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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. Floyd. He'll be nothing more than say 2nd tier receiver. I predict Hill, Jeffery, and Streeter will all have as good a career.
  2. The only way they should consider drafting Barron is if they plan on moving Byrd to CB (which I'm not sure he can do) and moving Wilson to FS. Barron is a SS. Flo makes too manny dumb mistakes, McGee is always hurt, not sold YET on Williams, and McKelvin is crap. Wilson and Byrd are our 2 best DBs. Taking one off the field seems senseless. Otherwise this is CJ Spiller all over again. (Part time player selected in the Top 10)
  3. It would be nice to know what we get for the trade.
  4. Brandon Weeden. Now that would be a surprise!
  5. Yes but Jackson was a second round pick. The risk of getting an impact player there is less.
  6. I'd be interested in knowing which GM's have called him about trades.
  7. Sounds like we won't be taking a WR at #10
  8. Gilmore was also a return guy and a wildcat QB while at SC. Wouldn't it be nice to save Brad Smith's roster spot for someone who may actually contribute?
  9. If pot is not addictive then why can't Jenkins give it up? Yeah it may not have the physical addiction that alcohol does but it does have a mental addiction. Why else would all these athletes risk so much money to smoke it? Something is pushing them.
  10. My pick is Andrew Luck. He won't be there at 10 but 1/2 the guys being picked won't either. Kuechly, Floyd, Blackmon, I doubt any will be there. So since there is no limit... I pick Luck. Now who I think we'll end up with is Reiff. For lack of a better term "a boring pick".
  11. Regardless of your stance on pot, it is still illegal and against the NFL drug policy. He'll be watched like a hawk with his rep. A suspended or in jail player is a useless one.
  12. 1. Kelsay, McKelvin, Troop, and Carrington are all shown the door in the first round of cuts. 2. Stevie gets another 1000 yard season and asks for another raise. 3. Rian Lindell and Brian Morman start a knitting class on the sidelines because of boredom. The new offensive game plan is TD or nothing. 4. Buffalo will approve the building of a new stadium downtown and breaks ground just months before the team moves. 5. The teams moves to Duck NC which allows the Bills to retain their nickname and become the Duck Bills.
  13. I think I'd rather have Stephon Gilmore. He seems just as talented and has zero red flags.
  14. If I were king aham GM I would draft a QB in the middle to late rounds every year weather I need one or not. If he's crap no one cares if you cut him. If you hit the lottery with him you can keep him or trade him if you already have your starter.
  15. The local radio station here in SC said that only a handful of teams have scouts here? Can anyone confirm if the Bills are one?
  16. Split both Fred and CJ wide to got 5 wide.
  17. Let me answer that with a question. Do you not want Bills player to try and knock out Brady when we play them or do you just want them to lightly place him on the ground? My point is they are trying to knock the guys out even without getting paid to do so.
  18. I'm going to get blasted here but what the heck... I was taught as far back as pee wee football you hit the guy as hard as you can and try and knock him from the game. I didn't get paid $$ for it but playing more was my reward. If you take out the fact that a person is being hurt (which is part of football) how is this different from paying a little leaguer to hit a home run? That said, the Saints were told to stop and didn't. That to me is the bigger issue and why they should be penalized. But does the time fit the crime? I think it’s either too much for the Saints or too little for the Paties. Both were caught cheating. The Pat's was a clear case of stealing for an advantage. The Saints was a case of motivating their players to hit harder, and let's face it they try to knock each other out anyway, money or not. The only other issue that might make the Saints case deeper is that they are circumventing the salary cap by giving their players bonuses. I won't be able to respond until tomorrow because I'm at work, but feel free to blast away.
  19. I don't see it happening, but making the Dolphins and their fans freak out is always a good thing!
  20. Greeny on Mike and Mike did say that Mario in Buffalo is not only good for Buffalo but for the NFL, because this would make Buffalo relevant again.
  21. Adam Schefter said on Mike and Mike this morning that Williams is on his way to San deigo to talk to the Chargers????
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