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Everything posted by gobillsinytown

  1. Genius! You just found a way for them to get him to play. Just have one of the Jills bend over near the sidelines when the defense is on the field!
  2. The whole McCargo situation sucks. I was really hoping he would turn into something. But I'm not sure he should be activated. If his motivation is in question, then it's a gamble to activate him for a game that's going to test the team's determination in the heat. If he can't get motivated to play now, what's going to happen when he's hot and sweaty in Jacksonville?
  3. Stroud's eyes have to be getting all bulgey at the thought of this game. He will have a LOT to prove.
  4. The only thing that makes me nervous about the holdout is that he'll get hurt if he tries to rush back. Unfortunately that's what usually happens after long holdouts. The player tries to rush back and either gets seriously hurt or has to deal with nagging injuries all season. Jauron should work him back in slowly if he can. If Jason can make it through the first few weeks without getting dinged up, then the holdout may actually work to the team's benefit because he'll be fresher at the end of the season.
  5. I heard a little of Bellicheck's press conference. He said he has "no plans" to bring in another quarterback. Of course they have to look at bringing in another quarterback. What happens if Cassell gets hurt? Same ol Bellicheck during the press conference, with the usual arrogant, monotone delivery. We'll find out just how good of a coach he relly is this year.
  6. I hope jaws is still going to do that Sunday morning show where he breaks down game film. I'll acutally get up early to watch that. I'm also thinking that I might be able to time using the "mute" button everytime Kornheiser starts to talk..........man what an annoying arrogant pekcerhead
  7. .......and then we all laughed and laughed...........
  8. I think the people who are involved in the production of MNF have this idea that the fans like the third guy in to booth to be a jackass. Seems like they're trying to channel Howard Cosell. The problem is, Cosell could be a jackass and still have some class. Kornheiser's just a moron trying to say anything to be "provocative". I never did understand why they think monday night football fans actually like a third guy who constantly yammers about stuff that has very little to do with the game. I'd be really happy with just the play by play guy (forgot his name) and Jaws. Jaws is great with his play breakdowns.
  9. Just wait.............they'll have the Jets winning the division by tomorrow.
  10. It's pretty rare for rookie receivers to make a big impact right away. There have been exceptions like Randy Moss, but most guys take about a year to really learn to make the proper reads at the line of scrimmage, and then the proper adjustments on the fly. But they could use him right away in the red zone.
  11. I actually got to see the game here in Youngstown, OH (wierd must carry rules between Pittsburgh and Cleveland), and he was all over the field. He also got caught out of position a few times, but that's to be expected. If he keeps developing, we've got an impact player.
  12. I was listening to ESPN radio, and the feeling among their players is that Tom's going to be out for a while. The reporter also said that Bellichick was 15 minutes late for the normal post game Q&A. Sounds like they were spending a lot of time looking at Brady's knee. Looks like the division is up for grabs.............
  13. I think this issue may be more simple than most of us realize. It may have been that Angelo was trying to play through the injury, but couldn't take the pain anymore. Since he doesn't want to give up his season, maybe he's thinking a quick scope will fix the problem enough to get him through the season. I don't believe that most NFL players would willingly "stick it" to the team just to be spiteful, expecially in a contract year. Most players WANT to play. Otherwise how would they have made it as far as they have? They have to be highly motivated just to get there. And everybody plays with pain and lingering injuries. I'm thinking that there's a difference of opinion between the team doctors and the player here. The doctors think the injury is more severe, Angelo thinks the quick scope and four weeks off will take care of it. The doctors think it's going to take a lot longer. If I remember correctly, Bruce Smith went through this is '92, where his knee bothered him all year long. He didn't want to give up the season, so he tried to stick it out, but later said that it was a mistake.
  14. The story line says: "after consulting with team doctors". That tells me the injury is more significant than originally reported. He may have tried the scope to see if that would help the pain, but the team doctors may have found something else. He also may have been trying to play through it during camp/practice/preseason, but couldn't do it anymore. I don't see the front office as being vindictive and I don't see Angelo as being vindictive. There's definitely more to this than is being reported. The team wouldn't willingly put a player on IR who can be a significant contributor to wins. So they think the injury is more severe, and the results of the scope may have shown it.
  15. Unfortunately, history is not on your side here. Most long holdouts end badly, with the player getting nicked up all season, or seriously injured. There are a few exceptions, but most of the time it ends up hurting the player. I hope Jason's one of those exceptions. Bad advice from Parker.
