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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. Doesn't seem like we upgrade much with the OP's roster. I'm not saying I can do better I'm just afraid that we are counting on the IR returnies to win us 4 more games next year. And why isn't anyone as concerned about Woods history of injury as they are Bell's or McGee's? Woods is on IR almost as much as Bell. The upgrade that I think will matter most is at DC. Living in SC I would love to see Ingram in a Bills uni.
  2. I'll give him 12................months. No playoffs in 2012, no Chan in 2013.
  3. Stevie Johnson will sign with the Chicago Bears. Why? No reason I just closed my eyes and that thought popped in.
  4. The real reaction from the Bills if the Jets were to aquire Manning would be to trade a first and second for Sanchez.
  5. Mentally Weak. At the first sign of adversity they fell apart. Sure sign of a team that is not mentally tough. I believe the Dolphins players that were saying that the team gave up were refering to this.
  6. Thanks so much guys. Looks like I missed a lot of games. It's too bad this wasn't pinned at the begining of the bowl games. Astro, that spreadsheet is awesome! Thanks!
  7. The college bowl games are under way and I was wondering if you guys could give me a idea of what games to watch and what players? Or maybe you can direct me to a website that may have suggestions. Thanks in advance!
  8. There are 4 teams that I have to route against every week. The Paties, Cowboys, Jets, Dolphins. In that order. NE and Dallas fans are all over the place and they all act entitled. I hate those two teams because of their fans. I do not know any Jets fans (Thank goodness!).
  9. Thanks for the props! I was beginning to think that all my posts were being blocked.
  10. Top 5 excuses why a Bills player isn't playing well. 5. He just needs more time to learn the game. 4. He's not playing his natural position. 3. Rookie wall. 2. He needs more touches. 1. (My favorite) All the players around him are bad. Rebuttal: 5. Go learn somewhere else and when you finally figure it out maybe will spend some money in FA on you. 4. If he was playing his natural position well enough he would beat out the player ahead of him and would be playing his natural position. 3. Take an ice bath and a nap and suck it up. 2. If he didn't suck with the plays that he was given maybe he would play more. 1. Maybe if said player would elevate his game maybe the other players around him would too?
  11. With the offense were running right now we might as well get Kelly Holcomb back. I keep having flashbacks everytime I see a receiver run a 6 yards pattern when we need 10.
  12. I'm not hating on Darius, but the topic is about the draft, and right now he hasn't lived up to the expectations of #3 pick in the draft. I believe he will, and hopefully soon, but right now he has not. With our history of failed draft picks, players don't get free rides for 3 years anymore! We can't afford to wait that long. We need production now and none of our recent picks are standing out.
  13. Fitz hasn't been the same QB since he took the shot in the ribs. He doesn't step into the throw and he hasn't been setting his feet. He was throwing the deep (15-20 yards)crossing patterns early in the year and looked good doing it. I think he has Trent Edward’s syndrome.
  14. So will I and half the poster on here if they win 3 in a row.
  15. So what you are really saying is we got out coached. Yep I agree.
  16. I said before the Pats game that the Jets game that will tell if we're the dog or a flea biting the dog. If we win this game we take a huge step in moving towards being a BIG dog!
  17. I said it before the season and I'll say it now; Smith is not touching the ball enough to be worth the money they paid him. I am glad he's been making us some 1st downs, but I don't think he is doing anything more than what Freddie could do in the wild cat. This year the wild cat, next year the triple option.
  18. Going into this past weekend's game Dalton had the second best completetion % in the AFC. How can you not give him some props?
  19. 1. Washington has the home field advantage (Toronto always supports the other team). 2. The Bills historically lose there. 3. Our pass rush makes even the worst QB look like an all-pro. 4. 3rd string left tackle starting. 5. The Bills play down to their competition. Bills win 27-10 Just goes to show you none of that crap matters.
  20. Add in Cincinnati. But I predict that one or all of these teams could be back to sucking next year. Just seems to be a trend where a coupling of teams rise up one year and fall off the face of the earth the next.
  21. I still have mine from back then and they still fit. Thank god for elastic waste bands.
  22. I stand by my prediction of 2-14. What? They have already won 4 games?
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