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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. I grew up with the white standing buffalo helmets but I always felt they looked like the artist couldn't come up with a back ground so he left the canvas white. So I prefer a colored background helmet, but I do love the new unis.
  2. I am a very optimistic person in life, and use to be with the Bills up until about 12 years ago. Since then I've gone from optimistic, to scratching my head, to confused, to angry, to you've now got to prove you care about winning. I can only be misled for so long until I finally stop believing the company line and have to see the proof. I want to optimistic, I really do, but I reserve my blind faith for those deserving of it.
  3. The only logical reason I can come up with is that Wanny wasn't here last year and wants to see for himself what Moats can or cannot do in the middle.
  4. This is the game plan for Brad Smith. Take the snap from center, hand off to himself, throw a flea flicker to the slot receiver whose name is Brad Smith, does the hook and lateral to himself completely to the far side of the field, all while blocking and running decoy routes for himself, all while doing his own play by play. Not to mention that when he finally gets to the end zone he hands the ball to a fan in the stands and that will be him too. Let's just clone the guy and have a team of Brad Smiths. Gung ho is nice people, but he's the back-up whatever wherever. Not good enough to start any where.
  5. It's Brad Smith. A gadget playing special teamer. This is the Spiller pick all over again. Sign a starting RT and some ILB help and I'll forget this signing ever happened.
  6. This whole build through the draft philosophy is predicated on resigning your own FA's. We do not seem to do this. If our own FA's are not good enough to re-sign then our drafts are even worst then first imagined. But I have to question why the FO kept telling us how much they wanted Poz. I guess they forgot to add "only at the right price". I don't know if Poz is worth the money or not. I do know that now we have a new hole to fill.
  7. I was begining to think no one understood me or that I've been placed on everyone's ignor list. Agree 100%! You don't need to get your superstars in FA, but the players you get should up in coming guys young enough to grow with the program.
  8. I'm not sure it is even possible to build a team completely through the draft. The numbers just don't add up. I'm not a stat guy, and I don't have hard core facts to back all this up, so I theorizing quit a bit. Lets say a team needs 3 probowl quality players, 10 very good players and 9 quality starters. Free agency now starts after a players forth year, so a team needs to be built in that time span. (We have a hard time re-signing our best players) So in that 4 years you would have to hit on 75% of your first round draft choices believing that they will be the probowl quality players. Assuming that rounds 2 and 3 will bring the very good players 2 rounds x 4 years that's 8 add the one missed first rounder for 9 and a possible lower round surprize to get to 10. That leaves rounds 4,5,6, & 7 plus UDFA to make up the other 9 starters. 4 x 4 = 16 add 2 for the surprize UDFA that gives 18. We need 9 out of the 18 that's 50%. Summary: A team would need to hit on... 75% of its first rounders. 100% of its 2 and 3 rounders. and 50% of its low rounders and UDFAs. This does not include quality depth and ST personel. I know that the number can be mixed at different consistancy but it still seems highly unlikely all these dominos will fall correctly. Looking at the Bills track record it's down right impossible. The nice thing is we do have some quality starters and 1 for sure probowl quality player (Williams). The real key is re-signing our best players when their contracts are up. I hope this make some sense to someone other than me.
  9. I still think it's a little early to give up on this guy. I mean he's on this message board so at least he's thinking about football. I'm not sure you can say that about Maybin. I just think he needs more time to work on his dramatic pauses, and he'll be pushing Chris Brown for air time.
  10. When Aaron Maybin and Shawn Nelson are released after training camp, our draft will look just as bad as theirs.
  11. Huh? We the fans are the parents. Our $$ is the candy. The NFL and the NFLPA are the kids. We give them our $$ and all they can do is fight over it. Why would I want to shut it down? Only to show them who is really in charge (the fans). But I don't want to shut it down, I want them to realize whose money they toying with. They need to get this thing fixed, but instead they are acting like spoiled brats!
  12. There still is a lockout. It's like breaking a candy bar apart and giving a piece to each of your kids. One or both of them are going to complain they got less. In the mean time while the kids are fighting the parents are yelling "be happy you got anything at all!" We are the parents and the NFL and NFLPA are the kids. I'd just like to take the candy bar away from the kids and see how they like that. Spoiled brats!