  16. Peters is, I believe, the league's last holdout. Most of the reports I've read indicate that even the guy's teammates think he's in the wrong on this one. I won't say Peters is an idiot, because these guys only have a limited amount of time to earn all the money they can. But that being said, I think he's actually hurting his future earning potential. These holdouts almost always end badly, with the player coming back, usually out of shape, and getting either seriously injured or dinged up the whole season. therefore lowering his level of play, while increasing his reputation as a "problem". I don't think Jason is a bad guy, just a guy getting bad advice.
  17. I agree totally. Jeez, even his teammates agree. It's too bad because the guy is wasting his career. These holdouts almost never end well. Especially on the O-Line. He'll come back, but he's not in any kind of playing shape, and there's going to be a lot of pressure on him to play. He's going to be dinged up the whole season, thus lowering his market value. I think sometimes these agents have way too much influence, but ultimately it's the player's choice.
  18. ESPN goes on to say that he was suspended for marijuana. Followed by the usual: "The pot wasn't his" claim from Faulk's agent.
  19. "But a curious move for the Jets. Thomas Jones looks done, they have no one else, and the Jets' O-line still looks suspect" I think Bret's going to have an interesting year.
  20. It's never quite that simple. If it were possible to just plug and play O Linemen, more teams would do it. But offenses are too complicated for someone to adjust that quickly, even with a vetran Like Anderson. Bringing in Anderson when the Peters issue is still unresolved would be a mistake. Now, if Peters is definitely not going to show this season at all, then it might be worth looking into.
  21. From ESPN: FOXBOROUGH, Mass. -- The NFL has suspended New England Patriots running back Kevin Faulk for the team's opening game against the Kansas City Chiefs for violating the league's substance abuse policy. Faulk was also fined two game checks. Faulk's suspension began Saturday. He will be eligible to return to the team Sept. 8, the day after New England's opener against Kansas City. Sorry if this is a re-post, didn't see it listed.
  22. ....and some Bills fans think Ralph is a bad owner. Cincinnatti is going to be a disaster this year.
  23. I think there's definitely some risk for Peters, because he hasn't played or practiced at all since last year. Unless he's a workout warrior, he's not going to be in shape to play, and there's going to be a lot of pressure on him to play, even from his teammates. So the risk is that he gets nicked and dinged up all season, which affects his performance. Or worse, he gets a season-ending injury, which will reduce his leverage in negotions for a new contract, either with this team or any potential new ones. After all, what's to stop him from pulling the exact same stunt with another team if the Bills were to get tired of him?
  24. In my opinion, the reason the team wants to expand its fan base to Toronto is not for the regular seats. A sellout of the regular seats is icing on the cake. The real reason is to sell the luxury and corporate boxes. That's where the real money is, and that's where Toronto has a huge source of income. Since it's preseason, I don't think they expected a sellout. But I wonder what the attendance was in the luxury suites? I think the regular season game will be a sellout, and more importantly, the luxury and corporate boxes will be full. Is that enough to move the team to Toronto? I don't think so. Why do that, when they can do both cities?
  25. If there's any position that needs training camp time, it's the QB position. Timing and chemistry between the QB and the backs and receivers is critical. Otherwise, why would there be training camp and preseason at all? If it were as easy and plugging in all-stars at a position, we would see a lot more of this. I'm not saying it never works, but it's pretty rare. Especially this late. Most players at least have training camp and preseason to get some reps in. Favre's coming in with less than a month before the regular season starts. There's a possibility that they could start out hot, but once other teams start getting game film, the lack of time is going to show. Favre better hope all the new free agents on the O-Line start playing well together in a hurry. Every D-Line they play is going to be out to nail him. One other thing to remember: If the Jets start winning lots of games early, you might as well turn off any sports radio station or TV channel, because that's all we're going to hear and see. It's weird that this one guy gets so much hype. I live in Youngstown, Ohio and nobody cares about this guy. Most of the fans here are Steelers and Browns fans, and they're ticked off that the Favre story is shoving Steelers and Browns coverage aside. Obviously the sports media are getting a ton of response to covering this story, but I'm wondering where all the response is coming from. I would think that most fans of other teams wouldn't be all that interested. I guess I'm wrong. Either that, or NFL fans in states with no resident teams are driving it. If you live in Idaho and you're an NFL fan, maybe it's a big deal. Either way, I'm beyond tired of hearing about this guy. I can't wait until the season gets here, so everybody can shut up about it and start covering what's actually happening on the field.
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