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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. Yup 2.0L 4 cylinder Bosch CIS (constant injection system I think)
  2. 1977 Porsche 924--glorified VolksWagon but I rebuilt it from the ground up it with my Old Man so the memories were priceless. 1997 Nissan 240sx--loved that car, got laid for the first time in the passenger seat so the memories were priceless.
  3. far and away the best poster on this board
  4. Thats not what I'm saying at at all, I admit it affects his stats but not by a margin of Seven Pics. Thats my argument, I know guys like Rey M. are going to be getting a sh*tload of tackles themselves. Anyway, agree to disagree....good job and thanks for the good read.
  5. Yeah but "offensive systems" can drastically increase stats....just as the spread offense has seen the offensive stats of Tebow, Daniel, and Harrel explode over the last few years. Thats the difference between a guy like Chang and other QBs like Young and Leinhart (although Young and Leinhart put up pretty impressive stats themselves). The same can't really be said for defense, although having other talented players on a defensive could reduce the amount of plays an individual makes it doesn't explain such a gap between Moore and Mays. Moore lead the NCAA in Ints last year and is the best ballhawk in the Nation but it doesn't end there.........he's a 230lb wrecking machine that is equal parts head hunter as he is ballhawk. Mays may have all the physical attributes to be a great safety (although Moore's are off the charts) but he's way too inconsistent to be considered in the same class as my boy Willy Mo. Just wait for Sat., somebody in Blue and Orange is going to get there lunch money stolen.
  6. I really don't mind their strategy..............keeping meaningfull players out of meaningless games.
  7. He plays College Baseball? I don't know if loyal is really the word for it, I consider myself more of a Mizzou pimp......whoring out my team to whoever will listen. Watch Maclin Saturday Night, its going to be Nasty By the way........."it look like a leprachaun to me, who all seen the leprachaun up in da tree say YEAHHH!! YEAHHHH!!!!!!!!"
  8. Yeah forgot to say thanks Rich, good job as always
  9. Since Jp will be gone I'll take a late round flyer on this guy instead......
  10. You know I'm going to respectfully disagree with your first team All-American Safeties. William Moore would Eat Taylor Mays and Nic Harris for breakfast. Taylor Mays....67 Tackles 1 pic William Moore.....117 Tackles 8 pics
  11. Ok so let me get this straight.....your unattractive ex-female roomate who never even gave you a BJ and takes dumps every 15 minutes causing your bathroom to smell like complete sh*t all day moved out.............what am I missing here, I would have kicked that biatch out a long time ago.
  12. I just know my Tigers are going to beat that ass on Sept. 20th
  13. Thats what you get for drafting pus*ies from KU.
  16. Yeah I thougth I was the only one who caught that........"This big Offensive Line is running on all seven cylinders". WTF kind of engine has 7 cylinders? I know the Audi 5000 was a five cylinder but never heard of a seven cylinder engine.
  17. Not really
  18. I got one, I work in a very small office about 25 employees.........probably 15 guys. We have a bathroom that has two stalls and two urinals and this one guy (he's extremely weird) is always riding shotgun in the other stall when I'm trying to take a dump. I mean, I understand if its an emergency but just give me my 5 minutes of privacy while I dominate and then you can have your turn. I don't need to hear you grunting & farting up a storm while I'm trying to read my paper in peace. And he does the strangest thing.....he flushes the toilet at least 6-7 times when in there......no BS. I've heard of a "courtesy flush" but what in the hell could you be eating that would warrent flushing that much. I don't like talking about people behind their back so I try not to engage in conversation about anothers bathroom habits but its kind of become an inside joke around here about the "mad flusher" and his weird habits.
  19. First off I admit I'm extremely biased but I don't see any reason my boy Chase can't make it in the NFL....he's the same size as Drew Brees. I've heard some say he's got a good but not great arm....check out this video and tell me he doesn't get a ton of zip on the old pig skin......... Not to mention he might be the most accurate QB I've ever seen, college or pro.......no BS.
  20. Pretty sure he was just grabbing that thumb that was bugging him earlier in camp.....didn't look that serious. He was talking and smiling with some coaches on the sideline after he was pulled from the game.....think he's OK.
  21. He looked great IMO, I didn't think he'd be anywhere near this far along already.
  22. Don't know if this has already been discussed (couldn't find it anywhere) but Hardy isn't traveling with the team for tonight's game according to the article on TBD. Really hope this hammy doesn't linger much longer. Linky
  23. I still say my Tigers could beat all those teams in the top 5. We are going to be absolutely nasty this year! Willy Mo for President!
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