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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. You really do get a warm fuzzy feel listening to that interview. The man should run for office.
  2. It doesn't make our draft look so good after looking at your starters. 2 part time starters and no full timers. Yikes! With our lack of talent I hope that someone else would step up also. Please don't bring up special teams. We always have the best and it has gotten us no where.
  3. OMG! I swear if the Bills had drafted a water boy 1st TSW would be praising it as the answer to all that's wrong with the Bills. "He's got good speed so he'll be able to get those water bottles out on the field faster. He's got freakish strength so he can carry more water. He's a smart guy so he'll get the best spring water he can find." Come on people he's Fred Jackson part II. I'll say it right here and now... If he runs for more yards than than Jackson did this past year I'll be the first to admit I was wrong!
  4. Nope. We are only taking the BPA... Nate Allen S South Florida. Enjoy!
  5. Let's see 3 RB drafted #1 in since 2003. This one really feels like the McGahee pick to me. The only saving grace is that there seems to be some really good talent left. So they can ease my mind if they make up for it tomorrow.
  6. Yes! Roger Saffold would be OK there. Clausen might even make it this far down.
  7. Just what we need another special teams guy. Living here in SC I've seen quite a bit of Spiller. The guy needs space to operate. The Bills offense has no space. The guy - will die - on the vine - behind our line. Rhyme fully intended.
  8. Anyone who will be wearing a jersy with a number in the 80's. Opps!
  9. Anyone who will be wearing a jersy with a number lower than 50.
  10. My definition of a reach: Selecting a player at more than one spot above the next team that you believe will want to select him. Therefore if we select Clausen at 9 but the next team that we believe would want him isn't selecting until 20 then we reached. We should have tried to trade down as far as possible (preferably to 19 using the example) to gain more picks, and still get the guy we want. I believe you can always find a trading partner. It's just a matter of what compensation you are willing to except. Of coarse this is a high risk poker game but that's what makes the draft fun.
  11. And if the moon was really made of cheeze, NASA would be on the look out for giant space cows.
  12. I wonder if this is why Gailey said we will be taking a RB. He want to entice another team to either trade above us so a better suited player will fall to us, or he's hoping we can get a draft partner if we threaten to take Spiller?
  13. How ironic is that? Buffalo is looking for trade offers for all 3 of their QBs too.
  14. A bird in the hand could get you a punch in the face.
  15. White Lynch in compton would have been carring that loaded gun instead of keeping it in his trunk.
  16. Well, we don't know who is going to be good or not. So let's just draft a QB in every round this year. Then fill the rest of the holes with rookie free agents. If we still don't find the QB with the majic force field... then we do it all again next year.
  17. Would a rookie cap create the possiblility of the CFL or even new Pro Football leagues to snatch up some of the highly rated rookies? If you are a rookie, and a CFL team offers you $$ but the NFL rookie cap prevents NFL teams from matching, where do you go? You may still go to the NFL if you believe you be great and that your payday will come when your contract is up. Or you may still go to the NFL because you know if you don't succeed there you can still go the CFL later. Is it possible that a rookie cap could be a double edge sword?
  18. I say we use our first 5 picks on a QB. Combine that with the 3 QB's on staff already makes 8. Because I figure behind this o-line we'll be starting a new QB every other game.
  19. I've made this observation before, but I don't know how to reference it so I'll say it again. Denver had a decent team when they traded Cutler to Chicago. Chicago's team was crap. When they swapped QB's the talking heads all said that Denver will suffer and Chicago will return to the playoffs, because Cutler was so much better than Orton. The results weren't as planned. Another case where the team makes the QB...Brady goes down and Castle still gets them to the playoffs. How's Castle doing now in KC? My point is you just can't say a QB can fix it all. He can't! Football is the ultimate team sport. All that being said if we draft a QB (Clausen or Bradford) in the first round I will not be upset. Just as I wouldn't be upset with drafting a LT, LB, NT because they are all positions we need to upgrade.
  20. Here's my stupid idea. (I already have no self esteme so when you guys bash the !@#$ out if my idea it won't bother me.) Why move one team there? Since people in LA could care less , and the NFL makes teams play at nutrial site every year any ways, just select a game every week from the schedule. Force those 2 teams to play in LA. The NFL Network could use it for it's Thursday night games, and wouldn't have to travel all over to cover the game. The NFL is happy, and all NFL fans are equally PO'd that they could possibly lose a game a year. Never happen I know.
  21. Rodgers and Roth are down field passers, not check down generals like the Bills perfer. So they are going to take a lot of sacks. Also I'm really afraid how far it would set the franchise back if we draft a QB in the first round and they are a bust. Yikes can you imagine. Compared to the last few drafts this QB class really scares me! All that being said if they do draft a QB at #9 I'll understand.
  22. So what most of you are saying is... "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Wow the news paper would be blank.
  23. Sounds like we have fat girl syndrome. She can't get a date so... She gets a manicure. No help. She colors her hair. Still no go. Buys new cloths, puts on more make-up, wears the best perfume, nothing works. Even blaming her problem on all the guys she has met saying "They're just jerks". All the while denying to herself that if she would just lose 100 lbs she would have better luck. Sometimes the obvious reasons are the hardest to see. The Bills still can't get a date. Maybe it is them.
  24. I agree. I've always been of the opinion that a first round pick, especially in the top 10, should be starting on day one. (Maybin is killing me ) It makes no sense to draft a QB in the first round just to set him on the bench for 2-3 years. Having a rookie start behind this line... his confidence would be shot by game 3.
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