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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. We've only beaten 2 teams. They have a combined record of 1-9. Using your logic "we were suppose to lose that game" we only have a chance at winning 2 more games the rest of the year. Tenn. and Jacksonville. They are the only teams left on our schedule with a worst record than ours. Miami, Indy, and the Jets all have the same record as us but they don't look so inept. Of course who does? You want to be the best? (Which I hope we are striving for) you have to beat the best no excuses! Especially ones that say "Well we weren't supposed to win anyways".
  2. Your treading on my new Mantra: "College schemes don't beat pro teams". If I new how to put it at the bottom of all my posts it would be there.
  3. You cannot run college schemes against pro teams. They can win against bad teams at times but get crushed by good ones.
  4. I say we rush 10 and drop 5 into coverage. If they still had the replacement refs we could get away with it. Darn NFL they ruin all my great ideas!
  5. Totally disagree. You don't know that CJ or Freddie are going to get hurt Sunday or during any other game this season. Using this logic we should sit all of our good players until the playoffs. Of course we won't make the playoff if we don't keep winning games. Win today adjust as needed tomorrow.
  6. 3-0 Bills. It a record setting preformance. A 18 turnovers and 55 penalties occurs. We finally get our 3 points when Potter is called upon to kick from our own 35 yard line. A 72 yard field goal with the wind in his face! This was at the start of the second half. Chan was so afraid we would turn it over he kicked it on first down after a 15 yard run (and the only first down of the game by either team) by McEntyre. He was the only player to hang onto the ball for an entire play the whole game without a penalty occuring. On the positive side... The Bills sell the game as the greatest football folly ever and earn enough money to not have to worry about the long term lease to stay in Buffalo. Bills fans rejoice knowing they can look forward to more games at the Ralph like the Bills and Chiefs.
  7. I don't blame Fitz for the loss. He played as I expected. I did expect the D (which has been the focus of 3 drafts and most of the offseason moves) to generate at least one 3 and out and force more than one punt. That said... I can't wait for the re-match where the winner goes onto the playoff and the loser goes back to NJ.
  8. It could be worst, Freddie could be hurt... Huh? What's that? He is hurt? I take it back.
  9. OK so we still have a chance to generate a 3 and out and or punt. LOL
  10. If you ask me 11 guys on defense look terrible! No pass rush, no coverage, and no play making!
  11. D hasn't forced a 3 and out yet. If they are going to come back now the time!
  12. That quite? It's the calm before the storm. Either that or... A collective holding of the breath .
  13. No huddle - spread formation - run freddie left, run Freddie right, run Freddie up the gut. Now that would be a surprise!
  14. I agree that getting a franchise QB is more luck than skill (to a point). So if this was the lottery how do we improve our odds? We draft a QB every year, even if it's in the later rounds. If you can't get that first round "predicted" stud you take a flyer later in the draft. A forth round or later player is likely not going to become a superstar anyways, but in the odd chance that they are... wouldn't you want that guy to be a QB? If you do already have your franchise QB and you do stike gold on a late round QB you can trade him for a high round pick. We are in the prefect position to get a QB next year at some point in the draft.
  15. So let's make him the 3rd RB and save the WR/QB spot for someone good.
  16. Chris Kelsay was getting worried about his job and broke out those compromising pictures of Ralph again. Buddy freaked out and did the only drastic thing he could think of...cut Merriman. Merriman did not look good Friday night vs the 2nd and 3rd stringer. This does not surprise me at all. Actually gives me hope that the staff is cutting the dead wood from the tree no matter who they are.
  17. I watched Easley Friday night when Thigpen was in. He never looked Easley's way. Not before the snap not after. He was totally focused on Roosevelt. I understand that has been Thigpen's history. He locks onto a WR and that's it. Now maybe its a case of not trusting the other guys I don't know. I do know that a WR can't make a play if know one throws him the ball.
  18. I expect to watch a fuzzy, frequenty interrupted, jerky stream on-line that has a high possibility of being shut down by the NFL police, that can also includes many attemps to try and get me to buy porn. Good times man...good times. Anyone got a slingbox they are willing to donate?
  19. Thanks everyone for your great responses! This a point I never considered. Although I don't think its damper my distain for the wildcat it at least gives me an understanding of why you would use it. Great post!
  20. I guess I just don't get it. You take out the starting QB, and pretty much ignore the starting RBs. Then you put in a guy that is not capable of being the second string QB to replace the starting QB? The guy isn't even good enough to be the back-up RB. It just makes no sense to remove your supposedly best players and replace them with one of lesser ability. Can you imagine that it's 3rd and 1 and we run the wildcat up the middle and we don't make it? The first words out of my mouth will be "Why didn't you at least give it to Freddie?" I just don't get it. So someone please enlighten me as to what possible match-up problems this gimmick is suppose to create. Please don't give me the coaches speak of "It makes the apposing team have to prepare for it" crap. Every D coordinator in the NFL has figured it out by now. So if you can give me some genuine Xs and Os reasons like, it allows the o-line to block like... Or it puts the DBs in this situation... then maybe I'll be able to control me gag reflex better. Thanks!
  21. Love these reports! Have the corners been playing close to the LOS? I really hate it when I see those 10 yard cushions and Wes Welker doing a quick slant for 8 yards untouched.
  22. Not to mention that they don't game plan against our D in practice. Something they will be doing against their competition in the regular season.
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