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Everything posted by gobillsinytown

  1. As I said........most wideouts.
  2. Most wideouts take a year to develop. There's a lot more involved in playing WR in the NFL than in college. James has all the physical tools, but he's going to have to learn to read defenses better pre-snap and on the fly. His routes need to be a lot more precise and he can't allow DB's to knock him off his route. It took Moulds and Andre Reed time to get in sync too.
  3. "It seems like the Bills are playing to the level of their competition this year...played very well against the Seahawks and Jags, 2 playoff teams from last year and very poorly against 2 supposed jokes of teams that we were supposed to blow out..." You can't really make that assumption in the NFL anymore. It's too competitive. Teams that look mediocre or bad right now can turn it on in a heartbeat. IE: The Chiefs beat the Broncos today. Last year the Giants were a play away from losing in the playoffs. The season is too long now and free agency has really leveled the playing field. I'm not saying that Buffalo's slow starts aren't a little scary, but it's too early to tell whether that's a good sign because they're still gelling, or a bad sign because they're taking too long to get in sync.
  4. My suggestion would be to expand your search. Start with the guy on YouTube who's posting older videos, then expand to the Bills Backers clubs around the country. There should be a tape out there somewhere, but it's going to take some searching. You could also try NBC at the national level in New York City. Good Luck!
  5. I see what you mean as far as Marv hiring someone with traits like his, but lack of emotion on the sidelines wasn't one of Marv's traits........he was ususally a screaming maniac on the sidelines
  6. At this point, I'm so sick of Kornheiser that I've lost track of the game. They have got to end the Kornheiser experiment after this year.
  7. I think special teams have suffered overall around the league due to free agency. it's much harder to keep top special teams players now. And special teams requires a lot of teamwork, which is hard to develop when players are coming and going every year.
  8. Good. It shows that he's not above being sat down for a while if he's getting beat. Hopefully he played better after that.
  9. Right on the money. It's part of the safety's job. Once the secondary allows the receivers to start intimidating them....game over.
  10. I don't get it. Here's an elite athlete, single, pretty decent looking guy, who's just done something no swimmer has ever done. And they're giving him a hard time after he busted his a*s for his country when he goes out and gets laid.
  11. Of course.....fans aren't required to be rational. You and your fancy THINKING stuff......
  12. I never saw Edwards play. I saw JP play at Tulane once. I was suprised he survived the game intact. Most QB's who play behind lines like that get happy feet, no matter how tough they are. I guess Edwards came through his beatings at college better.
  13. I feel bad for JP. I think the four years he spent at Tulane running for his life behind that O-line doomed him from the start. But you never know....maybe this time holding the clipboard will help him in the long run.
  14. I'm simmering in my own juices right now. I wonder how soaked with sweat Bellicheck's cut-off hoodie sweatshirt is right now......
  15. I had season tickets from 1988 to 1996. Not once did I leave a game early. If you're going to pay for the tickets, pay for parking, buy stuff for tailgating....why leave early?
  16. Unfortunately that was a long time ago. The problem is Al is still using the same methods he used 25 years ago.
  17. What irritates me about this is that Jacksonville is usually not mentioned as one of the cities that could lose their team. They don't seem to get much fan support at all. Even last year their games weren't sold out. But most of national press is about how the Bills will leave the day after Ralph dies. And yet Jacksonville is listing their games as "sell-outs", because they're either not even counting the tarped over seats, or some company there is buying them up to make the situation look better.
  18. What amazes me is that there's almost no talk at all about the Jaguars moving. It seems to me that somebody's got to be taking notice of the lack of interest in the team from the population there. I'm sure the owner is.
  19. I think you're misinterpreting their reaction. Sorry but I just don't think the FO would dump a player they thought could keep helping them win. I think Angelo's knee was more seriously damaged than he realized or wanted to face. It's not his fault, he just wants to play. But if it comes down to Angelo not playing this year and still having a career later, or hurting the knee even more and being out of football because of it, this is the better option.
  20. Neither the Bills FO nor Angelo were being immature about it at all. I think Angelo was trying to play through the injury, and simply couldn't do it anymore. Nobody wants to sit out for a season. But it I think it was wishful thinking on Angelo's part to think this was a 1-4 week injury. The Bills' doctors saw something in the knee they didn't like and Angelo felt that he could do a quick scope and come back. The Bills' doctors didn't agree. I think this will end up being the best thing for Angelo. He'll be able to take the time to heal properly and move on. The same situation happened with Merriman. Plus, there's no reason for the Bills FO to be immature. They need as many quality players as they can get to win. If they thought Angelo could keep contributing, why would they put him on IR? They wouldn't.
  21. The Jets' D tightened up on the last series and kept consistent pressure on him. But they're going to have to do that the whole game. If they let Cassell stand in the pocket and throw, he's going to score on them.
  22. I agree. From what I've seen so far of this game, Cassell isn't stinking the place up...
  23. If the Bills are going to compete in this division they're going to need as many quality DB's as they can get their hands on. Even with Brady out the Pats* can still throw, and Favre automatically makes the Jets' passing game more effective. Keep them the way they are for now. The light has come on for Ashton, so let him stay where he is for a while.
  24. Good. I hope Fred's pushing him really hard this week and calling him on the phone to encourage him to kick ass.
  25. Just went on the website. Now I'm all depressed. Looks like they went for character this year.
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