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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. He got out while the gettin was good. Here is the latest from Gabe Dearmond of Powermizzou.com 1:25 PM UPDATE: This thing has gone full circle. I'm starting to believe what we thought three months ago is right. Missouri would be included in a 16-team Big Ten. I don't think an announcement comes tomorrow. I think we're probably looking at sometime in the next couple of weeks. I think Notre Dame is included. We'll see, but I am back to feeling fairly confident of Missouri to the Big Ten. 12:39 PM UPDATE: LOTS of stuff flying around. I'll start with the biggest story out there. I've heard it from three or four places now. The Big Ten's desire is to go to 16 with the five being Missouri, Nebraska, Texas, A&M and Notre Dame. That's the dream scenario. They love Texas and want Texas. But can they get Texas? Nobody knows. The Longhorns would have to give up a lot (including the dream of their own network) to join the Big Ten. Will Texas do that? Nobody knows. My guy in Austin believes Texas is going to the PAC-10. The other thing is that to go to the PAC-10, they have to give up just as much (and maybe more) than to go to the Big Ten. IF this story is true, it lies in the hands of Texas. I go back and forth literally every half an hour trying to figure out whether I feel better or worse about things. Just no clue. But I continue to hear that tomorrow could be a huge day (either good or bad). A quote I just was told: "Don't believe ANYTHING until you hear it come out of Jim Delany's mouth."
  2. I don't know.....according to local radio here its not looking good at all, they say the big ten believes it already has the St. Louis market with Illinois, and now Nebraska has given them the KC market. They are sadly mistaken if they think Illinois gives them the Stl market.....Saint Louis is almost purely Mizzou people with a few Illini sprinkled in.
  3. My Missouri Tigers are getting screwed in this whole deal. Big Ten played them like a pawn.
  4. This is so not cool..................bye bye Big 12
  5. I've been drinking the crap out of that Jeremiah Weed. Switched off beer (not entirely) to shed a few pounds and I've been drinking Jeremiah weed and water. Its fuggin awesome.
  6. How in the hell do you have a league with 5 teams?
  7. Congrats to both of you.
  8. Bullsh!t what about 2004 when we made the play......oh yeah, fuggin Steelers Backups.
  9. Thanks to both of you for the advice/suggestions.
  10. Off topic but that's one good lookin pup SigHunter. Have two shepherds myself, both pups. 1 year old Red/Black Female, 8 month old Black Male. Best Dogs Ever!
  11. Ok so having some peeps over tonight and I'm thinking I'm making these short ribs............ http://www.entertainingrecipes.org/entree/...beef-short-ribs These Blue Cheese Mashed Potatoes....... http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/neelys/...iews/index.html And then I need something green....I was going to do this creamed spinach...... http://www.entertainingrecipes.org/side-di...nach-with-bacon but I think that might be a really heavy meal. Sound pretty damn good but I might be taking a nap 15 minutes after I eat all that. Aside from Rettata, does anybody got any good recipes for entertaining about 10 people. I'm open to all suggestions.
  12. NERDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Luck is a 6ft 4in 235 lb 20 year old who could still fill out a little bit.
  14. Just wait, by the end of the year he'll be the number 1 prospect. For the record, I think Lock is overrated, and Mallett reminds me of a young Bledsoe. I'd be lieing if I said I knew anything about Luck.
  15. The system works so you blow to start, then 5 minutes later, then every half an hour. You wouldn't get very far if somebody started it for you but I guess you could have somebody start it, wait five minutes and blow in it again...then the drunk would have half an hour of driving time. I'm sure the penalties for drunk driving would be increased because you would really have to try pretty hard to beat the system. Its not a perfect system, never said it was but it would save lives.
  16. Because driving drunk is illegal, with the exception of texting the things you listed are legal. In most states they are making texting while driving illegal. I find it hard to compare CD's and drinking coffee to drunk driving. All it would do is take away people's ability to start a car if they were over the legal limit. That is all I'm a proponent of. I used to share your same opinion until I lost my cousin to something that could have easily been prevented.
  17. Totally against that, if the car don't start and you don't drive it then there is nothing wrong with it. I understand the law technically starts with intent but that's not enforced. Think of all the people that try to drive drunk but their friends grab there keys, are we supposed to arrest them for intent, absolutely not. The reports are for those who have been convicted. They are downloaded into a database every month and sent to either the court or the offenders PO. I'm not for having the data downloaded at all just for not letting the car start if someone is over the legal limit.
  18. Are you still against airbags and ABS brakes?
  19. You gotta start somewhere I guess.
  20. I'm for putting them in all cars. And before you call me a nut, just consider this.....they have other safety devices such as seatbelts, airbags, etc all designed to keep drivers safe....how is the interlock so much different? All the cost from those other technologies were eventually passed down to the consumer and I didn't hear people biitchin about the cost of airbags. Anyway for me, the peace of mind that there aren't a crap load of drunk drivers on the roads with me and family is well worth it.
  21. In most places it trips anything over .02 for the current convicted drunk drivers who have them in their cars but they can be adjusted to any level. As far as mouthwash goes, as long as you don't consume the mouthwash the alcohol that remains on one's breath is only there for a matter of minutes. A simple rinse of water is enough to get rid of any "breath alcohol" I'm for putting them in cars and having them set at the current legal limit. I understand KD's concern that the next step would be for pushing them to lower the legal limit untill it's basically one drink, I'm not for that and I understand the concern....guess I just feel differently about the whole situation given what has happened to me and my family.
  22. Well the dumbasses anyway, but there are normal people who screw up and get DUIs....I'm one of them. I got one when I was 21. I went out with my buddies to a bar to catch a Cardinal Playoff game even though I was battling a bad sinus infection (can't keep a 21 year old from a bar and his buddies I guess). Anyway I had a couple of beers and I was NOT drunk, barely had a buzz.....I wasn't feeling well so I decided to go home. On the way home, I stopped by Taco Hell to grab something to eat and while waiting in line to get my food a huge fight breaks out between a bunch of drunk frat boys in the two cars behind me. The police get there in about 2 minutes and for some reason the Taco Bell lady tells them I was involved even though I haven't said a word to these idiots or left my car. Anyway, long story short cops pulled me out of my car and after discovering that I had nothing to do with the fight started asking me how much I had to drink etc. I ended up blowing a .08 and got a DUI. As much as I drank at the time, I had no idea that I was at a .08....I felt fine and totally coherent. Looking back I wish I had of known my bac was that high. I think a lot of people don't realize how little it takes to get to a .08. Two years later some that was over 3 times the legal limit crossed a center line and killed my cousin. He had already had 4 DUIs and all he had gotten was 30 days work release for his last DUI. Douchebag got 4 and half years for killing my cousin and is probably already out of jail. Its people like this that make me such a proponent of these things. I know people think it infringes on your civil rights but in all honesty I don't believe driving is a right were giving but it's a privilege and I have no problem with having a device being put on all cars to ensure people aren't knowingly or unknowingly driving drunk. 15,000 people are killed every year in the USA from drunk drivers.
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