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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. Yeah those guys are ALSO giant douchebags.
  2. Personally, I think if you need advice on how pick up on chicks from some dude who has to where a giant douchey hat to get attention you have no shot.......unless you win the lottery.
  3. Don't take girl advice from a dude that gets his from some douche on MTV named Mystery. Seriously.
  4. You can't avoid taking her places, that's not going to solve anything....if you got a hot gf, guys are going to check her out.....period. I actually kind of like the fact that guys check out my gf, there is something satisfying in it..... Anyway, the problem is is that his gf seems to like the fact that she's being hit on and might be overly flirty with these dudes. Thats a major red flag IMO.
  5. You can't trust girls that are OVERLY flirty with other guys.....that's just common sense. I'm not a jealous guy by any stretch of the imagination, but then again my gf doesn't give me any reason to be jealous. Sure she has a lot of guy friends and I get along with all of them as does she with my girl friends. I'm just saying, we don't hide anything from each other and that's how I know I can trust her. If your not just one of those "overly jealous" guys and you still find yourself not feeling totally confident with your position in your relationship, then she's probably not doing a good enough job of not making you feel like you are the only one she wants. I think it would piss just about any guy off if their gf was openly flirty with other guys. I'm just saying, where there is smoke there is fire.....maybe not now but someday.
  6. I'd just give out your email or phone number and then screen the potential buyers that way, it would be hard to move all the furniture and they are not going to buy it without looking at it. If somebody sounds like a weirdo just tell them its sold......everybody who came to look at my girlfriends car was pretty sane, although you never know and I shared your concerns about giving out my address. I guess thats the drawback of Craigslist, unless you find a place to store the furniture away from your home.
  7. Phd in Bio-Med.....you'll do fine, Congrats Dumbass!
  8. I actually decided to go with this Kenmore because it was actually rated a lot higher by consumer reports than all the Dysons, Kirbys, and other high priced vacuum cleaners, its about $250....... http://shopping.yahoo.com/p:Kenmore%20Prog...wNwWepGbxLAnrsF
  9. Posted my girlfriends 2000 Cavalier that needed a fuel pump and had a salvage title. I threw the posting up about an hour before I left work, bunch of calls came in, set up for about 5 different people to look at the car when I got home, a half hour after I got home it was sold..................for $1200 which was about twice what I was expecting to get.
  10. Yeah turns out they don't do well on taller/thicker carpet which is what I have so I guess it back to the drawing board. I'm trying to find something that is good on pet hair with the new dog and all. The Dyson vacuum cleaners get good reviews but damn that's a lot for a vacuum cleaner.
  11. Do those things actually work? How good are they at picking up dog hair? Vacuum just crapped out and since I'm extra busy and extra lazy, was thinking bout getting one.
  12. I didn't click the link, he didn't f*ck another picnic table did he?
  13. I bet somebody could get that engine rebuilt for about $2500 and so if you sold it for $500, they've have a car for about 3k. I wouldn't do it but I'm sure it sounds appealing to somebody.
  14. craigslist it first.....sold my girlfriend's 2000 salvaged cavalier with a bad fuel pump yesterday for $1200......I wouldn't have paid $300 for it. One man's trash is another man's treasure. I'd put it on craigslist for $500 and a picture, just be honest about the condition and if you know exactly whats wrong with it that could help. You'll be surprised.
  15. Jack Buck was the fuggin man; don't know what that has to do with your post but I just wanted to throw that out there. I miss him and Mike Shannon doing the Cards games . JB was a total class act and the poem he read after 911 right before he died was one of the most classy and touching things I've ever seen....... . Hey, are the Richmond Renegades still around? I grew up in Midlo....in Brandermill. Used to go to the coliseum all the time as a kid and watch Scott Gruel and my Richmond Renegades, those were the days.
  16. Couldn't agree more.......I about pissed my pants when they were watching the security footage of them stealing Tyson's tiger. The credits were great.
  17. That's actually the route I'd probably go, there are both local German Shepherd and Golden Retriever Rescues in the area. Good looking pooch Gringo.
  18. No, but (I can't believe I'm going to say this) I could be about 3-4 years away from saying yes . Right now its just me and my girlfriend....we live together and both work full time but slightly different hours, and I live really close to work so I'm home for an hour each day. I have a big fenced in back yard too.
  19. German Shepherd or Golden Retriever? Hell, I might get one of each......I've been going back and forth for a few months now. I've had a lot of experience with both breeds but just can't make a decision.
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