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Everything posted by gobillsinytown

  1. I think you're assuming too much. Just because it was rumored that the Bills talked to them doesn't make it so. Personally, I think most of the "rumors" are bogus. And I don't think anyone's getting Rothlesberger for just this year's top ten pick. The Steelers are going to want a lot more than that. You never want to say never, but I just can't see it happening.
  2. I'm listening to ESPN radio now. There seems to be some confusion as to what the Steelers would want in return. Some are saying ONE top ten pick, others are saying TWO first round draft picks. Top ten this year, PLUS next year's. So if that's true, that is a pretty big asking price. Personally I think it's all chatter. I really doubt they're going to trade their franchise QB. They might if there were actual charges filed, but otherwise I can't imagine they would do it.
  3. You don't sound delusional. You sound depressed. If the team is going away in 5 years, why not enjoy them while they're here? Or if you'd like, you can post angry stuff on the message board of the next city they're in.
  4. I'm detecting some dissatisfaction with the team here...........it's subtle, but if you read between the lines you can tell he's a little angry.
  5. There is a very simple solution to your problem.
  6. No matter who they pick, this board will be flooded with angry people. The ideal situation would be if the Bills could take five players with their #9 pick. Even then, this board would be flooded with people who are angry that they picked the wrong five guys.
  7. Good to hear from ya! I sure do miss the old rivalry though. Maybe one of these years the Bills will get competitive again. BTW - Did Parcells buy enough nerf footballs for when Marshall has a hissy fit in practice?
  8. I get a lot of Steelers coverage where I live, about an hour away from Pittsburgh. Based on what I'm hearing, Ben's in for a long year. Not only is he going to have to deal with Godell, but he's going to have to deal with the Rooneys. Then he's going to get pestered all year long by the reporters who cover the team. I don't know the guy personally, but I'd bet he's regretting going anywhere near that bar.
  9. I'm detecting some dissatisfaction with the current front office here.
  10. I'm assuming they tested the girl for signs of sexual assault. It's typically called a "rape kit". The article doesn't mention it, but if they're declining to press charges, then it's likely that the results of the kit came back negative. That being said, Ben certainly needs to be more careful when he goes out. I think he needs to realize that he's not going to be able to "go out" like he used to. He's a high profile NFL player and he's going to have to undertand that. Even though criminal charges are not going to be filed, he's still subject to discipline by the NFL.
  11. Youngstown, Ohio, where I live is Clarett's home town. Trust me......no, no, no.
  12. There was a rumor that we called the Eagles.
  13. In some fans' minds, it is that simple. You were expecting rational thought?
  14. Here's the relevant quote from ProFootball Talk: "In an insanely gutsy move, the Philadelphia Eagles have agreed to trade Donovan McNabb to Washington, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter. This is not a belated April Fool's joke." Now here's the properly fixed quote: "In an insane move, the Philadelphia Eagles have agreed to trade Donovan McNabb to Washington, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter. This is not a belated April Fool's joke, but a real joke." Sounds like Snyder's at the helm again.......another angle to keep the merchandise sales flowing. The Redskins don't have an offensive system anything remotely like McNabb is used to running. Remember, McNabb has been in the same offensive system for a long time. Now he has to adjust to something completely different. As much as he's a class act and a real professional, he's not Favre.
  15. I think it's that "once a Raider, always a Raider" thing. If there's one team that's more dysfunctional the the Bills, it would be the Raiders.
  16. I think this is another major issue holding up the collective bargaining agreement. The money being paid out to first round draft picks is out of control. I also think it's bad for the players themselves. Mike Williams is a great example: Once he got that bonus check, he knew he was set for life, and once he knew there was no real reason to play any more, why should he have to work so much harder to make it in the pros? That's why it seems so many first round draft picks bust out.
  17. Weight rooms should also include some old school lockers. This builds character, because it reminds you where you came from. And chalk. Old ground up school chalk to put on your hands.
  18. ...sounds like Chan isn't doing things the way you want him to. You could probably email the team as I doubt he comes here for advice...
  19. I don't think it's a race issue with Russel. I think it's a motivation issue. IMO, once he signed that contract with the giant signing bonus, he lost the motivation.
  20. Excellent. There used to be an old saying from the soldiers in Vietnam: "Keep your powder dry, and the worm will turn."
  21. That's a shame, because I don't see what choice the team has at the moment. I think the one QB that they really want in the draft will be gone by the 9th pick. Clausen is way too much of a gamble at #9. In free agency, the only QB even worth looking at would be McNabb, and the Eagles will want a lot in return, that's IF McNabb would want to come here. Given the state of the O-Line, I don't think he would. When a team is carting off starting O-lineman on Sunday, calling street free agents on Sunday night, and those street free agents are starting the following Sunday, it's safe to say that the O-line is a priority in the draft. A team just can't function that way. So unfortunatley it seems like you will be giving up your seat this year.
  22. I think Donahoe's problem was that he was too much of a micro manager. He was responsible for entire operation, from who they drafted or signed in free agency all the way down to how much it would cost to fix the potholes in the OBD parking lots. That's why you're seeing a trend away from one guy (like Holmgren, Parcells, etc.) handling every single aspect of a team. It's just too much for one guy to handle.
  23. "Everyday at the end of the day, think of three things that made you happy. Keep it simple. Sounds silly I know but you will quickly see that there are many good things to keep you going forward. Simple things that we take for granted. You will get through it if that is your focus. Important to understand through it means you will not stay in the painful place. You will meet someone better if that is your focus. " Awesome.
  24. Yes. I know if I had just signed a contract worth 2 or 3 million a year, with some sort of upfront signing bonus of say, 5 to 10 million, I would be completely depressed. Especially if I were making that kind of money doing something I had wanted to do my whole life. I'm sure Joey would be no problem at all in the locker room or at a Buffalo area Taco Bell.
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