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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. sarcasm my friend, sarcasm.
  2. Let T Mcgee return em next week.
  3. No worries here Cincy....I'm not one to be easily offended.
  4. If he can continue playing like he has the first two weeks.....we will have a Pro Bowl FS. I wanted Ngata too but you can't play the coulda/woulda/shoulda game when it comes to the draft, if you get a good player you should be content.....its a crapshoot.
  5. fair enough, I apologize for the name calling.....
  6. I just figured if you were going to be a big enough douche bag to correct somebody's spelling you might want to at least make sure you spell things correctly yourself...... like misspelling and expenses.
  7. Sorry spelling police, like I said I'm going to be an engineer, I'm good at math and not exactly the world's greatest speller. Oh and i find it funny our harping on me when your in-laws paid for both your destination wedding and your honeymoon.... thanks douche. By the way its tradition.......and woolly mammoth
  8. OK yeah that was me but that was more like 18 months ago and I met my fiance like 2 weeks after that happened and things are totally different. Never really saw my self as a guy who would ever get married and spend my life with one person but my opinion completely changed when I met my future wife....I couldn't ever imagine being without her. Anyway, I guess I should clarify....I don't expect anything. I am going to end up paying a big portion of things even though I'm kind of struggling myself. A year ago this wouldn't have been a problem, I started my own logistics company right out of college and was doing quite well....then last year my biggest customer suddenly filed for bankruptcy and owed me enough money that it ended up bankrupting my own company. I was lucky enough to get a job with a buddy of mine in the same industry but I decided that what I really want to do is go back to school and get my engineering degree. So now I'm working 50 hour weeks making less than half of what I used while putting myself through school again (my parents have offered to help with my school but I don't want them to have to pay for it, they put me through college once already). Anyway I'm going to be contributing a good portion. Neither one of us want a big, over-the-top wedding. If it was up to me we'd be on a plane back to Jamaica and do it there. Erin is not a demanding person in any way shape or form but I know she wants all of her friends and family to be able to come to our wedding....other than that she doesn't really care. The thing that pisses me off about her parents is they have drug their entire family, especially their 3 children, through the most rediculous law suit I've ever heard of. Like I said I'll spare you the details but as soon as I heard what they were suing each other over I instantly knew that it sounded like a giant waste of time and money. And thats exactly what it was and it got to the point where we couldn't even hardly hang out with either one of her parents. Every time we'd be around her mom she'd basically being telling us how big of a piece of sh*t her dad is and vice versa. Anyway I guess I just find it ironic that you dump at least 20k a piece on lawyer fees on a lawsuit that was going no where. I'm of the mind that if somebody stole something from me that was worth $500, I'm not going to go hire a lawyer for 10k to sue them for my $500....it doesn't make sense, principle or not. They always seemed to be able to find a way to pay for this thing that served absolutely no purpose other than to tear there family apart. I really don't care that much though, after writing this I guess I realized that I want our wedding to be about having a good time, being with friends and family, and starting our life together.....I'm going to have to find a way to make it work with the money I have. Thanks for the advice.
  9. Ok so my future inlaws are already being a major pain in the ass. My fiance's paren't just spend the last year wasting about 20k a piece in lawyer fees suing each other over the most rediculous law suit (I'll spare you the details on it) you've ever heard of. The judge just ruled the case "a wash" and neither party was awarded anything. Now we are trying to get married and they are acting like they don't have any money to help us with the wedding.....which I think they are being honest about it just pisses me off that they spent so much money arguing over "who helped the kids more" and now have put themselves in a position where they can't help there kids at all. Her mom seems to think that my parents should more or less split the wedding bill 50/50. My parents do have money, but IMO its besides the point.....they've helped us out on numerous occasions. When my fiance's car blew up they gave her $5000 for down payment on a car and they've been paying for 100% of her college (she's getting her nursing degree). I know my parent's will help, I just don't want to ask, nor do I think I should have to. My question is......is it even still common for the bride's parents to pay for the majority of the expenses? I know my parents would be more than willing to pay for everything that is typical of the groom's expenses I just don't think its right that her mom is suggesting that they split the bill.
  10. Kyle Williams hasn't been as much of a whipping boy around here as the others (I'm just happy he's not Tim Anderson...that guy was trash) but I agree he is playing great. Its crazy with all the hype surrounding Dorsey coming out of college that K. Williams has been the better player so far (although not all Dorsey's fault considering he was injured and now is in a scheme that really doesn't suit his style of play).
  11. I'd take McGee over any of the corners we've had in the last ten years....I love Winfield but IMO Terrence McGee is one of the most underrated players in the entire NFL. I'd def. take him over Nate any day of the week.......he might not have Nate's measurables but he is WAY more consistent and a much better player.
  12. Me too, god did they suck at run blocking too......it was like they were too fat to fire off the ball and def. too slow to pull or even get to the second level. I think Dockery might be one of the most overrated players in the entire league. Big and heavy is only a good thing if you have a bunch of road graders in the mold of Larry Allen or like the Chiefs O-line was about 5 years ago.
  13. Circles the quarterbacks.......get it
  14. GET TO THE FUGGIN QB YOU TURDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. They've only thrown to him 3 times..........maybe 2 to Evans.
  16. Yes, its in the fine print....total BS but I have to have my sunday ticket.
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