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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. Barentt will have been in our strength and conditioning program for a year now so he'll most likely have a season ending injury early on. Add that to the other 10 starters that will go down and I say our back-ups will go 1-5 in the division and 4-6 out. Now if the football gods decide we've paid enough penance (for what I don't know) and removes the curse I can see 10+ wins.
  2. I just said this in another tread... I doubt Chan would ever give up his offensive control to Payton. Man I'm experiencing deja vu.
  3. I doubt Chan would ever give up his offensive control to Payton.
  4. Wow! we are a bipolar group aren't we? I'm glad we signed Stevie, but this is what we should have done all along. If you see a gang member walking down the street and he passes by the liquor store without robbing it, you don't thank him. You're glad that what should have happen did, and move on. I'll congratulate Nix when we sign an FA like Mario Williams or VJ, guys that normally don't find their way to the Bills roster. Again I'm happy we signed Stevie, even mildly surprised, but I'll hold off waving my Nix banner for when he actually does something extraordinary. I hope that I can wave it soon!
  5. Also they don't really play all that well. Their playing quality is a mirage.
  6. Oh great! Now the Bills will never pick a WR in the 7th round again because Ralph will be afraid of having to pay him 7+ million after his first contract runs out.
  7. If the Bill's draft board has say 8 players at #10 all with the same grade (i.e. 8 players tied for 10th) Why wouldn't you try to trade down a few spots and pick up a second rounder at least? I think that's what the OP was tring to convey. No one stands out at the #10 spot for THE BILLS. That does not mean that another team doesn't want to draft at #10. I sure hope I don't meet some posters at a yield sign or a 4 way stop.
  8. That would be just like the Bills. Take a flying leap on at best a second round QB instead of trading up to get either all-world prospects.
  9. Gamecock fan here also. I second the above. Here's my scouting report on Jeffery (for what it's worth). Positives: If he gets his hand/ hands on the ball consider it caught. He will out jump anyone for the ball! He is open even when he's not open. He's got a big frame that can breaks tackles after the catch. Negatives: He lacks that explosive quickness to get great separation in his routes, and does not have break away speed. His routes were mostly go routes so it's hard to gauge his route running ability. James Hardly???? Jeffery was double and triple covered all last season. His QB's were a worse passer than Tebow (Garcia) and the second coming of JP Losman (Shaw). I don't feel his weight will be an issue and he is a high character guy. I'll be surprised if we take him, but not disappointed if we do.
  10. Screw it! Rounds 1-7 PASS RUSHERS! I don't care if they rush from the LB, DE or the 3rd row of the upper deck.
  11. I use Miss Cleo. I use to use the weatherman but he's never right. So then I started going against everything the weatherman said and then he started getting it right. My point is nobody is 100% accurate. I like Mayock. He doesn't just tell you his opinion on a guy he tells why and goes in depth. His reasons always seem logical to me.
  12. Alson Jeffery is the prefect example why the combine exists. He's falling down draft boards because the rumor is he is over weight. He could blow it off and just have his pro day work out, but I think that would throw a red flag. We'll all see for sure at the combine!
  13. I think teams get a better feel for a player when they are are on even playing field. If I were the NFL I'd make it manditory to attend if invited. Look at Jamarcus Russell. Skips the combine and "wows" at his pro day. Throwing to you own guys and being the focus, has to be a lot easier than trying to stand out in the crowd at the combine. I think the interviews and being able to see a player's health has some merit. The combine may not be the be all end all for the NFL teams, but for me it introduces me to players I've never or rarely seen.
  14. I would not down grade one side of the ball to upgrade the other. Sign SJ
  15. Being a Gamecock fan in SC I've seen Ingram's play and unlike Maybin he's been producing most of his college career. He played a utility guy though where he'd line up at end, tackle, and LB. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but he wasn't a "pure" pass rushing DE in the strictest sense. High character guy though so if anyone can overcome their "physical deficiencies" he can. I'd except him at #10, I'd love him in a trade down!
