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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. Uggg, no offense fellas but if thats the talent you guys are working with there in the B-lo I feel bad for ya. I think #7 is hot, but the rest of the bunch I'm having a hard time finding 3 I'd even bang....and I'm not that picky after a few cocktails.
  2. NO NO NO this is the real SHOCKER...... SHOCKER
  3. Give the guy a break man, he's just keepin it real.
  4. OK maybe I'm a little over zealous when it comes to my Mizzou tigers, but I've never claimed to be unbiased.....in fact I've openly admitted to whoring out my team to whoever will listen. Getting past Okie State and Texas won't be easy but I think we'll do it, hopefully we'll get to see OU in the Big XII title game again this year.
  5. No he played tackle just not for that long, think it was only about a season and a half and he was a DE prior to that. Didn't even start playing football untill age 20 I think. He's probably way to tall to play center.
  6. Don't get mad just b/c you still know Mizzou would beat that ass by at least 2TDs.....its OK.
  7. No I just don't think that is as important of a question as you do. Mizzou hasn't had a single three and out all year......NOT 1! Our defense has not but played great this year but our best player has been hampered all year with foot injury and will be back healthy for Okie State. Its obvious we have different opinions but the whole argument is a dumb one unless they somehow meet in the national title game.
  8. Yeah and Clemson or UGA's offense is no where close to Mizzou's offense....
  9. We only need a few seconds on the field to score
  10. To each their own, but I don't see a team in the NCAA that could hold Mizzou under 40 points this year. Nebraska might not be much anymore but Illinois is a good football team, they hung with Penn State all the way to the end of that game.
  11. Happy B-Day!
  12. Don't get me wrong I think Alabama is an excellent team from the two games I've seen but I just don't think they have the fire power to score points with Mizzou or OU. Mizzou is leading the nation in scoring and is YET to have a three and out this year.....thats fuggin nuts. I think people need to quit drinking the SEC koolaid and realize in 2008 the best conference in the NCAA is the Big 12.
  13. I didn't mean that the orgaization was anything close to the UFC but Affliction does have some quality talent, mainly in the heavyweight division. As for Fedor, you can def. make a solid argument for Anderson Silva (my personal favorite) as the best fighter in the world but to be honest I go back and forth on that issue all the time. I just want Dana White to find a way to open up his pockets and get Fedor in the UFC.
  14. Dude that is not MMA its Elite XC which is like watching the local semi-pro baseball team. Watch UFC or Affliction if you want to see some real MMA and then you'll understand.
  15. I think its freaking awesome Cubs Suck. Cubs < RJ
  16. THE CUBS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUNCH OF FUGGING LOSERS!!!!!! HA HA
  17. Sorry to Fan in Chicago, guess I wasn't thinking........just used to people bitchin just to B word around here
  18. Here's an idea, please don't waste your time by whining about things that displease you.....nobody cares.
  19. Good one Choad, but I pretty sure thats not what I meant.
  20. Whats up with all the Bills family members tailgating for the game? I was tailgating right next to Moorman's family who were up from Oklahoma to watch the game. Real nice people.
  21. HEY LADUMBASS, remember how you bitched and moaned that Jason Allen was BY FAR the best DB in 2006. Do everybody a favor and just STFU. BAWK BAWK!!!!!
  22. Way to wuss out on my over/under question
  23. HA!!!! That was my question. I'm always on these damn chats for College football and I never make it on there.
  24. Actually AD....Carriker and Hill could really be considered busts at this point and could very easily fall under the same category of No talent ass clowns. Many were hoping Ty Hill would have been cut to send a message rather than F. Brown. Tye Hill=Toast.
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