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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. If I'm the D coordinator I'm telling my guys forget the RB and hit the QB. We'll see how long it last.
  2. I'd only trade him under 2 conditions 1. First round pick! Nothing less. Byrd thinks he's the best, then we should be compensated that way. 2. Put a clause in the trade saying that the team that drafts him MUST make him the highest paid safety in the league. No more of this we trade the guy and he signs for equal or less than what we offer. Let's see how many offers he gets under these restrictions.
  3. I have no sympathy for the defense. If they want a rest... stop the other team!
  4. Before I cut Easley I try him out at DB. He can't be any worst than what I saw last night! Yes I was at the game.
  5. Easily has had the best preseason of all the WR and has been an ace as a gunner on ST. Why would they cut him and save Hogan and Smith?
  6. The real hysteria will start when Tuel has a mediocre game against the Patsies and the Bills still win, and the next week EJ is healthy.
  7. The optimist in me says yeah baby! The pessimist says he'll be on IR by week 3. I'm so tormented!
  8. Idk if the d will be this good in the regular season, but man they are fun to watch.
  9. If I only had a TV anntena big enough to pull in every over the air channel in the USA I'd be good to go!
  10. My theory is that if we finish with less than 7 wins the players will begin to question this "college" coaching staff. Right now they are buying into this shinny new toy on O and D and are excited to be playing it. If this team finishes with the same or worst record as last year, doubt could creep in and that is never a good thing. They need to start out good and be great by the end of the year for this staff to not lose its players. At a minimum they need to be on hitting on all cylinders at the end of the season. Don't underestimate the mental part of football.
  11. Sweep NE and either the Jets or Dolphins and split with the other. A winning record in the division would be a great start. Of course 35 TDs, 3 ints, 4300 yards passing, 13-3 record, and a payoff win would be nice too.
  12. Wow! There are some real holy than thou Bills fans on here. I guess if you aren't sitting in the Ralph, bare chested, at -30 degrees wind chill, waving your season tickets and prasing every move ever made by the Bills, good or bad, then you're not a true fan. My "not a true Bills fan" take on EJ. I say start him day one. None of this screwing around. If he's going to be good you'll see flashes through out the year. If he's not, we need to know NOW so we can draft another QB high next year. If we wait until Kolb is screwing up so bad that he has to be pulled, or let EJ sit the entire year to "groom" him, we won't know anything at the end of the year. If we let him sit out this year and start him next year and we find out he is not NFL quality, then year 3 of this new staff's rebuild they will be drafting a QB. Year 3 of a rebuild with another new QB... . If we need to get a new QB let it be year 2 so year 3 he will have had some experience. Some may argue that the coaches should be able to tell if EJ is progressing in practice. That doesn't fly with me either. Edwards was a HOF QB in practice. Having our QB be a ? at the end of this year is unexceptable!
  13. What is really sad is that not one team had zero arrests. I realize the NFL is a small sample size of society, but man that's just sad.
  14. Should the Bills have Gilmore cover the rookie WRs to get them use to press coverage . Stevie has it down. I don't have faith in the otherCBs to cover no matter what coverage they are in. I just think Woods would really benefit from that.
  15. My favorite Bills video will always be the ESPN animated commercial. So many times has that hit home. Don't know how to set a link to it, but just search for ESPN bills commercial and it should come up.
  16. Thursday May 9 @ 1:00 SiriusXM NFL Channel 88 will be discussing the Bills "state of the franchise" sort of thing. If already posted feel free to delete this thread.
  17. Every QB to ever play in the NFL has said "You don't learn anything by sitting on the bench". Start him and keep him in no matter what. If he sucks all season and never improves we draft high and take another QB next year.
  18. He's the guys that went 0-32 in the first round of he draft!
  19. I am one who thinks that there are no first round QBs in this draft. That said I was glad that we traded down, it took the sting out of the pick. Now that EJ is a Bill I hope he excels and quickly. BTW Will teams PLEASE stop helping the Paties by trading with them!!!!!!
  20. Throw the top 7-8 QBs into a bag shake it up and draw one out. Look at your hand, look back in the bag, shrug your shoulders and walk away.
  21. I say draft a Qb this year. Start him day 1. It will almost guarentee us the first pick in next year's draft.
  22. Maybe my read between the lines sensor is on the fritz, here's what I've gotten from this thread... 1. We should draft a QB in Rd1 because they have the best chance of being good. Not just QBs but all positions in Rd1 have the best chance at success because teams are selecting the best players in Rd1. QBs in Rd1 are better on average because they are supposed to be the better QBs coming out of college. They are NOT better because they are drafted in Rd1 they are drafted in Rd1 because they are better. 2. So we draft a QB in Rd1, even if there is a possibility he's going to suck, because even if he does suck we can pick another one next year? The good old desperation pick. This has burned more team than it has ever helped. If the Bills are convined there is a QB in this draft worthy of being the 8th pick they should grab him. If not then they shouldn't. Simple as that. Wow I can see next years post already if they draft a QB out of desperation and he flops. Especially if they could have drafted player X, Y, or Z who made the pro bowl as a rookie. The same posters who are asking for a QB at all cost would be calling for Nix's head on a plate.
  23. Buffalo where the only good draft comes from a tap.
  24. I hope DJ plays lights out and the rest of his team plays like @#$%.
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