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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. Newton as talent and a horse the size of Texas wedged between his cheeks. To not be suspended and to complete a hail mary at te end of the half. He should play the lotto when the game is over.
  2. Fitz showed flashes of potential to make plays early on. Maybin has not yet shown anything at all to warrent any more time.
  3. It's not the mistakes you make, it's how quickly to resolve them.
  4. I know that the QB is not the only factor in wins and loses, but for 3 weeks running we had the game on the line and Fitz came up empty. He plays great for 50 mins a game but he looks like a totally different QB when the pressure is really on. He doesn't look calm at all. I've been impressed with Fitz's play, but not enough to anoint him our starter for next year. He is at the point where he needs to be able to "will" this team to win. He has 8 games to get to that level. I say let him play it out and see for sure if he can do it or not.
  5. I can imagine a senerio where he plays well and this fan base goes crazy over him. He seems like the type of player that craves that attension. If the FO ponys up the money I think he stays. He could leave and become a small fish in someone else's big pond, but hero worship is a strong adictive drug. Just my opinion.
  6. I think it is a great opportunity to gage just how badly we need LBs. If he is healthy and can play, and there is a significant increase in the play of the defense, then it will show how far off we are or are not. If he plays well and we start winning game (big if there) we may be able to re-sign him. I see zero down side here.
  7. Sure! We could use a TE (he caught a TD pass from the wildcat last game), or even a LB, but as a QB...NOPE! He's Vince Young without the arm.
  8. Is it possible that TE was so bad, and held the team back so much, that even a back up QB looks good to us? I just can't help but see the quick pass to Roscoe yesterday that sailed 20 feet over his head as a true indicator. Not to mention the one that was bounced passed to him. Even on the completed passes the receivers are made to adjust enough that it slows them down. I will give Fitz credit though that bomb to Evans was in prefect stride. I would like to see if Brohm can perform as well if not better. Fitz kind of reminds me of Farve on a off day.
  9. I would like to believe the OP's suggestion that the Bills are just trying to accumulate draft picks like the Patsies do. If that were the case, then why didn't we trade out of the Spiller pick? Every year there are rumors that the Patsies are trying to trade out of there first round pick. Some will say we tried, but I'm not one of them. You can always find a dance partner you just have to pick an uglier girl.
  10. A tsunami hits Green Bay. OR The whole Green Bay team eats way too much cheeze and are bound up to the point where they can't move. OR A body snatcher from Chile takes over Aaron Rodgers and when told to play football refuses to touch the ball with his hands. I could go on...
  11. If I was the coach, I'd fine Edwards everytime he threw the ball less than 5 yards, and everytime he took a sack of more than 3 seconds.
  12. Yep let's draft a RB because we don't need a tackle.
  13. The problem is not people voicing their opinion it's people saying "I told you so". As with all great fortune tellers there should be no need for recognition. Nostradamus made his predictions and lived with the results. I don't expect the Mayans to return and say "Sorry we really believed the world would end in December of 2012."
  14. I'm just glad that the coach doesn't care where you were drafted if at all. The best players stay. All others walk!
  15. I have visited this board every day since I've joined. Yes, I have no life. I rarely post, unless I feel I can add something to the discussion. Even then I re-read everything I write twice before posting it, spell check it, and do my best on the punctuation. It can be intimidating place for someone like me that does not have the knowledge that some people have here. For me it just makes sense to just read and learn, but what does it say when a former player and a national sports writer can't deal with some of the posters here? I'm sorry that you have been put off by some posters (hopefully not me), but mostly I'm sorry for myself because I lose out on some great insight.
  16. Can someone please explain to me, without going into too much detail, why I can listen to 97 Rock streamming the NFL live, but it is illeagal for WIVB to stream its video?
  17. I finally got it with another stream, but this is what I've been using, and prefer to use. All I get is the rainbow screen. What do i need to do?
  18. I watch the Game last night against the Seahawks and I was unimpressed with Flynn. He did not stand out at all during that game.
  19. Isn't the draft part of the CBA also? I thought it was considered "illegal" to actually draft players but the player's association agreed to "allow" the draft. Is it possible that all college players could become FAs?
  20. It can't be the number of years. The Bills should know by now that they will be drafting another RB in the first round in say 2013. (2003 - Maghee, 2007 - Lynch, 2010 - Spiller) So a 4 year contract is plenty.
  21. Relax everyone. It's probably the only time we'll hear Maybins name all year.
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