  13. The OP made an emotional post and you guys crucified him. I think it shows the greed, and selfishness of both the NFL and NFLPA. It would be poetic justice if no fans showed up at any games or watch any on TV after all this. They all act like their money is being stolen from them, when in reality we are paying all of their salaries. They both should be negotiating with us fans. I for one would lock all of their butts out. I think this is going to last a lot longer than they are leading us to believe. Put me down as October 10 for the "CBA deal gets done" football pool.
  14. I like the new uni's 1000xs more than what we had, but I do have some things I don't like about the new ones. I still like the red helmuts better. I don't like the stripes on the shoulders of the home jerseys. If you picture the jerseys without I think you'll see a much cleaner look. Since they are going with white pants with white jerseys I think they should have removed the stripe on the pants when wearing the road jerseys. The stripes look fine on the home jerseys because they have a terminating blue at the waste. The white jerseys don't terminate the stripes making them look like an after thought. I guess what I'm saying is less is more. Of coarse I could find fault with the Mona Lisa. Yeah I'm not invited to too many partys.
  15. If you are getting ready for a bar fight whiskey and beer are the drinks of choice. Hanging out by the pool in a semi-tropical atmosphere...their choices were appropriate.
  16. More than likely you'll just need some signal splitters and the cable. Be aware that if your run the line too far you can get signal loss. Radio Shack use to sell (when I use to work there a gazillion years ago) a distribution amp for TV's you want to check that out. You split the signal after the DTV box. If you want to watch different channels on those TVs you'll need more DTV boxes. They make remove control extenders so you can control the boxes from far away.
  17. Jasper the friendly guard. Huh? What that you say? He's a defensive tackle again? Crud, there's goes my marketing ploy.
  18. Lee has had 1 good year. He has one move fast, and even then he cannot get separation. With that said, Johnson has had only 1 good season also, so this season will go a long to in determining if he is as good if not better than Evans. I'll say this about Johnson, he found a away to get open. Now some might say that Evan was the reason he was open, but I say Evans couldn't get open when TO was here. So to me Johnson was able to do something Evans could not. But Johnson will be a one-hit-wonder if he can not repeat last year’s success.
  19. My point is if each team has to include the bonus money against the cap in the year that they sign the contract then it would level competition for teams to get players. Letting the teams spread those signing bonuses out over the length of the contract gives an advantage to the wealthier teams. If the competition for signing players was even amongst all teams, then a draft in would not be necessary would it? At the very least the draft would become a better tool for the losing teams to get better, because they wouldn't have to worry about signing rookies with a huge bonus. I am not for getting rid of the draft. That is not my intension with this post. I'm trying to see how an NFL with no draft could still function and retain parity.
  20. I hear the argument that if there was no draft that the NFL would become like the MLB. A few teams would win every year while the rest of the league's teams are door mats. But would this really be true in the NFL? If the salary cap was set up "cash to cap" for all teams, and include the signing bonus as part of that year's cap hit, wouldn't it make a level playing field for all teams to acquire free agents? The rich teams would still be making more than the smaller teams, but at least the competition $$ would be the same. It seems to me that salary cap structure is the biggest problem with keeping parody in the NFL. I'm not an accountant by any stretch of the imagination, but it seems to me that what the owners are really asking for is to in a sense lower the cap ceiling percentage?
  21. If you consider a draft pick a bust before he even plays a down, you may be a Bills fan. Guilty as charged. Conversely.. If you still think Aaron Maybin will have a breakout season, you may be a Bills fan.
  22. Rookies, especially early round rookies, do not need to be all pro starters in their first year, but they should at least show flashes of ability. For example James Hardy showed little to nothing while he was here, while Stevie Johnson displayed some flashes of ability. Hardy is gone and Johnson is starting. Many here could see Johnson potential even in his limited action. Of course many others made excuses for Hardy's lack of development. Some here seem to think that coasting in the first 3 years is acceptable. I'm not one of them.
  23. I don't necessarily agree with Lewis, but hey if there's a chance to watch football and lower the crime rate also, then let's have football 24-7 365.
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