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Everything posted by gobillsinytown

  1. Here's a new rule for ya, at least on my end: Welcome to my ignore list.
  2. I thing Jerry is grooming the guy to be the next HC. Not necessarily that Wade is going to be fired. If the Cowboys get to the superbowl Wade will be there for a while, but I think eventually Garrett will be the next HC
  3. That's funny! Nothing like a little perspective for Bills fans, with Pats fans actually calling for one of the best coach/QB combinations in history to be fired. That being said: One of the ladies I work with thinks Tommy is cute and told me that she liked his hairdo. I told her I thought it looked good with his eyes all puffy from crying after they lost. Really though, it wasn't Brady's fault, since their so called "defense" got the ball stuffed so far down their throats that they could use the pointy end of the ball to sit on. I watched most of the game and loved every minute of it.
  4. Excellent post. The only thing I will add is that: 1. This is entertainment. If you don't like the entertainment, find something else to entertain you. 2. You don't know what you got until it's gone. Ralph selling the team will only increase the team's problems, not solve them. This team has virtaually no debt. If Ralph were to sell the team now, or when the team is sold in the future after he dies, debt will become the giant elephant in the room for the fans, the team, and the city. If the team leaves Bufffalo after he dies, it will be because of the debt that any new owner will incur to buy the team. Once again, I see that there is a small but vocal minority of users on this board who just don't get it. If these idiots really think that a new owner is going to magically make the Bills winners again, they're in for a rude awakening in the form of huge ticket price increases, PSL's and other fees. Or more likely, no team at all.
  5. Garrett seems like an up and coming coach, but he's welded to Jones' hip. He's not going anywhere unless the Cowboys collapse in the next couple of years.
  6. It's amazing what high speed internet and anonymity will do to people. Although I don't think approaching Rivera was a bad idea. I think sometimes these interviews are a way for people in the NFL to network. Glad you still root for the Bills, unlike some of the people who live in the city and are actually rooting for the team to leave, so the economy can take another devastating blow.
  7. Your avatar is nice. Drink a few more of those and relax.
  8. That's putting it mildly. Add in 24/7 coverage and you've got the rampant rumor mongering that's going on now. I think you're taking the right approach: Until a new coach is hired, everything is just speculation.
  9. Thank you. Finally, someone on this board who stands up for the team, rather than pile on the same old tired whiny hating.
  10. I'll assume this is a sarcastic comment.
  11. "This organization has ruined and injured countless promising players and ended careers prematurly due to the desire to not pay for competent help when players have been injured, thus leaving the players they actually do care about exposed to depending on teammates who are not skilled enough to proetect them." this has to be one of the most thoughtless posts I have ever read. You have absolutely no clue. Rather than rebutting this with facts, which would be a waste of time with you, I'll just add you to my ignore list. Buh bye.
  12. If the next head coach has a winning record or a playoff berth, all will be forgotten. The search is only depressing because all the "big names" seem to be disinterested. Of course, we're getting all of this based on second and third-hand information, most of which is probably not true. To me, it's nothing more than gossip designed to get clicks to websites. No one really knows who has been contacted and interviewed, and who hasn't, or the reasons why the "big names" seem to be disinterested. Again, none of this will matter if the Bills start winning.
  13. Thumbulinna just threw another pick! I may be pathetic Bills fan, but I love watching the Pats lose.
  14. IMO, drafting a QB in the first round is like rolling the dice. For every success, there's a failure. Brady was a 6th round draft pick. So any time frame you might set can be blown up if the QB is a bust, and you're set back another two or three years.
  15. I think it's more the perception that Peters isn't a team guy. He comes off as being selfish. For fans who spend time and money on their team, that's hard to swallow, especially considering the kind of money he's making. That being said, you can't really blame the guy for taking the money. It's his body. He's playing a sport that's almost certainly going to guarantee long term health problems once he retires. I'm glad he's with the Eagles because he's going to be a distraction wherever he goes.
  16. And he absolutely deserves to be in the Hall. Without guys like Ralph, there would be no NFL. Just because he's done a bad job this decade doesn't take away from that fact. It's also a fact that without Ralph there would be no Buffalo Bills. The guy might be old, senile and cheap, but he's loyal, and without Ralph the Bills wouldn't even exist. So when he dies, you'll have a lot more to complain about if the team leaves. But then again I'm sure there will be plenty of message boards for your complaints in whatever city the team moves to.
  17. OK, so what if the Bills had hired Carrol in one day. Would that have made you happy? I doubt it.
  18. You may be right in terms of the amount of speculation generated by every word the guy says. But I don't think Ralph is the typical 91 year old. I read the same articles everyone else does, and based on that it seems like Ralph is very physically fit. He's been an avid tennis player most of his life, and that's a great way to stay in shape if you're serious about it. So assuming that fact, he's likely just being more blunt than most people would like. But then again, that's what I like about Ralph. At 91, I doubt that he really cares what people think of him. I'll take that any day over the scripted responses most owners will give.
  19. Good idea John. Just remember though, whomever Wilson hires as the new HC.....there's going to be a lot of complaining about it. I sure do miss the 90's, when fans were complaining about not winning the superbowl.
  20. "Wilson is eager to find a coach to turn around the fortunes of a team that went 6-10 this past season to miss the playoffs for a 10th straight year." I'm a "glass is half full" kind of guy. I'll take the above quote as a good sign.
  21. This brings up an interesting point. The other major sports leagues, like the NBA, are starting to see player ownership. While it's true that players have a very small interest percentage-wise, that could change as time goes by. I wonder if any former NFL players have some "chips" in with any teams.
  22. Here's the quote from KFFL: Chris Brown, of BuffaloBills.com, reports NFL Network's Michael Lombardi said the Buffalo Bills could be close to hiring their next head coach. "Somebody I spoke to in the organization tells me they are very close to making a decision. They think they know which way they want to go. Wouldn't tell me which way they are going to go. But I think they have their guy in mind," Lombardi said on NFL Network's Total Access. Once again we must suffer..........
  23. Beat me to it. It doesn't matter what kind of hit it looked like from a TV screen. The kid didn't take hits all year just to bow out of the biggest game of his college career. They took xrays. Probably a third degree shoulder separation, judging from his comment that he "couldn't feel his arm at all". That's a major injury. Besides, if you can't feel your arm, how are you going to throw?
  24. And Jerry Jones wouldn't think of spending so much money on a stadium that it will affect his football operations. No matter what team lands in LA, they're landing there with a pile of debt, something that's very expensive right now.
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