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Everything posted by thanes05

  1. Actually, I just realized something else. Here is what the insurance comany's must be thinking. Since only 25% of the MS gulfcoast was in a "floodzone", they basically only have to pay for the recovery of 25% of the gulfcoast. Imagine if they entire gulfcoast was insured. Can you imagine how much that would cost them? Now, imagine this. What if everyone, both Flood and nonflood zones, payed a low rate? There is no way the insurance company's would be able to pay for all of the damage. Even if they charged the flood zone areas a high rate, which will not happen, they could not pay for it all.
  2. Insurance works differently in areas that are prone to flooding. Espcecially in ones that are hit by a hurricane every 5 to 6 years (That is the MS guflcoast average). In theses areas, if your house is not in a flood zone, the insurance company's charge more for insurance. To be honest, I do not understand why they do this. But, I do know the insurance comany's charge over 500 a month if your house is not in a flood zone. This is something 75% of the population on the MS gulfcoast has been complaining about. If in flood zone, I know the cost is MUCH lower. I'll try to look this up, but I know it is at a price where it will not affect some one's decision to buy a house in a flood zone. It is a very low price every month.
  3. First off, the insurance comany did say we would not have to worry about our house flooding. Being based on the highest storm surge recorded, it was not possible for our house to flood. To bad nobody ever thought there could be a hurricane that could be more damaging then Camille, which was a level 5 hurricane that hit the MS gulfcoast in 1969. From what I've been told, the flood zone maps were based on recent observations. Second, only 25% of the coast was in a flood zone. And as I stated earlier, the cost of flood insurance, if not in a flood zone, is over 500 dollars on the MS Gulf Coast! And when your told by your insurance company that you have nothing to worry about, what are you going to do? Pay for insurance? Or save a large amount of money?
  4. You registered just before the hurricane wiped out your house, and in less than a week you're already back online posting from - where? What happened? Where did you go? What did you experience? I hope this isn't just a made-up personality to argue the issue from a perceived moral high ground, because it's unnecessary. And it wouldn't stop a hard case like me from arguing with you anyway. Except I don't have a problem with the 2k debit card. It's just a start, a temporary quick fix to ensure folks can take care of basic necessities, and when they get into some temporary housing, they're going to need set up house all over again. That can eat 2k pretty quickly. This is short term. Long term help is going to take some time to see how it works out. 433905[/snapback] Your right that I registered right before the hurriacane wiped out my house. I'm at my fiance's house, who live's in Jackson, MS, and I'm writing to you right now. My family's house was wiped out. We do have it a bit better than most refugees. We left out our house the other day. It was completly gone when we got back. In fact, we saw there was over 9 feet of water in the neighborhood. What could we do about that? We put plywood on our house. We took materials we felt was vital, but we could not take eveything. After taking the materials we felt were needed, we headed up to my finace's house. The weather up here was some what bad, but nothing to what was experienced on the coast. We had high winds, and we also had some heavey rain, but what we experienced was no way in comparison to what happend in Biloxi, MS, which is basicly where I lived. D'Iberville, MS is literally connected to Biloxi, MS. What I wrote is not a made up story. I wish it was. I hate the fact that my parents house was destroyed. They basically have to start all over again. The 2,000 dollar debit card will come in handy, but it will not help everything. There is literally an amount of damage which cannot be helped. I cannot imagine how much it is going to cost. I just hope my parents are able to to some how pull this off. I love them so much, and I do not want them to be put into some type of position that will hurt them for a long period of time. If you knew what this felt like, you would not question me.
  5. I recently found out that the victims of Hurricane Katrina will be receiving a 2,000 dollar debit card. This is something I agree with. I am a victim of Hurricane Katrina. My families house is gone and there is little that can be done about it. Only 25% of the coast of MS has flood insurance. Now, you may say that is they're fault, but that is not true. Most of the property in MS was not in a "flood zone." In fact, only 25% of the coast was in a flood zone. If a person was not in a flood zone, they would have had to pay over 500 dollars a month for flood insurance. What really bites is the idea that insurance company's may not label your property as a flood zone even though it was flooded by Hurricane Katrina. A lot of you may be against the amount of aid our country will be giving to the victims of Hurricane Katrina, but I want you to consider this. What if you were a victim of some type of disaster as large as Hurricane Katrina? How would you feel if the country was wanting to help you out? Would you consider the amount of aid being offered enough?
  6. Do any of you realize how important the central gulf coast is to our country? The ports that exist in this region play a vital role in our nation's economics. Since this region was decimated by Hurricane Katrina, have you noticed how gas prices are? I believe the average price is now over 3 dollars! Some areas are up to 5! This is an area of our country that needs to be rebuilt. It is an area that needs Federal support. There is something else I want to point out. If you take the test scores from the populated places in MS, which consist of the gulfcoast, Jackson, and Oxford areas, the state would rank top ten in the nation in academics.
  7. Alright Captain dumbass, MS is not what you think it is. The news displays it as what the rest of the country wants it to be, which is slow and idiotic. I live in Biloxi, MS, which was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Give the people down here some type of encouragement. If Buffalo was hit by a severe blizzard you would expect the rest of the country to come to your aid. So, why don't you give some type of aid to LA and MS? The gulf coast is the home for a large amount of our countries population. Do not look down on them. Do not expect them to move just so our country can save some cash. They deserve help from our country, and you should support it 110%!
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