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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. I am excited that they made this move. I'm also nervous now because if Nate flames out then we truly have no QB on this team. So here's hoping he's the next franchise QB
  2. My take: The D is bad in many spots. The front 7 for sure. We don't have the personnel to fix the D right now. Maybe one guy we could change out that's 1/7 th of the problem. The O is bad in 3 spots RG RT QB. Due to the importance of the QB position it really outshines the RG and RT let's say RG = 1/4 and RT = 1/4 and QB = 1/2. So "TRYING" to fix the O would be easier from a number's stand point IF Peterman is an upgrade to Tyrod, because you fix at least 1/2 the problems of the O with 1 change. Bottom line. The D sucks and there not much we can do about it now. The O sucks but we may have a possible fix right now. So since I can't do much about the D I complain about the QB which doesn't help anything but let's me vent about something that is possible.
  3. I'm calling it right now. If they lose this game they will not make the playoffs. You can give me all the scenarios you want to, but history tells me if they can't beat the Jets here they will begin to crash and burn. So for goodness sake win tonight!!!
  4. Whoa pup the brakes. It's like Star Wars the force awakens, we've seen this movie before. Let's beat the Jets and take each game as it comes.
  5. I am a casual fan in that I only watch Bills games and maybe watch games that directly affect the Bills. Mainly AFC East opponents. The problem is that most of the time the divisional teams are playing at the same time. Here is my solution to all of the scheduling and rating problems. Ax Monday and Thursday night football. Break Sunday up into 3 equal groups of games trying to break the divisional games apart as much as possible. For example: this weekend the Jets play the Dolphins at 1:00 and the Bills play the Bucs also at 1:00. Move either game to 4:00. Sunday night the Patsies play. This way you can keep an eye on the entire division.
  6. Tyrod had a great day yesterday no doubt. That said I still think he is a more athletic Rob Johnson. He doesn't throw on time. I really think he is too worried about throwing INTs. If you are going to only throw 20 passes a game, then yeah, INTs are a big problem. I guess my point is stop worrying about the stat line and start worrying about winning the game. Which he did a good job of this game.
  7. My glass is half full, but it's because the rest of the league backwashed in it. 😀
  8. So far they seem like the same guy. Whaley wanted roster filled with Steelers, Beane wants it filled with Panthers. Wash risnse repeat.
  9. Do you know what will be funnier than the stadium wall if we lose Sunday? The Jets message board after working so hard to tank.
  10. Here is my crystal ball report... Were going to suck big time this year. A little less next year. A lot less the following year.
  11. It makes me laugh when I hear someone say we need our back-up to play .500 ball. We can't even get our starter to play .500 ball.
  12. I guess I'm in the minority. I think tanking is just as good a strategy as any other way to make yourself better. If done properly you can improve your team dramatically. It's the only way to keep the NFL from becoming MLB where the same teams win every year.
  13. Superbowl: Houston vs Detroit. Ends up being the lowest viewed Superbowl in NFL history. The Jets do not get the first pick in the draft. Tyrod plays exactly the same as last year, the defense improves to be ranked #3 and the Bills finish 9-7. Bills are torn between keeping Tyrod or drafting a QB in round 1. Decides to keep Tyrod and drafts a safety and a RB in the first round and finish 2018 7-9. Wash rinse repeat. I tried to make it bold, but the Bills are too predictable.
  14. My humble take: The reason QB's are so important is 2 minute offense. If your down by a TD or less and you have the ball with less than 2 minutes you need a passing QB to win you the game. That is why our point differential is low but we did not win enough games. TT is not a good enough passer. That is also why a run first team like the Bills is a dodo bird.
  15. Tyrod is the definition of a coach killer. Just good enough to win some games but not good enough to win enough games. Ok enough of that. ☺ That said, I have zero faith that Watson will be any better.
  16. Better passing O and we're in the playoffs. Better defense and we're in the playoffs. Improve both we're talking super bowl. The difference is great defenses fade faster than great QBs. With a great QB everything else is easier to fix. So do whatever it takes to get that guy. TT is not that guy. I'm not against drafting 2 every year until we find the guy.
  17. Yes because the better option is to inhibit the offense by using a plan that got the first OC fired. Nope I'm sorry he had 13 weeks to morph this offense into his offense which includes the bye week and nothing has changed. It looks the same as when he started.
  18. If Lynn has his own offense (and he believes it's better) and he is not implementing it, he should be fired right now. If you believe next year Lynn will make whole sale changes to the offense and it will allow Taylor to preform better and he is not doing it now? Then thanks a lot Lynn for not doing everything possible to help us win now. The more logical reason is Taylor is not suited for any other offense than what they are running, and this offense is not good enough win in the NFL and therefore Taylor is not good enough.
  19. I like Whaley, but if he has to go to get rid of Rex then bub bye. This is a passing league and Rex wants nothing to do with passing because he is clueless on how a pass first O is suppose to work. Over this year of this drought we've has the #1 special teams, #1 defense, and now for the last 2 years we've had one of the best ranked running team. What have we not had is a highly ranked passing team. The closest we've been was with Bledsoe which is the closest we've been to the playoffs in 17 years. The sad part is I don't think Rex would throw the ball even if Brady was our QB he is that dedicated to running it.
  20. We'd still end up passing it on first and second down at the 4 yard line.
  21. Not to get too in depth with this, but a great coach can decrease the percentage of the QB, but not by enough too change it's importance. The point of my post was to try and put a number on the importance of the QB. Do you think Belichick would take this team to the playoff? I think he could, but he most likely would replace our QB ASAP. I also believe that if Rex had a top 10 PASSING QB this team would be in the playoffs. To defend your opinion I think the days of winning with the run is over, and if Rex cannot change then he should go.
  22. To ME, the QB is 50% of the reason for winning or losing, while the other 50% is distributed between other players, and coaches. So if you have a great QB and say average everything else (25%) you a 75% chance of winning. Does this make sense to anyone else? So stop trying to fix the problem the hard way by improving everything else and get a QB.
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