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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. He'll be moving up into early second round, maybe late first. Mario had a great day of workouts as well, he's a sure thing for the top 7. However no one was anywhere near as impressive as Vernon Davis; just saw the footage of his performance and my jaw is still on the floor, this guys a BEAST!
  2. Kiwi=Overrated
  3. Here is the Vernon Davis highlight video if you haven't seen it....................... Vernon Davis I'll take Davis or Ngata, whoever is available.
  4. 10 foot 8 inch broad jump (he's 6ft 3in), Pope and Lewis are both 6'7 and jumped about a foot shorter 9ft 10 inches. Davis is freak. I kind of want him more than Ngata now.
  5. Yeah it really looks like Mangold will be gone before the second round roles around, which really sucks. If he is there that would be fuggin sweet.
  6. Don't know about all that but he did get dominated at the senior bowl practices
  7. As much as this whole event is about putting hundreds of prospects one step closer to the joy of fulfilling a dream of a lifetime, it also has served as an opportunity for some of them to publicly share the sorrow of tragedy they have encountered along the way. Take, for instance, former Oregon defensive tackle Haloti Ngata (pronounced NAH-tah), widely projected as a top-10 pick. Only a few weeks ago, his mother, Olga, died after a long battle with diabetes. In 2002, his father, Solomone, was killed in a trucking accident. Ngata's decision to enter the draft as a junior was driven by the obligation he felt to help pay for his mother's treatment and to provide the primary support for his four siblings. Another defensive lineman with first-round potential, end Tamba Hali from Penn State, left his mother and sister behind after he fled Liberia's civil war at age 10 to move to the U.S. He told of how his mother, who filed emigration papers for her son after sneaking her children to the Ivory Coast, was once shot in the knee at the same time that several others around her were killed. "Sometimes you'd see a lot of people killed, sometimes maybe just a person,'' Hali said. "Sometimes you'd see a stack of bodies on the side of the road as you were walking.'' Hali eventually reunited with his father, who teaches at Fairleigh Dickinson University and Teaneck High School in New Jersey. Hali has applied for U.S. citizenship in an effort to bring his mother and sister, neither of whom he has seen in nearly 13 years, to this country.
  8. Actually the all time record is 45, set by Kudla, this morning...see above.
  9. Mike Kudla from OSU put up 45, which is the record. Everyone seems to be a little surpised Bunckley was that strong, me included.
  10. IMHO Pickett is not the answer. I know a lot of people have been saying we need more prototypical Cover 2 DTs and Pickett appears to be just that, but what have you seen from him that makes you want him to be a Bill so bad. He's played in a Tampa cover 2 for the last three years without much success. I've watched Pickett plenty of times (My roomates are die hard Rams fans and I'm forced to watch every Rams game not on at the same time as the Bills) and I've never been that impressed. I'd rather have both Sam and Ron E. over Pickett. He does have a pretty sweet Nickname though: Big Grease.
  11. All valid points, but they don't have much to do with this agreement getting done or 5 billionaires wanting to make a few more millions. Thats whats holding this whole thing up... 5 owners.
  12. Get er done Man-Gina
  13. March 7th, I thought the deadline to get this thing done was March 1st or 2nd? And it's funny that every report coming out of these meetings are saying that these five owners are the ones holding up the deal. Sounds like Jones is just talking out of his ass and doesn't want to catch the blame for this thing not getting done, although its completely his fault (along with Snyder, Kraft and whoever the hell the other two are).
  14. If we don't get Ngata I sure as hell don't want to waste a pick on Gabe Watson in the second. I wouldn't mind trading down and getting someone like Justice if it would come with an extra 2nd round pick.
  15. If we lose Adams you have to take Ngata here, I don't agree with this guy at billszone at all. Hutchinson isn't even franchised, he is Seattle tansition player (although were not going to get him, just sayin). OK so lets say according to this guys plan we address all our DL issues through Free agency to better fit the cover 2 (easier said than done). Best case scenario: we land someone like Tripplett or Picket (neither of who are really that good)...then your left with Tripplett/Picket, Edwards (resign), Anderson, a mid/late round draft pick. No thanks, with Adams gone I want to address DT. We can't trade up because it will cost us as at least a second round pick (probably more) and this team has a ton of holes to fill.
  16. They obviously didn't sign him long term because they couldn't afford to do so and can anyone actually see them NOT signing Alexander? IMHO they have to sign the MVP of the NFL (and face of the organization) to a long term deal. If they do, is there any money left over to match an offer sheet on Hutch? There might be (I'm not that familiar with Seattle's cap situation) but if there is why didn't they just sign him? I don't why they didn't Franchise tag this guy.
  17. The hell he's not. Coy Wire does suck but he's certainly not one of a kind, lots of people suck and AA is one of them. This guy is all smoke and mirrors who has been living off reputation since his one good year. He did play hurt all of last year but he hasn't been able to cover anyone in three years. As someone who is forced into watching most Rams games (the one's that are on after Bills games) JUST SAY NO to this choad. Milloy has lost a step but Archuletta can't hold his jock.
  18. Seems like everyone on this board is saying we should throw some money at Bentley, who is looking for a deal around 5 years 30mil. Don't get me wrong I would love Bentley but IMHO Hutch is the best guard in the NFL. For around 30 million I think we have a shot. If we were able to sign him to an offer sheet, that would leave Seattle with a choice between signing Hutch or Alexander. Anyway its not probable by any means, but still possible.
  19. I forgot all about BF's famous fried noodles, someone needs to repost that thread..its pretty damn funny.
  20. Don't even try to deny that Hamburger Helper is some good stuff, especially when you are trashed at 4 in the morning and thats all there is to eat in the house. Anyway if I could delete this post I would because I'm not sure what the hell I heard last night. Sorry about that.
  21. Ok I'm drunk, but I just got home and turned on NFL network to catch some combine coverage. The end of the Vince Young press confrence was on while I'm in the kitchen making some hamburger helper and I here from Vince " Yeah I talked to coach Jauron, we talked earlier today.", then the press confrence is over. Can anybody confirm this or was just hearing sh*t? Sadly, this post is 100% for real.
  22. I don't think that Justice or McNeill even make it to the second round come late April. What about Nick Mangold, I want him more than Spencer or Jean-Giles (both of who weighed the heaviest at there postion, Spencer was grouped with the tackles)
  23. I hate this assesment of Peters, if you watch the last five games there was obviously something wrong with Chris V. because he was the one getting tossed around on run plays. He had to be more hurt than he let on because in his career he's been a pretty good run blocking guard. On back to back plays he got totally turned around on the goaline in the Cincy game. I have every game Tivo'd (don't ask why) and the statement that Peters can't run block is simply not true, watch the Jets game he's killing people the whole game. And he has the quickness to get to the second level in a hurry, watch the long Lee Evans reverse and see who is out in front blocking (twenty five yards down the field), its Peters. I'd like to see Mike "titties" Williams do that.
  24. Cut and pasted from nfl.com
  25. No but some dumbass will take a shot on him, and probably overpay. Who knows maybe he'll finally live up to his potential but IMHO it was never going to work in Buffalo. This might be the thing that finally wakes him up but no matter the results this was the right move.
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