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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. I will be shocked, delightfully shocked, but shocked none the less if we make it to double digit wins. 8-8
  2. This is why I'm not overly excited about the Bill's moves so far. I'm just hoping the players were used incorrectly or had some other issues that made them not excel as they may on the Bills. Here's hoping anyway.
  3. I may be in the minority, but I still think Zay will develop into a fine WR. That said give me some DK if for no other reason than to make Donkey Kong references.
  4. My issue with taking D-line in round one is that our system rotates players. So we are spending a round 1 pick on a part time player.
  5. Everyday should be a national holiday. Party Party Party Party...
  6. I have no problem with the Packers. Dallas and NE are to 2 teams I despise the most. If they were to meet in the super bowl... well I guess I'd rather be watching reruns of SpongeBob instead of watching the game.
  7. I live is South Carolina where they show the Panthers. I voted Indifferent because not even their fans care. Went to the Panthers vs Paties and you would have thought I was at a book reading. As long as the Bills remain in western NY they will be my team.
  8. The offense is fine the way it is. I say focus completely on the defense because it's been pretty bad this year. Edmunds looks like a bust and Milano is always hurt. Tre White is too short and is getting lit up. We have no CBs one opposite him at all. Our safeties look slow. The D-line can't stop the run or rush the passer. The only guys that has been OK is Shaq Lawson and that is only because he knows he cannot get to the QB so he stands at the line bats the ball down. Programming note: The above was meant to be a steaming pile of horse manure. Thank you for wasting 30 minutes of your life to read it.
  9. 1 week from today is Christmas. Please post your Bills related letters to Santa here. Here's mine... Dear Santa, Please ensure that the Bills D makes Brady look so bad Sunday that the Hoody benches him in the 3rd quarter. If possible let us win the game also. Sincerely, MikeSpeed
  10. I keep hearing the talking heads saying that the INT near the end of the game by Brady was uncharacteristic. Not really. What usually happens is Bradys deal with the devil gives him a secondary break down or a PI, or just some fluky Montana size horseshoe of luck. But I think the horseshoe is getting a bit rusty.
  11. His criticisms of Allen did not bother me. What did bother me was he compares the Bills QB with last years QB (Taylor) , but yet doesn't compare any of the other QB to any teams former QB. Heck Taylor is still on the Browns and he didn't compare Mayfield to him? He doesn't compare Jackson to Flacco, Darnold to McCown, or Rosen to Bradford. What is the fascination with media members wanting the Bills to retain Taylor? Do they want us to always be bad and never improve?
  12. I was shocked when I looked at his stat line from yesterday. It sure seemed like he completed a lot more passes than 8 and with a better completion %. I'm guessing it was the dropped passes and the penalties that make it look like he did more?
  13. From what I could tell it looked like Gruden told Carr he had a nice butt, but that his rib pads made him look fat. Carr walked off angry and heartbroken.
  14. Wasn't it about this time last year when we all said that we were not going to the playoffs? Hmmm...
  15. When the Bills beat Brady in NE without any excuses (you know like "Gronk, Edleman are out, Half their o-line is hurt, it's week 17 and they're resting all their players" whatever excuse a Brady fan can have) then and only then will I believe he's hit the wall.
  16. After watching us beat the Jets into submission last Sunday, how could anyone want us to do anything other than win as much as possible. Especially because we are coming up on 4 more division rival games. Who doesn't want us to beat Tom the tormentor in NE? Win X6
  17. He was being hit as he threw. Beside it should have been caught.
  18. Bad throw it hit Pryor in the stomach. I'm sorry but your reaching.
  19. What is it about this defense that let's team convert so easily on 3rd and long even extra long
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