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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. Not trying to answer for Gordio, but for me I'm sure I can find some other reason to have a social gathering, even if it meant rooting for another team not formally named Buffalo Bills. I just will not give my time or dime to the people will be cutting my throat later on.
  2. I am a fan of the team not of the individual players. Yes I do like some of them more than others, but they are all one trade/cut from being on the Patriots, Dolphins, or Jets. Just because my favorite players is now on the Patriots doesn't mean I'm rooting for them.
  3. This is like cheering for your wife as she cheats on you knowing she has her bags packed and is just sponging off you until her new boyfriend has a house built.
  4. Question: If a Toronto group does buy the team this year, will you continue to support the Bills through 2019 when they WILL move? Not me. I will not give my money and support to someone who is going to stab me in the back.
  5. good point, but wasn't that suppose to be Fitz' problem also? It just scares me when you have to start breaking bad habits in the NFL.
  6. Right now I'm not convinced he is the guy. It depends on why he is so inaccurate. Is it because of jitters or reading defenses? Then yes those will subside over time as long as he doesn't get Trent Edwards on a few plays. If it is because of mechanics, then I don't believe for a second that he will become the QB we need. He has had 15+ years to develop mechanics going through Pee Wee, HS, and college ball. It's not like the "old days". These guys are usually trained by people that should fix mechanics problems before they get to the NFL. Changing your spots when you've been growing them for years is a tough thing to do.
  7. Hey! That's my drum your beating. Most productive QB ever at South Carolina, and threw 24 TDs, 1 Int, and 163 QBR in the SEC. What more can you ask for? Oh yeah... Guy is tough as nails and will play hurt.
  8. Not to mention if your an owner and you vote no to a move. When you want something from the rest of the owners don't be surprised when they vote no. Never underestimate the influence of politics, corporate or otherwise.
  9. I can see the NFL losing popularity, but I highly doubt it will lose out to the NBA. Granted I've only lived to 2 parts of the country, but both of those areas have little to no interest in basketball. I travel a lot and I pay attention to other people's conversation on planes and I've heard countless conversations about the NFL, and some about baseball. I can't remember any about the NBA. I've heard some regarding March madness, that's about it. It all sounds like sour grapes to me.
  10. Correct! An once you find one you pay whatever it takes to keep them, or have Andrew Luck to take over. Players will want to play for an elite QB so FAs will sign for less. See Byrd?
  11. I've read this whole tread and don't remember anyone saying that EJ was a bust or should be benched ASAP. The only things I see are people worried that he will not pan out and that we will be left with nothing AGAIN. Drafting a QB would at least ensure that we have someone to take over next year if EJ doesn't pan out. At best this years drafted QB would be EJ back-up. A case could be made to draft a QB in the later rounds, but if we are trying to play the odds here drafting one in round 1 is the better bet.
  12. If there is a QB worth taking at 9 by all means draft him! I don't buy into the bunk about there is not enough practice time to go around and that it will hinder EJ development. If this was the case you could never develop a QB because the current starter would be getting all the reps. If it’s me, I draft a QB tell him he is the backup. Let EJ play out the year. If he sucks we have are developmental guy in house. Then next year draft another QB just in case the 2014 QB sucks it up in 2015. If we don’t draft a QB this year and EJ does stink up the field, then we are drafting another QB next year and waiting 2 more years to see if he is the quy. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
  13. We now join the world renowned professor Wil Power as he sets out on the trail of the ever elusive and extremely rare Buffalo Bills optimist.
  14. I can't make the meeting. The Gibran Hamdan meeting won't be over in time.
  15. I think only 1 QB will be taken in the top 10 and that will be Bortles. Out of the big 3 he is the only proto-typical QB. Another "bold" prediction the Jets will trade up with the Rams and take Watkins. They have nothing at WR.
  16. Good Move. This contract has nothing to do with Byrd. That being said I think Byrd will sign the first contract that will even be close to what the Bills were offering. He just doesn't want to be in Buffalo IMO. AW should not change position though. He is suited for the SS position and seemed to thrive there. Find another Byrd-esque player to fill the FS spot.
  17. Maybe during breast cancer awareness month, because most of the helmet will be shades of pink.
  18. Scouts at the senior bowl were saying that the way Boyd has practiced he is undraftable.
  19. How about 24 TDs, only 1 INT and played in the SEC? Connor Shaw South Carolina
  20. This will never happen, but I'd get rid of the kicking game all together save punting. Most times the kickoff goes out of the end zone and starts at the 20. Just start there and be done with it. Extra point kicks are useless. Give them 7 unless they try for 2. A missed 2 point would result in 6. Remove FGs from the game completely. A turnover in your own end wouldn't "automatically" give the other team 3 points. Make them move the ball on offense to get a reward. Punting I would keep.
  21. EJ is still an unknown and did not do enough to warrant unyielding devotion to him as our starting QB next year.This draft is deep at QB. I can't help but place EJ in the range of Boyd or Murray at best and maybe even lower. If we were to draft one of those 2 in the second round it would bring at minimum legit competition. QB IS the most important position is all of team sports and in my eyes we still don't know if we have one. QB's are cheap now in the draft. I'd rather have multiple QB to choose from than to put all my eggs in the EJ basket only to find out when it's too late that he is not the answer. I do not want to draft one in the 1st, but I'd draft one high.
  22. If you don't know if you have a QB then you don't have a QB. I'm not saying that EJ can't be good, I just would rather not find out after its too late. Have a contingentcy plan, not some retread washed up vet either.
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