You registered just before the hurricane wiped out your house, and in less than a week you're already back online posting from - where? What happened? Where did you go? What did you experience? I hope this isn't just a made-up personality to argue the issue from a perceived moral high ground, because it's unnecessary. And it wouldn't stop a hard case like me from arguing with you anyway.
Except I don't have a problem with the 2k debit card. It's just a start, a temporary quick fix to ensure folks can take care of basic necessities, and when they get into some temporary housing, they're going to need set up house all over again. That can eat 2k pretty quickly. This is short term. Long term help is going to take some time to see how it works out.
Your right that I registered right before the hurriacane wiped out my house. I'm at my fiance's house, who live's in Jackson, MS, and I'm writing to you right now. My family's house was wiped out. We do have it a bit better than most refugees. We left out our house the other day. It was completly gone when we got back. In fact, we saw there was over 9 feet of water in the neighborhood. What could we do about that? We put plywood on our house. We took materials we felt was vital, but we could not take eveything. After taking the materials we felt were needed, we headed up to my finace's house. The weather up here was some what bad, but nothing to what was experienced on the coast. We had high winds, and we also had some heavey rain, but what we experienced was no way in comparison to what happend in Biloxi, MS, which is basicly where I lived. D'Iberville, MS is literally connected to Biloxi, MS. What I wrote is not a made up story. I wish it was. I hate the fact that my parents house was destroyed. They basically have to start all over again.
The 2,000 dollar debit card will come in handy, but it will not help everything. There is literally an amount of damage which cannot be helped. I cannot imagine how much it is going to cost. I just hope my parents are able to to some how pull this off. I love them so much, and I do not want them to be put into some type of position that will hurt them for a long period of time. If you knew what this felt like, you would not question me.