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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. All people have days where things just go right. Easly was in the zone on special teams. The first thought I had when SJ went down was that we'll get to see if it translates to the offense. No such luck.
  2. Releif is in site... Dec. 21, 2012 the end of everything. This is more likely than winning out.
  3. I hope that wasn't your 15 minutes of fame, because it was pretty uneventful.
  4. That's right Bills fans things are never so bad that they couldn't get worst.
  5. When the Bills line up on offense I know exactly what the play its going to be 95% of the time. If I, a guy who wasn't even good enough to play high school varsity football in a town of only 2000 people can figure out what we are running, guys that do this for a living must see blood. We are predictable and predictably bad. Meaning not only can you figure out what we are running, it's a bad play to be running at the time we run it.
  6. Jumping the gun on young inexperienced players with "potential" is really the only way you can trade for one. If we want Kap now would be the only time available to do it. If you wait for the potential come to fruition it's too late the team will demand too high a price or won't trade at all. It's risky, but it's the only play you have if you think a guy is on the cusp of being good.
  7. Please pass me the salt, I'd like to eat me some crow. I was really against drafting cj but I' ve finally come around.
  8. Doesn't matter what the D wears for pants because most times they're caught with their pants down.
  9. I half agree with the OP. We do need better WRs. The thing is if we never throw the ball down field how do we know the WR can't catch them????? So now it is either Fitz unwilling to throw down field, or Gailey unwilling to let him throw down field. I case could me made that there isn't anyone open, but this is the NFL WR are rarely "open". Throw the ball and give your WR a chance to make a play.
  10. He's just a smarter captain check down. JUST CHUCK IT IN THE CLOSING SECONDS! I wonder if we even have a hail mary in our play book?
  11. This is why, this year, is one of the most frustrating I've had the displeasure of watching.
  12. This team lacks accountability (publicly at least). The owner doesn't pressure the coaches. The coaches don't pressure the players. The players don't pressure each other. I would even add that the fans don't pressure the owner to a slight degree. Maybe the few older guys are so use to losing that they have developed a don't care attitude and it has spread throughout the team. To me the fish rots at the head first. Ralph needs to demand better! Kudos to Kelsay for speaking up.
  13. And even after you find one you should keep looking.
  14. Trade back into the first round and draft 2 QB's next year to increase our chances!
  15. I like your optimism too. Only thing is when it turns to boasting and when you can't back it up you look foolish. See Rex Ryan. I'll argue that this will be the biggest win in a long time. I think last years NE win was pretty big. Besides it's not even a divisional foe.
  16. I checked the first 3 and when heaven issues it. Because we are going to need an issue from heaven to get the first 3.
  17. The coaching staff will never start playing for next year, because they may not be here if they do.
  18. Knowing our FO which ever one of these teams drafts a QB that's where we will get our next starter. I think it's highly likely that Matt Cassel will be our next starting QB.
  19. Translation: Gailey chokes when the game is on the line.
  20. 2 weeks in a row Chan puts the ball in the air when all we just needed was to run the clock down. Last week letting BS throw and this week letting Fitz throw. We were gashing them with the run and we had 3rd and 3 and did not need to pass. Even if we didn't make it and we punt, we don't give them momentum (the INT) and we could have pinned them deep. As soon as Fitz fadded back I said shook my head and yelled NO!. I'm not a big complainer about the play calling, but 2 weeks in a row! I can't believe he didn't learn his lesson last weekend. This time he poked the tiger and it bit him.
  21. I have to agree. The Brad Smith pass and the conservative play calling when we got the ball back with over minute to play. It was the first time I really blamed the play calling. If we would have lost people would have been calling for his head.
  22. If we win the next 2 games, we'll most likely still be in last place in our division.
  23. Mama said "If you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all" Hmmm... nuf said.
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