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Everything posted by gobillsinytown

  1. Seems like he's the classiest player on that team. Sucks to see him get hurt.
  2. "My hunch is Thurman is drinking again and is just making stuff up...." I thought it was pot. Thurman's on the pot!
  3. I agree. Unforunately, there's just too much money in college football to use the "old school" style. Too many people and financial interests involved in the team, including boosters, wealthy parents, business interests, etc. I think Leach is a good coach and hopefully he'll learn from his mistake after the noise dies down.
  4. It seems like there's a lot less patience among NFL fans in general. I live an hour away from Cleveland so I get a lot of Browns coverage. Same with Steelers coverage. There are a lot of Browns' fans clamoring for Mangini's firing, even though he's only been there a year. That's not enough time to accomplish a turn around even by today's standards. And, amazingly enough, there are some Steelers fans who are actually saying that Tomlin should be fired, or certain players should be cut. Amazing.
  5. This is why Kiffin and Meyer are better coaches IMO, because they're better at handling situations like this. Like it or not, a college head coach has to be a PR guy as well. If the "old school" methods of coaching still worked, then every college coach would be using them. It seems like today's successful college head coaches are more like psychologists, figuring out what buttons need to be pushed to motivate their players. And there's a lot at stake, because keeping the kids motivated usually keeps them out of trouble. I think that's what stressed Meyer to the point of screwing up his health. For every publicized incident like Torre Davis, there's probably 10 more behind the scenes that no one finds out about. I can't imagine having to deal with some of the punks who think they're the next Jerry Rice or Deon Sanders without having to work for it. And yet, as a head coach, you need them on your team. No thanks.
  6. Because Nix doesn't have the last name of "Shannahan", "Holmgren", or any other easily recognizable name. There also was no mention of 10 million per year in the Nix hiring. He also isn't 32 years old. I think that about covers it......oh, and it's important to have a short memory when raging about anything that happens at One Bills Drive. No one new who Bill Polian was when Ralph signed him. I can distinctly remember the rage some Bills fans felt when Levy took over as head coach, because he didn't have an impressive record at Kansas City. Bitterness gets to be like a caffeine addiction after a while.....
  7. As much as some of us want "the good old days of coaching" to come back, they're not going to. Right or wrong, today's college or pro coach has to be a motivator and a manipulator more than a disciplinarian. There's too much money, too much attention and too much much litigation involved. So in this case, Leach should have played it smarter. I think he let anger get in the way of his thinking. There are other, less confrontational ways to deal with punks. The "old school" methods, no matter how much some of us might want them to return, are dead simply because they no longer work. It doesn't mean Leach is a bad coach. But in this case, he let his ego cloud his thinking. Hopefully he learns from it and bounces back once the uproar dies down.
  8. I see you've been to the Chuck Norris website!
  9. At least a decent line first. Other than the Rams, the Bills have the worst line in the league, after all the injuries. If the line were healthy they would be at least a little better. But as of right now, no QB in the league could elevate the offensive play to any significant degree. And guys like Rothlesberger, who will take hits to try to make a play, would be on IR after a few games.
  10. Sacrilege! Chuck Norris can save anything.................if he wants to.
  11. I think we need to pin a thread to the top of the board just for speculations on GM/coach/staff.
  12. Accroding to the ESPN website he's stepping down for health reasons.
  13. I think this thread shows why more teams seem to be trying to trade out of the first round altogether. The first round is a total crap shoot, with a lot of money on the line. My opinion of Williams is that once he got his multimillion dollar bonus check for signing (I can't recall the amount), he realized he was pretty much set for life. That, and the fact that the level of competition increases exponentially at the NFL level. He was used to dominating defensive linemen at the college level on his size and strength alone. Once he knew how hard he was going to have to work to succeed at the next level, I think he lost interest. Seems to happen more often than not with first round draft picks. If I were in charge of a draft, I'd rather trade down to the bottom of the first, or out of it completely.
  14. Exactly. Which makes me wonder why they're doing it. Looking around the league, it seems like most of the teams that are out of contention for the playoffs are doing the same thing. There must be some advantage? Maybe it prevents other teams from raiding the roster?
  15. Assuming that this quote is accurate..........not much seems to have changed with this guy. Same old self centered punk, enamored with the thug life. He's been through what he's been through because of the choices he made. Apparently we're supposed to feel for him. I just spoke with some animal control officers today. According to what they heard from their colleagues involved with the case, Vick and his punk, thug friends used to eliminate the dogs that weren't "good fighters" by throwing them in a pool with electric wires dropped in. After a life of suffering, death by electrocution. Oh, but I forgot.......they're just dogs. Vick is big star athelete though.
  16. I know for a fact that many discussions have taken place. I don't know what those discussions are, who had them, or what the subject matter was, but I know that many words were exchanged. I'm excited about them, and expect that something will happen sometime in the future. Let me qualify that by saying that "sometime" could be construed as an event in the future of unspecified origin. Write this down! It will happen.
  17. To round out the staff: secondary - Mark Kelso linebackers - Carlton Bailey special teams - Carwell Gardner Offensive line - Jerry Crafts
  18. "No one wants to come to Buffalo because they are NOT WINNING. We get a proven, NFL GM in place, and things will start to change." Players don't want to come to Oakland, St. Louis, Cleveland, or Chicago for the same reason. You're right, it has nothing to do with the city. Players work their butts off just to make it into the NFL, so they want to win when they make it. As soon as the Bills start to show signs of life, players will want to come here. After all, Indianapolis isn't exactly an entertainment mecca, and neither is Green Bay. But players want to play there because they're consistent winners.
  19. I heard an interesting bit about Allen on ESPN radio this morning: Allen is not going to be a personnel guy, but a salary cap guy. He will not be significantly involved in personnel decsions, other than trying to fit everything under the cap. If this is true, then Allen is not going to be a GM in the full sense of the word.
  20. That's really funny becasue Rusty Jones is Chicago's Strength coach.....
  21. Here's the number of guys on IR for the worst teams in the league: Oakland - 4 Cleveland - 12 Washington - 10 Chicago - 5 Detroit - 16 Tampa Bay - 15 St. Louis - 11 Seattle - 4 Buffalo - 16 Doesn't look like there's a specific correlation between injuries and poor play........
  22. In league circles Brandon is considered a hot commodity..........on the marketing side. He is a good marketing man and the Bills need one to survive. He just shouldn't be on the football side. They thought they could do it by committee, turned out to be wrong. Hopefully they will bring in someone who get develop a good system on the football side.
  23. I just read the ESPN article, and frankly I'm not feeling any sympathy for him. Seems like a guy who would do anything to keep playing. Not to help the team win, he didn't seem to care too much about that. It seemed more about keeping his job. And this is the same guy who trashes the "me" generation. Sounds like a hypocrite to me. I remember reading that story about Dobler in training camp. I don't remember the author either, but I got the distinct impression that Dobler probably didn't belong on any NFL team.
  24. So......bad rap music and halloween costumes. Mixed in with a good dose of Crip, Blood, and MS-13 gangs. Sounds like fun.
  25. Awesome! But wouldn't this also be a sign of the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012?
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