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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. Thanks for the kind words/advice everybody its amazing how as the day has gone on I actually feel a lot more relieved now than I do angry. Not gonna lie, still pretty hurt bc my entire life just changed today but I'm starting to realize how lucky I am that I found this shiit out now. Gonna quit feeling sorry for myself and go find the first piece of rebound Tang sooner than later. Might have to call that chick with the huge cans from a few years ago, my EX-fiance hated her. Fug it.
  2. No found out from other people and she denied denied denied until I finally had enough info to call her out on her own BS. Then she finally cracked, says she only kissed the dude...don't believe her and don't give a shiit, she made me look like a fool for long enough. Thats another thing she wasn't even good at sneaking around, so she was just out there making me look like an idiot. Luckily enough for me, some of her friends have enough respect for me that they didn't want me to be in a situation where I was actually married to this skank. I've put a roof over her head for the two years we've lived together and she hasn't paid a single bill the whole time (she was only were working part time while MY PARENTS put her through nursing school).
  3. I guess it was better to find out now than later.....just pissed bc both our parents as well as myself have spent a lot of money on a wedding now that won't happen. Selfish biatch.
  4. I literally think I could kill a motherf*cker right now...........
  5. So what happens when the dog has to take a dump?
  6. That list is complete BS....Those are unofficial hand times. Chris Johnson and Rondel Melendez hold the record at the combine with electronic timing at 4.24......but its only been around since 1999. I'd be willing to bet there are fewer than 5 players in the history of the NFL (if any) who could have ever run a sub 4.2 electronic timed 40.
  7. Happy B Day!
  8. You could always go down to Philly again and catch another baseball game, that might fill up another afternoon or two on here.
  9. You may want to use common sense. Anything called "best butt contest" probably isn't safe for work.
  10. My home value is 400-600k according to them.....I wish.
  11. Don't half ass it....pun intended.
  12. What are you trying to say Tater, you don't find my lady attractive? I really dig the whole no teeth thing, it really has its advantages..............
  13. well played sir
  14. But the Grandma from the other thread..............
  15. How did Joey Harrington not make that list?
  16. Nope, the KOMU report was false.....at least for now. People were freaking out around here this morning though.
  17. kickball is pretty much the shiit......you watch your mouth.
  18. Still can't beat this one............... Link
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