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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. Well maybe if you hadn't of dropped that joint while you were driving, we'd still be around.
  2. I was thinking drug overdose for you.
  3. BLAINE GABBERT! that is all...... Seriously though Astro, where is big Blaine's write up?
  4. You mean this leprechaun??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DM7CL-Vyo1U
  5. Just don't put a picnic table out there.....heard that attracts the weirdos.
  6. Drugs are awesome....... and then, the double rainbow song...... that is all.
  8. I'm guessing you are going by senior classes? I bet a few of these Juniors will declare at the end of the year and it could end up being a real strong QB class.
  9. The pompano beach club looks pretty awesome for about the same price as The Fairmont Southhampton but I have to admit, the Fairmont Southampton looks pretty awesome. Looks like it has more to do as well, especially for a 23 year old....I'm 27 I'd probably pick the Fairmont, but the Pompano Beach Club looks a little more relaxing.
  10. I don't travel anywhere anymore without going to tripadvisor.com....thats usually always how i pick my hotel/resort anyway. Its good for restaraunts too.
  12. Thanks everybody, your condolences mean a lot.
  13. My grandpa was one the most wonderful people to ever live and was a true inspiration to me and a lot of other people. He lived a pretty cool life, and really did live to help other people. We lost him yesterday but he was able to go in his sleep with my mom by his side. I know a lot of people won't care because they didn't personally know him but he really was a special person to me and my family.......here is some cool stuff on him: http://www.journalgazette.net/apps/pbcs.dl...29952/1021/EDIT
  14. Call em back and tell them your friends are getting it cheaper.....worst they can do is say no. Worth ten minutes of your time if you ask me.
  15. Even if it auto renews...you can still cancel and/or call and get your price reduced. Mine auto-renewed at 6 payments of 49.99. I called and bitched that it was too much and that I'd have to cancel it, they got me down to 6 payments of 34.99. Saved a cool $90 myself.....just call them. I haven't paid full price for Sunday Ticket and I've had it for aprox the last 6-7 years.
  16. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3...69-b7fd340b1d31 I really hope Ellis or Batten show the coaches something this summer, I'm not trying to pile on Chris Kelsay but god damn will I be upset if this guy is starting somewhere on this defense. I'm not sure what he's done to prove he is a starting calliber player in any defense (I thought he was continually outplayed in our old scheme by Denney). Can we please cut this guy already or at least kick him down a couple of notches on the depth chart. I'm not sure I get what coaching staff after coaching staff sees from this guy that I don't, yeah I'm not an NFL coach but I've watched enough of his play to not get excited about it. I'm pulling for Batten, he hasn't had the chance yet to show me he sucks.....
  17. Did you even read this thread? Not one person has suggested we sign him.
  18. how does Bonds not make this list?
  19. He did have a great deep ball, but def. had some happy feet to go along with his strong arm.
  20. I'll be rooting for him, he wasn't my favorite Bills QB but he's a good guy and deserves another shot.
  21. Why bc I misspelled one word...........dick.
  22. What? As a Mizzou allumn I take offense to that....Missouri is a great school academically.
  23. Maybe, all this crap is really about is the TV markets for the Big Ten Network. St Louis is probably a bigger market than the entire state of Oklahoma, and when you factor in that Mizzou is located half way between KC and St. Louis they would get quite a few viewers out of the KC area as well. I know what your saying though, I would have thought OU had about the same fan base as Nebraska but I don't really know to be honest.....some guy from SI was on the radio saying that Neb. was the only national draw the Big XII had as far as TV viewership.
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