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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. We only need 25 threads. 22 – one for each position on the field 1 for coaches 1 for front office 1 for all other NFL news There, no more duplicate threads.
  2. I've been pimping Connor Shaw since the draft. Sign him now.
  3. I hope to see Gurley on the PS. But then again I'm a South Carolina fan.
  4. Only 1 Bills QB has thrown a TD pass this preseason and he has thrown 2. The problem is he has thrown 2 ints also.
  5. 5 wide baby! That would blow D coordinators minds! Like 3 plays a game!
  6. So I'm watching the HOF game last night and began getting frustrated by the lack of information concerning the game being talked about. So I decided to turn on Murph and Kelso and hear the hometown guys. Being that I live in SC I had to get the stream of their audio online. When I clicked on listen I got a message saying that it wasn't available in my area. Huh? Can someone explain this and maybe give me an alternative web address to a different radio station other than GR550's stream so I do not miss out again. Thanks in advance!
  7. Thad has had 4 years to develop. He most likely has shown all he has. IMHO he wasn't that much better than Tuel. So let Tuel have a shot to see if he can develop.
  8. I was more convinced than ever that JBJ will move the team after that interview. Jaws said JBJ has been trying to get a team since he was with Jaws in the area league. Makes me believe he would sell his soul for a team and the rest of the world be . Jaws was right about one thing. JBJ never did say he would move the team, he just never said he wouldn't after 2020.
  9. If Toronto buys the team, no matter what BS they try to feed the fans, they are moving the team. It would be like buying a car and leaving it at the dealership.
  10. I would follow them this year only for no other reason than out of respect for Ralph. After this year my Bills gear will be sent to the goodwill store. Thankfully I still have my gamecocks.
  11. Football: a human chess match with action. Each play is a game in itself. Possibly the biggest strategy game ever devised. A game where the best teams can be derailed by the best plan. All still depending on the human element to execute the plan correctly. What is not to love.
  12. Yep this "Poll" was a train wreck. I guess I'll see what the weather is like back under my rock.
  13. Our oline looks to be much improved this year with the influx of some size and youth. So since I'm mostly a lurker here, I thought I'd peak my head out from under my rock and create my first poll. Depending on how this goes it may be my last. How many sacks will our revamped oline allow this year? I'm going with the 11-20 thinking more towards the 11 side of it. If we give up a sack a game that's 16. If we can go without a sack (for most men this would be painful) I think we can get the number to under 15. For all those poster who are going to say "We haven't even seen one preseason game yet..." If you have a better topic to discuss leave this thread in peace. So what are your thoughts?
  14. Some posters are worried because the meeting was public. I believe those same posters would be worried because it was private too. I mean why keep it a secrete? What do they have to hide? Why not meet in public so everyone will know that they are meeting so as to not go behind the fans back. Relax people. It's just a meeting!
  15. I happen to think soccer is as boring as watching paint dry. A game averages only 26 shots on goal for both teams. That's a shot every 3.46 minutes. So for 3-1/5 minutes all you see are guys kicking a ball around and very little action. Just not my cup of tea. As for the name football used to describe American football, any ball game that was not played on horseback is referred to as football. I don't know how to create a link but here is a website that describes the reasoning... http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2010/06/the-origin-of-the-word-soccer/
  16. Same here. Every year I try and every year they call my bluff. If I want it I pay full price and get nothing extra. I must not be able to lie very well. Probably why I don't sell used cars or play poker.
  17. Being a musician and playing almost every kind of music you can think of, I really get a laugh out of people who say so-n-so's music sucks. You people do realize that music is an art form and is completely suggestive. This is the reason shows like American Idol and the Voice are complete nonsense. There are 2 types of music, the kind you like and the kind you don't. Doesn't even matter if the music is played off key. If you like it, it's good. If you don't it's bad. That said, anybody that is threating my family (Bills nation) I boycott.
  18. Was hoping for a DE near the top. But really this was a stellar draft.
  19. As a fan I feel like we mortgaged the future for a WR because it is a big risk. But if I were Whaley I would have done the same thing. He could care less what happens next year because he might not be here next year. Therefore he would put all his chips in the pot and even borrow some that he doesn't have to worry about paying back (next years picks). What does he have to lose? A rookie QB this years most likely isn't going to help the team this year get to the playoffs anyways, so go all in on EJ in the hope that he becomes really good. Get weapons and do whatever to make the team a good as you can with what you have to work with. If the Bills make the playoffs the trade was worth it and you can deal with next years draft next year. If they don't make the playoffs most likely the new owner will replace him anyways, so why would he care that the Bills don't have a 1 and 4 round pick next year. So as a fan I'm holding my breath, but because I understand the logic involved I'm not upset.
  20. The Vikings would be foolish to do that trade. Bradford hasn't proven to be anything better than Ponder. If I was a Vikings fan I'd hate it.
  21. The poll would have been better served if all of the QBs available. I'm not sure John boy is the best of the bunch. Either way I draft a QB in the 3rd or later this year, or grab Connor Shaw in FA.
  22. The Bills will trade back 3 times and pick #26 and still get the guy they had rated at the top of their draft board although rated a 3rd rounder by the rest of the world.
  23. The Columbia sc radio station 107.5 the game got wind of the interview. They were just adamit about it being the worst place for Clowny to be drafted. That there is not one good reason to play for Buffalo. Heath clone wad the host. Just fyi
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