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  1. Deep down I don't think anyone really buys that garbage.
  2. Personally I'd rather have the 200 billion back that Bush put into Iraq.
  3. Amen Brother. But didn't you know... Bush never does anything wrong.
  4. You mean - Mission Accomplished?
  5. The government is US! Your so proud when the government bails out foreigner though . That's why we pay taxes... to Keep America strong. You are a perfect fit for dubya... he doesn't think the governement should do anything for American's either.
  6. What if this had been a terrosist attack... Geeze, incompetency abounds. We were not prepared for this so we weren't ready for an attack either. Oh to have $200 billion that we gave Iraq.
  7. I thought we were talking about Bush? What's Clinon got to do with it. Of course those statements are false.
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