So we arrived at the stadium at around 9 out bbq out, and cracked open some beers. I was amazed at how many bills fans there were around us (and we weren't near that huge bills backers group) Next to us were some guys from Rochester, one of them a cousin of a good friend from back home. Also, a guy I played soccer with in High School pulled up 3 cars down, small world. I actually came close to losing my voice in the parking lot, screaming and cheering with other bills fans around us. One truck came blazing into the lots, with the bills flag out of the sun roof, pumping the Bills make me wanna shout song. I then proceeded to take the flag, jump up on the top of our car and start waving it around wildly. (see link for pics)
It was a great time in the parking lot to say the least. Inside the stadium was a different story.
We had great seats. (see link for pics). And the chargers fans around us were not demeaning in anyway. Sure, they could have been. The Chargers owned us for the entire game...J.P. looked as horrible live as he did on the field I'm sure. The bills were a total buzz kill and made it hard to walk out of the stadium. Going inside, there seemed to be a ton of bills fans everywhere....on the way out, I didnt see many at all...most likely they all left at halftime.
Here are some pictures from our time down in diego.