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    Canis Major

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UDFA (2/8)



  1. If you want the best as far as SA, watch Fox. Not the editorial shows, but the actual news coverage.
  2. Steely, you're usually on the level, but if you don't think CNN has an agenda, you're not looking hard enough . . . Cincy is on the money with the 1 against 5 comment. Fox has an agenda just as CNN, MSNBC, anf the big 3 networks do . . . It's easier for you to spot Fox's agenda, cuz you don't agree with it, just as it's easier for those of us that lean right to see the blatant bias of the other 5 . . . Forget Rachael Ray, who's the chick in your avatar...
  3. Mandy Moore went to visit SnR in Seattle for her birthday.
  4. One could argue quite convincingly that "leaders" are often the biggest of the idiots.
  5. As long as they don't ban Diet Coke, I'm golden.
  6. Not sure what you mean, but there is a big difference between how Fallon favors handling counter-insurgencies and how Petraeus does.
  7. Correct. Joint command billets rotate among services, and no full-time replacement has been named as yet for CENTCOM. This has been portrayed as a political move because of friction between Fallon and Bush/Gates, but I hear it is more due to disagreements between Petraeus and Fallon regarding how to handle counter-insurgencies in Iraq and Afganistan. I guess Petraeus won.
  8. I'm registered with the People's Front of Judea.
  9. C'mon Tom, those are obviously exceptions to the rule.
  10. Since he ignored my previous post, I considered trying to provide a more detailed description of the difference between tactics and strategy, but thought better of it when it became clear he doesn't have any genuine interest in the facts. I commend you for trying Chef.
  11. Golly, I just completed 9 graduate-level credit hours in National Security Studies from the USAF's Air University. I guess I should tell them all of their material was wrong because molson golden from TBD said so. They'll be so happy you've pointed out the errors of their ways... And to think I thought DC Tom was an exaggerator.
  12. Intelligence doesn't work that way. It never "proves" anything. Intelligence analysis is an art which purports a "likelihood" or "confidence level" of a conclusion based on the information available at the time, which is always subjective at least in part.
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