the fact that it sucked balls.
  14. Joe Dirt- instant classic IMO DANG! Made Superbad
  15. Thats exactly what it means dumbass, don't you possess any reading comprehension sills? Jesus Ramius, just when I thought this board got a little smarter because LSI is no longer here you go and post this....................
  16. I got $5 on it.
  17. Because Stevey Johnson is a camera whore. JK I think we got 2 stud WRs in this draft, SJ is going to be a MAJOR steal IMO.
  18. I was thinking massage with a happy ending, anybody can get one of those.............it would still do him some good.
  19. Don't forget though, he can't post but he's always watching............ Hey LSI if you are reading this...................... Quit, and take Tater's advice, go get laid.
  20. Rivals.com Player Power Rankings Looks like they agree with Ol' Stl Bills on who the top DB is..........William Moore How'd your team do, my Tigers were rated as follows..... Chase Daniel #3 QB......Should be #2 behind Tebow Chase Coffman #2 TE Sean Weatherspoon #6 LB Jeremey Maclin #3WR Jeremey Maclin #1 ST player William Moore #1 DB Dave Christenson #1 Offensive Cord. :lol:
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