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Stl Bills

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Everything posted by Stl Bills

  1. Drug Fair? Where was my invatation?
  2. He said on Sportcenter that he was ahead of schedule but was only about 55% right now. Thats still a long way off. I'll keep my fingers crossed and I hope to hell he is "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" like he plans to be. Its still too early to tell though.
  3. I also posted the one you are refering to scribo, but it was a highlight video, not a training video. Thought it might be different.
  4. Theres only one top LT in this draft...DaBrick. Don't see this scenario really playing out. I don't think Young falls out of the top 7 and DaBrick won't fall out of the top 5. I guess it could happen, just not very likely.
  5. You probably right then Dave, I just thought I remembered hearing it was fast during combine coverage, wasn't 100% sure though. Regardless of the fast or slow turf, Vernon Davis ran the same exact 40 time (4.37) as did Lee Evans at the combine in 2004. Personally I'd be happy with Davis, Ngata, Huff or trading down and getting either Hali or Bunckley and at least another second rounder.
  6. I remember hearing the reverse...the report I also got was that it is extremely fast, a lot of colleges still have natural grass which tends to be a hair slower than the new field turf. Just what I remember hearing. Not to mention this years group at the combine was overall a pretty athletic and fast group. Although this scouting report is the biggest crock of sh*t I've ever read..... Fast Indy Turf or not, when you run the fastest 40 time EVER as a TE at the combine, I'd say its safe to say your pretty damn fast. Va Bills put down the bogus scouting reports and open your eyes.
  7. I watched every senior bowl practice and was not impressed with Watson, Mangold dominated him in the one on one drills (but he did that with everyone). IMHO he's got Bust written across his forehead. You have to put some value into his play on the field which has never been over the top, unlike someone like Bunckley. Watson has been labled an enigma..all the physical tools in the world put just never been able to put it all together...tends to disapear on a lot of plays and has a questionable work ethic. I'll take a pass.
  8. No, he's the guy with rather long arms, which makes his 44 reps even more impressive. The latest projections have him and Watson going in the mid to late first. Watson has been a career underachiever, he even was benched a few games last year for poor performance. Just say no to Watson, if he wasn't good enough to start at Michigan full time IMHO he's going to have a lot of trouble in the NFL.
  9. free agency my friend, free agency (if it ever happens)
  10. either that or he can just out jump them
  11. congrats
  12. thanks, I'm sure it will
  13. And your experience must tell you how difficult it must be. Don't get your panties in a bunch, I was just stating my opinion, not attacking yours. You do a hell of a job proving your point though, providing ONE instance where BA might of played a decent game. Great job.
  14. Hey Poojer what part of Midlo. are you from, I grew up in Brandermill. There sure are a lot of people from Va. around here.
  15. First off Va, we disagree on a lot of things. The transition from RG to LG should not be that difficult (its not like switching from RT to LT); it shouldn't take eleven games of playing like complete sh*t to finally get to where BA could play at a mediocore level. Oh wait, he didn't even get to start all of those eleven games because he was benched (infact I'm not even sure if he started all of the last 5 where you claim he performed exceptionally). Who led the team in false starts? And the people on this board are not the only ones who think he sucks, the coaching staff replaced him with a career tackle who has NEVER played guard. Then they let Preston get some reps in because Benny wasn't getting it done. I don't remember his play being that great over the last five games but I have them Tivo'd so I'll take a look. And this post wasn't about the other players you mentioned and with all the different opinions on this board it makes it pretty hard to generalize people's assesments of different players. The problem is the entire interior of our line SUCKS (Chris V. is adequate when healthy, which he wasn't the second half of last year).
  16. Neither one of my mock drafts are feasible at this point, they were both constructed around the time of the senior bowl. Since the combine most of these guys' stock have gone through the roof..Mangold, Lawson, etc. I really need to do post-combine version 3.0 that is a little more realistic.
  17. There's no rule against resigning with the team that cut you, its just nobody is going to do it. Anybody who gets cut, more than likely feels unwanted and this generally stews up a little (or a lot in some case) resentment. Mix in the Pro-Athlete Ego factor and I doubt you will find any NFL players tucking their tail between their legs and crawling back to their old teams.....that is unless they can't find a job elsewhere.
  18. Here you go WVU....Times and measurments Scrole down to times and measurments, they are seperated by each day but they have shuttle times, cone drills etc., no wonderlic scores though.
  19. I still want to cut him if it cost us $800k
  20. Not to be hypercritical or anything (because I suck at spelling) but whats the deal with you never putting spaces between any form of punctuation? It makes for a pretty hard read.
  21. Soft my ass! He can run through people just as well as running around them, plus I can't think of him missing much time do to injuries. The question I have is how does this effect their ability to match an offer sheet made on Hutch?
  22. Cut that fat turd & pocket that 800k Marv!
  23. This improves are chances of getting Ngata, since now they also need a QB
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