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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. ......best Defensive player in the Nation.
  2. I got linked to the Steve Tasker video
  3. Yeah that exactly what he was saying
  4. Well just in case................
  5. No he didn't transfer, something came up with his eligability due to ACC rules (I think) and the Big 12 was more lenient and he was able to get into school right away at Mizzou. I suppose he could have gone to UT but, well you know......... And tell your boy Mack to get it right (this from Big 12 media day).....................
  6. Apparently you haven't seen 2girls1cup
  7. Yo Ramius, do you know anything about this guy Brian Coulter my tigers picked up? He was a Juco player who was supposed to play at FSU (rivals and few others indicated he would have had a strong shot at starting at DE for your Seminoles) but he was ruled ineligable. Everyone in columbia is acting like he's the next best thing since sliced bread and he hasn't played a down yet. Brian Coulter
  8. aint that a type of baby horse BlueFire
  9. Yeah the GB game last year was borderline hillarious........Cheese Heads everywhere. They had trouble selling out a number of games considering how bad they were. Everyone here in St. Louis was bitching about the blackouts...........for the first half of the season anyway, then nobody cared.
  10. Guess they're figuring Bills/Rams won't be that big of a draw. Oh well, guess it will be easier to get some good seats then. I wouldn't figure the Super Bowl Champion Giants coming to town would be that hard to sell out though.
  11. Thats not the point...........this stuff happens all the time. A good friend of mine was a scout sniper in the Marine Corps. and was only required to do two tours in Iraq, he ended up doing 3 (the third was voluntary) and became one of the highest decorated soilders in the entire state of MO (he was a Silver Star Recipient). He'd been done with his active duty in the military for about a year, locked down a job he loved coaching football at the high school we went to and became engaged. Then somehow the Military changed their policy and somehow (don't know all the specifics) tried to force him into a fourth tour in Iraq. Meanwhile his friend, who desperately wanted to do anther tour, was denied reinlistment because he had gotten some tattoos below his elbows. My buddy pretty much told the Marine Corps. to shove it up there ass but it took the help of Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill to get the whole thing to go away. It was rediculous.
  12. As I"ve said before in regard to your posts......... BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOO THIS MAN!!!!
  13. I can think of an apropriate hand signal............or at least a finger signal.
  14. Benn was one of the nations highest rated recruits, correct?
  15. Mine is easy (although Jeremy Maclin is a close second)...............William "Willy Mo" Moore. Dudes an absolute beast, says his goal for the year is ten pics.........he's like Sean Taylor with better ball skills. Best DB in the nation IMHO. Willy Mo Interview
  16. Did you just ask Pyrite Gal to elaborate on something?
  17. Agreed, and its a fun rivalry/game.........not a lot of animosity. I live in Ofallon,Mo now as does my cousin and her husband.....both Illinois grads. We'll be going to the game together and it should be a blast. Now if they went to Kansas on the other hand, I would never be caught dead with them in public.
  18. The old lady when she's playin my skin flute.
  19. Yeah although Illinois has become a rivalry game as well, although with nowhere near the animosity in the KU/MU game. IMO Illinois is a better team and I think its a more dangerous game being the first game of the year. But I'll also be going to Aarowhead for KU/MU. And we'll also be beating the crap out of your longhorns this year
  20. Not really its a great atmosphere and while it would be to their advantage to play in Columbia its always at the Dome here in Saint Louis. IMO this could easily be Mizzou's toughest game of the year but I don't see them losing.......their loaded this year and have a ton of Senior leadership. I have a feeling my Tigers are going to put a beating to a lot of good teams this year.
  21. I'll be at Mizzou/Illinois . Go Tigers!
  22. I just drove by that thing on the way to a wedding in Ft. Wayne and seeing it off the interstate all I could say was WoW! Its fuggin huge!.......not to mention pretty sweet looking. It really did look like you could fit about two of the old stadiums in the new building. Its unreal how tall it is. Don't know about the seating inside but from the outside its pretty impressive.
  23. People here are PISSED to say the least. Its like everyone around St. Louis got a giant kick in the nuts when they got up this morning......guess you'd just have to be from St. Louis to understand but people from here were really proud about AB and Budweiser.
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