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Everything posted by MikeSpeed

  1. Make this down. Cousins is going to New England. He'll become the highest paid back up in the NFL and will start in 2019 when Brady retires.
  2. You're talking about something that is random chance. Drafting a QB is a calculated risk as is drafting any position. There will always be holes to fill every year. None is bigger than QB.
  3. Yes let's draft a LB and DT so we can build up the defence so we can continue to lose games 9 to 3. I guess some people love being a 500 team. As of right now, I wouldn't take any of the QBs coming out next year over any of the top 5 guys in this draft. Next year's QB class is going to make EJ Manual look like Brady. Roll the dice move up and get the guy we want and don't settle for what every other team passes on.
  4. Patsy fan's on a Bills site after a SB loss. I guess they'll do just about anything to make themselves feel better.
  5. we should cut all rookies that have a bad game. Tre White should have been let go after the Bengals game
  6. I cannot believe that there are people on here scared to give away draft picks to move up??? If I believe a someone is going to be the next great QB I'd give away the entire draft class to move up and get the guy if necessary. I don't care if the next hall of fame RB, WR, LB, DE, DT... is sitting there on the board, without a QB it means nothing. There's a reason it took 18 years to get out of the drought we didn't have a QB.
  7. IF we HAVE to go with a vet then I'd pick Bradford. He's a better QB, and since I really don't want a vet anyways because I believe a QB learns by doing, Bradford's chances of making through the whole season would almost guarantee the new rookie will be in the game at some point in the season.
  8. People can and should complain about Zay's in-ability to get separation. Unless you are going to complain about Clay's drops, you shouldn't be complaining about Zay's. Both had 74 targets Clay had 5 drops Zay had 2. This is according to https://www.foxsports.com/nfl/buffalo-bills-team-stats?season=2017&week=100&category=RECEIVING&opp=0&sort=2&qualified=0&sortOrder=0 Not sure how they determine drops, but it seemed like Clay dropped at least 1 pass every game. Now Zay's completion/ target % that is not good. Which I would think would be a function of how open you are when the pass is thrown.
  9. I said before the Jets game if the Bills were to lose that they wouldn't make the playoffs. Well the crow taste pretty good. I ask that all those that proclaimed the same to chime in.
  10. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me for 17 years...well you become a bit jaded.
  11. Sorry guys. I've lived in SC for almost 20 years now and I do not remember a single game that the Bills have won while being broadcasted on the local network. I do remember going into work Monday morning to taunts and ridicule. Some even made fun of me because the Bills lost.
  12. I want nothing to do with Smith or any other journeyman QB. I'd do what Washington did and take a QB round 1 and another in round 3. Let those 2 and Peterman fight it out. You ask any QB and they'll tell you "The only way to learn how to play in the NFL is to PLAY in the NFL". Sitting a QB for a year is wasting time. If he gets gun shy or loses confidence then he wasn't going to make it anyways.
  13. Maybe, but I like to think of it as making light of a bad situation.
  14. I listened to it. I found his reasoning for not liking the term to be puzzling. He said when the Steelers lost to the Patties do they call it a Steelery thing? The Steelers and every other team in the NFL hasn't been in a 17 year drought. His response to that is this is not the same regime as the last 17 years. True but It's the same organization. Personally I think the term Billsy has merit. It describes a situation that only a team with our past can relate to. Only passionate fans that have had the carrot dangled in front of them for so long without ever tasting it can appreciate the term. Want to experience the term Billsy, watch the ESPN animated commercial from a years ago... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oZe9mzFxF4
  15. How long has Clay been in the NFL? He drops at least 2 balls every game. Zay will be fine.
  16. Because the Bills have a tendency to find the worst way to screw up a bad situation, I can see 1 of 2 things happen. 1. They finish 9-7 and miss the playoffs due to tie breakers. Leaving us with no playoffs and poor draft position. 2. Lose this week, lose to the paties, and win a meaningless game with Miami with Tyrod starting them all. No playoffs, poor draft position, and no read on Peterman. For goodness sake buck the trend this year!!!!!
  17. I was thinking before the Pats-Mia game that a mia win might be good. They could have a serious let down after this emotional high. I hope I'm right.
  18. Slowest game I've seen since the Cleveland game. Snow is the great equalizer. In this case I think it hurt us. I believe we would have blown out the Colts without the snow. Give me a dome with a fast playing surface and may the best team win.
  19. Go for it on every 4th down no matter what. The first series our offense doesn't score a TD, will be the last time we are within reach of a victory.
  20. It's not very often I'm prophetic, but unfortunately I seem to be this time...
  21. I just realised what we are arguing about. Do we eat the rotten apple or the rotten tomato? Either one is going to make you sick.
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