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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. When your a Jet you can only fly for so long until you have to come back down to earth.
  2. I will never understand why the networks can not broadcast all the games to everyone (Except blacked out games). The CBS affiliate here in Columbia SC is 19. I get 19-1, 19-2, 19-3. Put on 3 games and let me choose. Screw the weather!
  3. Bills - 2 Paties - 0 We sack Brady the first play of the game for a safety and it puts him out of the game. Please note the only lower score possible in the NFL is 0-0.
  4. Every Bills fan in the entire world simultaneously gets down on their knees and prays to the football gods that Brady throws 4 INT's and we also recover 3 fumbles, and then we'll need a lot of luck.
  5. My Son and I went outside at half time to repair a tire on my daughter's car. I didn't think we were outside that long when my son's girl friend opens the door and says touchdown real uninterested like. I thought oh great Oakland scored again. Then a few minutes later she yells out they scored again. Finally I put down the tire patch kit and walk back inside to see the replay of the Bills second TD. I had to finish the tire job because my daughter was heading home so I missed most of the 3rd quarter. But I got a nice surprise when I heard the announcer say "We'd like to welcome those of you watching the Jets..." I immediately turn off the pixilated stream I was watching and turned on the local CBS and watched the 4th quarter in HD bliss!
  6. Are the Bills for real? I don't think we will really know what we have until after week 9 the first game against the Jets. Even if we beat the Paties this week end I still will not be fully on board (the Barnett Express) and Billieving that this team is elite or on the way. We can beat the Paties. We've darn near done it at least once every year but have fallen short. So beating them once will not convince me. I'll be really getting my hopes up but I will not be fully on board. Beat the Paties, play the Bengals, Eagals, Giants, and Redskins hard and win most of them, and beat the Jets, and I won't only be on board, I will be the conductor!
  7. Excellent Point! The NFC North and AFC East only divisions with more than one team undefeated.
  8. I find it interesting that in only 2 weeks there are only 7 undefeated teams left and that 3 of them are the Lions, Redskins, and Bills. The others are Pats Jets Texans and Packers. Only 3 of the 7 teams were in the playoffs last year.
  9. Evans and the Ravens 1-1, Donte and the 9ers 1-1, Poz and the Jags 1-1 former team 2-0. Coincidence I think not.
  10. Don't cut him. Let the young guys play and keep him for insurance. When he gets healthy.
  11. Once is an anomaly, 2 is a coincidence, 3 is a trend, 4 is 2008 (won the first 4 games and then collapsed), 5 is the magic number!
  12. I was wondering if this was going to be mentioned. Previous Bills teams would have been kicking a FG. While watching the game I was thinking how much I hate Red Zone FG's, and then the prefect read and a TD? What's going on here? That one series of plays has changed my outlook considerably about this team.
  13. The reason it will produce a fine is because it not league sanctioned. If they were to let him off, what leverage would the league have when Ed Wang (if he ever pays again) wants to wear a Chinese flag on his jersey? You must make the rule black and white so as to not set a president. It's not like the league isn't doing anything to commemorate 911 anyways.
  14. You could be right IDK. Irmo is pretty far away from me, but I appreciate the heads up.
  15. I've been in SC for 11 years and haven't found any Bills backers on the northeast side of Columbia yet. No one in my immediate family follows football so I'll be on here with my laptop while streaming the game on my living room TV.
  16. Here's who I would keep... - Stevie Johnson - Donald Jones - Marcus Easley - David Nelson - Kamar Aiken - Naaman Roosevelt Youth and size. It's never going to happen!
  17. I just find it amazing how guys sitting in the stands can see what's going on in the middle of a pile of guys, when I'm watching at home with the line zoomed in on and still can't follow everything. Even the coaches will tell you that they have to watch the tapes.
  18. I still don't understand why CBS, NBC, FOX, an ESPN don't stream the games live. It's not like they aren't broadcasting the commercials, because they still can. They can even broadcast local channel commercials onto whatever game you are watching so the affiliates get their air time. Win win for everyone.
  19. Chan needs another wild cat QB For 8 games last year Roscoe = Maybin. Yep sounds like he deserves an extension to me. I do not understand what the rush to extend him is. At least wait until the season is half over to see what his play is like and if he stays healthy. I would do the same thing with Stevie and Fitz. Last year may have been an aberration you know like Jairus Byrd’s rookie year.
  20. Devin Hester checks into a mental hospital with depression caused by not enough kick off returns. Bills are winning at the half against NE only to have the refs call 6 personal fouls against the Bills in the second to half to give NE the win. One of the fouls was on Fitz for unsnapping his chin strap and letting his beard show. NE goes 2 and 14 the only wins are against the Bills. Bills go 10-6 lose every game against the AFCE.
  21. Next thing you know they'll be wanting to put Carrington at OLB. OH yeah they did do that. Good lord you guys are always whinning how predicable our play calling is. The QB seeing Jasper could at least make him waste a time out. I think people were saying they same things to Columbus when he suggested that the world may be round?
  22. I was thinking the same things! Jones will make the team! In the second preseason game he was the starting WR opposite Stevie. I can't believe he'd fall completely off the team because he got KO'ed illegally. Johnson, Jones, Easly, Nelson, Aiken, Roosevelt (The youth movement going full tilt!)
  23. Hubbard dropped a sure TD which we ended up turning over 2 plays later. He also dropped another possible TD or at least a big gainer, after that. Yes he caught the tying points but he wasn't consistent Saturday. I was not surprised at all that he was released. Elzy ran hard and was tough to bring down. I won't be surprised to see him on the PS at the start of the season. If White comes back healthy, Hall will be released.
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