You won't be dissapointed...they always have a nice setup...unless we start losing a ton of games, and then you get banished to one of the crappy little tv's behind the bar..ahha.
That happened last year, after our great start...and then we were on this little the "new york" room. It's a room that plays just Jets/Giants games since there are usually more fans for those teams there than any other. So they have their own room, with a big ass tv, and great sound system. When we beat the jets last year, I thought I was going to have a beer thrown at me because of how much I was celebrating.
Anyway, the little tv behind the bar became our good luck charm...with our run at the end of the season. Unfotunately, they put us on a HDTV for the pittsburg game
Hope to see a lot of bills fans this sunday!