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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. I didn't think you were saying that just that I personally wouldn't mind him at 11 myself.....I don't know why everyone is so excited about this years DE class....nobody is a surefire can't miss prospect and IMO Jerry is a better pick than all of them. Orakpo is overrated IMO, I saw him play a lot in Texas and he's a good player but I don't think he's a game changer, I don't like what I've seen from Maybin's workouts and the fact that all of it came in one year...I like the Devin Thomas comparison that a previous poster made, and I don't know about Everette Brown because I haven't seen much of him.
  2. I like Jerry a lot too but I think that gap is a lot bigger than you think, I wouldn't mind having Jerry at 11 but Raji is an absolute beast...... BJ RAJI Highlights
  3. Raji is the first player in years I can actually say I'd be willing to trade up for.
  4. Raji would be sweet...too bad its not going to happen, I was blasted when I suggested Sidibury in the second.....he reminds me a lot of Umenyora.
  5. There is no TE in the draft that can hold Coffman's jock when it comes to being a receiving TE.
  6. Hell no, we just signed TO remember Yeah I think Pettigrew is going to be a really good TE but we need to go Defense in Rd 1 IMO. This year has a lot of good TEs to choose from...get one in round 2 or 3.
  7. I know I misunderstood the original post, he wasn't re-arrested for posession of cocaine, rather just violated his original probation for the cocaine charge by getting caught drinking beer.
  8. He's f-cked, especially in Florida where they are really hard on drug related offenses.....I bet he does at least a few months in Jail. Probably the end of his career.
  9. NCAA all time leader in receptions by a TE....what more can you ask for?
  10. That ain't sh--, I once snuck 7 beers into Aarowhead stadium, the last one I didn't have room for in my pants so I just took off my beanie and put the beer in my hat. I walked into Aarowhead with a hat on that was exactly in the shape of a beer...made it through pat-downs with 6 beers in my pants.....epic.
  11. Uh yeah but we did take McKelvin, and just signed a CB in free agency. No way in hell do we take a CB.
  12. I bet he does go late first as he is a riser on most draft boards but my point was I'm just not that thrilled with a lot of the DEs at #11, I like Everette Brown the best out of the bunch but would much rather have Raji or Jerry.
  13. DT Peria Jerry Ole Miss. I'm not really crazy about any of this years DEs (although I admit I've really only seen a lot of Orakapo, who screams "workout warrior" to me). I'd love Raji but I don't see him there at 11. How bout this for a dream draft..... 1. Peria Jerry DT Ole Miss 2. Robert Ayers DE Tenn 3. Chase Coffman TE Mizzou
  14. Yeah for talking to an agent, not exactly keeping it real like Marshawn. But I still say we go DE....unless by the grace of god BJ Raji falls in our lap.
  15. Bennett is the definition of bum........no thanks.
  16. Like it but I'd look at going TE in round 3 as I think there will be some great value there in the third.....I'm not that big on Herman Johnson, he's huge but not very athletic and has crappy footwork.
  17. Beat me to it, I think he has even more than that though.
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