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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. I'm really hoping "home-made cookies" is code for a punch in the face......if somebody was being a complete douche bag to me because I wouldn't drive him around and buy him beer, i wouldn't bake him cookies. I'd punch him in the mouth then take a dump in his pillowcase. Grow some balls Martha Stewart.
  2. I'm all over the jets this weekend.....really like the over in the NYG/NO game too.
  3. I Like these better: 1) 5th year senior: Chris Weinke 2) Singapore: Fes or Kugo 3) Party Dude: Belushi 4) Hamden's Revenge: Rick
  4. Got destroyed? Why did you let yourself get destroyed?.... you should have told that turd to quit being a drama queen and sorry he got his panties all in a bunch over a six pack. You guys all sound like a bunch of girls....where the hell do you guys live? Somebody needs to come up there in slap some manhood in ya.
  5. Dude, so let me get this straight....you drive that douche bag around and you go to get him beer buy a 6 pack for yourself and then when he finds out you buy him a six pack back now he wants more? Fug that guy! I learned a long time ago that people don't take advantage of you if you don't let them......I'd say its my car, f off....I'll give you a ride if I'm going that way otherwise get to fuggin walking. Its not your problem these douchbags don't have a car, a mealplan, or any fuggin manners.
  6. No reason to trade away draft picks for a guy like Johnson.....the season is over. This team needs to be gutted.
  7. A Bledsoe with 4.51 speed is pretty crazy .....something tells me we might have to picking top 5 to have a shot at Blaine when he comes out.
  8. It will def. be a close game but I think Mizzou should win at home....they are 4 point underdogs too.
  9. I agree they are much safer and anybody who is lifting by themselves should use a smith machine but a regular free bench actually isolates the muscle better....dumbbells even better. When I used to go for broke on my bench press and knew I was lifting an amount of weight I would struggle with I would even use 3 spotters...One behind the the bar and two on each side of the bar with their hands directly under the weight at all times.
  10. Bangin? I think she's OK and would have def. hit it back in my single days but no way would I say she's hot......she's a 5.5, a six on a good day. To each there own I guess.
  11. A spotter isn't going to help much if you actually drop the entire bar.....if your struggling to get that last rep or two they will help but that would take pretty quick reactions and a great deal of strength to be able to grab a bar and prevent it from hitting the one lifting the weights.
  12. We were introduced through a mutual friend....it was at a bar though.
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