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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. In the future, when attempting to be giant douche, please grab a spoon so you can have something to eat my ass with.
  2. Quit bringing your negative vibes up in here in my thread Alphadog....its working just fine. Must be something with your PC.
  3. Who cares BB? I don't think I'm that wrapped up in football to be honest, got a lot more important things in my life right now.....its just something I enjoy.
  4. worked for me just takes a second to load.
  5. Don't talk to me about the other guys in this draft, we should draft this guy.......the greatest receiving TE in NCAA history........... NOTE: MAKE SURE YOU CLICK "WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY"
  6. Well having seen both of Rucker and Coffman over their entire college careers...... Coffman is the way better pro prospect.
  7. Thats a great choice, guarantee you won't be able to tell the difference between 720 and 1080 on a 32 inch. Just a word of advice about Best Buy..... a lot of people don't realize you can haggle with the sales guys a little. When I bought my 61 inch Samsung DLP I got a hell of a deal (at the time,they are much cheaper now). It was $2499. I told the guy I'd buy the TV if they gave me a free stand (the stands were $300), When it was all said and Done I ended up walking out of the store with my TV, stand, an X-box game, High Def X-box cords, and a HD directv receiver all for $2500. Most would have just got the TV. Circuit City and Ultimate Electronics were right across the street so I just kept walking from store to store untill I got the best deal.....worked out pretty well. I don't know if you can pull anything when you're spending about $500 but its always worth a shot, worst they can do is say no.
  8. Here's a Sony Bravia......only a 720 but as a previous poster mentioned, its plenty of resolution for the size you are buying.....really no point in getting a 1080. Its $569 shipped....... Sony 32 in LCD
  9. Dude, how the hell can you play games on a 32 inch TV. 61 inches of HD Glory is the only way to game it online. JK but screw Best Buy....if you are not financing you should def. buy online. Just use google shopping, but make sure to read the reviews of the company you're purchasing from. Here's your same exact LG model for $695 shipped. Butterfly Photo I used Butterfly Photo to get my girlfriend a digital camera for her birthday, Ordered it on a Monday, got it on Wednsday of the same week. I live in St. Louis and they are out of Jersey...pretty quick. Seems like your item is out of stock though.
  10. Well I thought I had a good two pages of discussion prior to your post....thats kind of what I was going for, to discuss my issue with fellow Bills fans.
  11. Good one douchebag , I guess I'm not a real fan for voicing my frustration.
  12. 32 degrees Kelvin is -241 degrees Celsius.....thats f-in cold.
  13. I'm with ya there inkman, and then you'd be on easy street the rest of the year......I'd be all "Hell na I'm not writing that paper! And if you don't give me an A I'm telling everbody about that blinky (#4 on the list) I gave you in that hotel room!"
  14. I agree with you for the most part Jay and especially about the real Problem not having a football guy in the front office. I guess my underlying point of the whole thread is......if you had a real "football guy" in the front office like we once had in Bill Polian, you wouldn't have to work so hard to market this team to the fans. The more effort at actually putting a good product on the field means less effort at having to try to sell this crap to the fans. You can try to polish a turd all you want, at the end of the day its still a turd. Its obvious that the Buffalo faithfull are more than loyal seeing that even though there hasn't been a great product on the field they've still showed up year after year. If we could actually produce a winner once in while, marketing this team would be an afterthought. It just seems like they have their priorities backwards.
  15. yeah or weightlifting
  16. I didn't mean to start a bitchfest in my thread.....I was just venting a little. I'm never going to jump ship as a Bills fan, hell I got too much damn time and emotion invested at this point to give up. Here's to hoping you're right.
  17. more like.............
  18. Fair Enough! I agree with you but my point is we don't have to give guys pro-bowl money when in reality their below average football players. Are you telling me you can't attract a damn good offensive lineman to Buffalo with $49 million dollars? You should be getting a pro-bowler if you are going to spend that type of money.
  19. Longest Postseason Drought Buffalo Bills 1999 Wildcard Detroit Lions 1999 Wildcard
  20. What's the difference at this point?
  21. So what? Dockery was a free agent, he came here because he got paid, as would most. Just because you have spend a certain amount of money doesn't mean you have to spend it like a dumbass. Thats one of the dumbest arguments I've ever heard.
  22. Isn't Indy getting rid of it?
  23. That wasn't my point, if you read my post I acknowledge we have money...that doesn't mean that it is money we will actually be spending. My point is that if you are a team in a small market and can't afford to give out money to everybody who comes available (ala Jerry Jones and the Cowboys) then you can't afford to misjudge the value of the players you actually do give big contracts to like Chris Kelsay and Derrick Dockery. Without those contracts on the books, we would still be able to pursue a proven IMPACT player like a Julius Peppers. Dockery and Kelsay aren't exactly IMPACT players.......they are average at best and grosley overpaid. The Dockery signing doesn't bother me as much as the Kelsay extension because at the time we desperately needed O-Line help but his contract is a little rediculous IMO. As for Kelsay, who has been a Buffalo guy from day one....I'd like to know exactly what the FO saw in him that really warranted the money on the extension.
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