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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. I've been to Panther games. It was like going to church. Everyone is dressed up but few really cares what's going on. Quietest stadium I've ever been in. The fans are only there for the event not for the team. Unworthy!
  2. I have to add one more reason that the O's success MAY have faded toward the end of the year. Coaches figured out our offense and adjusted their defenses accordingly. It seemed once the Jets D shut us down every team played us like they did and we didn't have an answer. My hope is now that we are in year 2 that we will have more options than what we saw last year to counter with.
  3. I'd like to see these positions go by the way of the dodo bird... FB, H-Back, Wildcat QB, Kick off specialist. How much field time do these players really get on our team? With our supposed new found depth do we really want to lose 4 players to keep players at these positions? D-line and WR are the 2 biggest positional battles. I could see surprise cuts coming from both these positions.
  4. Kyle Williams. No question in my mind. Some think that his back-ups are adequate but I'm not one of them.
  5. Hey it's totally possible that Fitz's chin strap comes off and the wind blows his beard over his eyes in the middle of a play.
  6. I'm not too worried about the speed at which he's learning the offense. I think Chan will ease him into the offense slowly. He may dumb down the O early and open it up more as the year goes on. To answer the question limited.
  7. Living in SC I follow the Gamecocks and not much of the other college teams. I'm an NFL guy at heart. So these before the season mock drafts are great for me! I get to know who to keep an eye on during the college season without a lot of effort. Thanks Astro, and all the other draft gurus out there, for doing the hard work and making my college scouting much easier!!!
  8. Well if we do indeed have depth this year we may just win some preseason games.
  9. Why not just make it 4:30 and be done with it?
  10. I don't get it. Why not get excited about Easily? After all he is a Buffalo Bill. I'd get excited about the janitor if he helps us win games.
  11. The wildcat: The opportunity to remove your starting QB for the 3rd string QB and have him not hand off to the starting RB. Brilliant!
  12. David Nelson. Most people here believe he is nothing more than a lower tear receiver. I thought he played pretty well last year and should be even better this year. Although he is known for his cheerleader girlfriend.
  13. Well really you can. Double TEs make for 7 blockers at the line and a RB in the back field make 8. I could see NE doing this against us with their TEs. We would never know which one or both TEs are going out for a pass. The TEs could also chip block and then break off into the pattern. We're going to have an excellent D-line no doubt, but it can be countered. Our LBs and DBs still need to stay awake. Blitzing is the only way to have more rushers than pretection. I believe Wanny doesn't like to do that much.
  14. We should keep Kelsay. He'll make a good special teamer.
  15. Muscle memory habits are very difficult to break. Just ask Tim Tebow. The thing is he may look terrific in practice, but in the heat of the moment revert back to those habits. He's not a rookie so those bad habits are embedded in him. He's going to have to work extremely hard this offseason if he wants to fix them. I hope he truly breaks them and can throw with proper mechanics without thinking about it, because we really need him to.
  16. I had DTV and the Sunday ticket for 12 years. Cancelled everything it when the ticket hit $300. They pretty much begged me to stay, but I had already subcribed to U-verse by then. Big mistake BTW. As was Dish. Now I have no pay TV per say. I just have my TV hooked up to my computer (HDMI) and an antenna for local channels. I can watch anything usually in HD somewhere on the net. I stream the Bills games, but they are grainy and sometimes the sites are shut down, but you can always find another. But it must be good enough because my entire family comes to my house on Sundays and watches the games with me. So the value is unbeatable (if you already have a fast internet connection) but the quality is average at best. Now if I can just get everyone else to join in with me for a while the cable and sat companies will really have to reduce their rates. Power to the people! Up next the oil companies.
  17. He's holding out because he wants Chris Kelsay's jersey number.
  18. I agree the Saints shouldn't pay him. We should! Git er done Buddy!
  19. I'm NOT very high on Young, but he's better than Thigpen which isn't saying much. I've never been a fan of the wildcat and the Brad Smith project either. I could see the Bills cutting Thigpen and Smith and either Corp or Tanny makes the roster as #3. The Gix or if you prefer Nailey era has not had a developemental QB yet.
  20. Lugoff, SC (Near Columbia) Originally from Brocton, NY Home of the green arches. (Next town west of Fredonia)
  21. Our D-line is much improved on paper. But Mario is coming off an injury, and is new to our team. Often a change of scenery for a players can have poor results as well as good. I'm not saying this will happen, all I'm saying is it's a question mark. As far as Kelsay, Johnson, Edwards, Carrington goes, I just don't expect much from them. Right now I'm cautiously optimistic. I'm a huge Gamecock fan, so getting Gilmore was a pleasant surprise for me. I expect him to be great, but you just don't know until he hits the field. So hence the question mark. The team made great moves this off season, but so did the Eagles last year and the Redskins every year. I'm not saying we are them, but you don't win games on paper alone. Until they show it on the field all positions except RB and Safety are suspect.
  22. It would be easier to list which position don't need an upgrade. RB, Safety, and MAYBE D-line. All the other positions have either question marks or just need upgrades. Hopefully some young guys will step up this year and the list of positions not needing upgrades will become longer than the ones that do.
  23. Gilmore is kind of a quiet and reserve guy. Smart and a high character guy. He was a starter year 1 in college and played against some of the best WRs in the SEC. He is definately NOT Mckelvin 2.0. In fact he's kind of the exact opposite. He also was the wildcat QB and did some return work also. Maybe we can save the roster spot and 86 Brad Smith. You guys can rag on him if you want too, and he might not be the ticket seller first round pick, but he's going to help our team alot! Maybe he was dissappointed to be drafted by the Bills, so lets NOT welcome him and make his disappointment justified. I may be in the minority, but I am seriously glad we did not get Floyd.
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