  16. I guess we’ll agree to disagree. I feel doubt, no matter how small, is still an advantage when it comes to drafting or FA’s. You can still tell FA’s that we’re going to a 4-3, but why announce it to the whole league?
  17. Au revoir Chuck Bartowski

  18. I think everyone assumed we'd be switching back to the 4-3 when Wanny was made the DC. I just cannot figure out why we would announce it and remove all doubt, especially before the draft? The draft is a huge poker game, and should be approached as one. Hold your cards close to the vest, and make others make unnecessary moves. By saying who we are, we've now given 3-4 teams a sigh of relief so they won't need to risk a draft day move to jump over us for a 3-4 player. The other 4-3 teams now may consider moving up ahead of us for the same type players we may want. Why not make our draft better by making other teams worse? This doesn't even take in to account any moves we may make. Makes no sense!
  19. So you don't like the Brad Smith signing then.
  20. This also makes the point that you should always draft a QB in the later rounds in the hopes that you will find a Favre/Warner/Brady. Ya know, you can't win the lotto if you don't play.
  21. Color me off the Nix band wagon if SJ signs with another team at a "reasonable" rate. Nix has been preaching from day 1 "you build through the draft an resign your own". SJ maybe unreasonable and therefore the Bills can't sign him, but if he is signed by another team at or near his $7.5/yr then it is all just political BS from the Bills GM in my mind.
  22. Seems wierd to respond to my own post but... 3-1 against the spread not too bad for a someone who really had no clue.
  23. Denver vs NE: Classic case of good vs evil. Unfortunately in the real world evil wins more times than not. So no matter how many hail Mary’s Tebow says or throws I think the satin in a sweatshirt will triumph and by a lot. So NE against the points. Saints will repeat history by traveling to the west coast and coming home with a loss just like against Seattle. I think the Ravens will win but not by 9. Houston. Giants getting 9? Seems too good to be true so it must be. Packers
  24. I'm grading the player on their draft position in relationship to their play. I’m NOT grading on potential for next year! DT Marcell Dareus B He was very good, and lasted the year. For the Bills that is an accomplishment in itself. For me to give him a higher grade he would have had to have made a few more plays even through the double teams. A Pro Bowl berth is my A+ so B for the 3rd overall pick is really good! CB Aaron Williams C+ I personally expected more from Williams. Injuries hampered him I know, but my college professor wouldn’t accept excuses so I’ll pay it forward. He showed flashes but so did McKelvin. He was rated as a low first rounded and maybe that’s why I expected more. ILB Kelvin Sheppard C+ He is another player I expected more from. His play got better as the year went on. I just wish I’d have seen a play from him that said “yep that’s the guy we need”. S Da’Norris Searcy B- Remember that I’m not rating these guys as compared to the rest of the class, and I expect more from the first picks. With that said I didn’t expect to even see this guy on the field. He held his own and that counts for our 5th pick in the draft. OT Chris Hairston B+ Come on who thought this guy was going to be anywhere near capable of playing let alone as well as he did. If he would have stayed healthy I’d have given him an A just for the pure unexpected shock of how well he played at times. Do I think he’s the long term starter? Nope! I was just pleasantly surprised by him. RB Johnny White C- Did some things on ST, but I would have thought with Jackson going down he would have gotten some carries. Kudos to the Bills for bring in Choice because he did OK, but it doesn’t say much for White. LB Chris White Pass/Fail 8 Tackles and 1 forced fumble. Early IR (which to me is a negative) I’m being kind here. CB Justin Rogers B- His ST work and him playing the nickel at the end of the season was more than you can ask of a player 7th round pick. OL Mike Jasper D He didn’t get cut so he didn’t get an F. He was elevated at the end of the season so he didn’t get a D- Flame away!
  25. A guy that is always open even when he's covered, but can get wide open in single coverage.
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