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Everything posted by stephenjames716

  1. Please tell me how bringing in T.O. is a sign that we are trying to win?! The guy destroys every team/qb that he is on!!!! He tried to ruin Donovan, Romo, and now he will do the same to Trent. AHHH! What the HELL!
  2. WHAT A JOKE?! He tried to ruin Donovan and Romo, what is to say he won't do the same to Trent? WHAT THE HELL IS OUR ADMINISTRATION THINKING?
  3. I haven't renewed my tickets, and after we signed T.O. I honestly don't think I'm going to. WHAT THE HELL ARE WE THINKING?! Do we honestly want to subject our young QB to this idiot?! He tried to destroy Donovan, Tony Romo and why will it be any different with Trent?! AHHH!!!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:
  4. I was born in 80 and remember wide right in XXV as one of the first times I cried over a loss. As bad as these losses are to take, we are lucky enough to have professional sports teams, and when they win it feels damn good. Our time will come.
  5. however it needs to play out so that they both lose....that is how I want the game to go tonight.
  6. good stuff but.... 1) I'm sure a company could/would buy the naming rights of the stadium. 2) "when they move"...that is not going to happen.
  7. no sunday night football = lame having two good games on at once is what the previous or last button on your remote is for.
  8. could I ask how one goes about getting a field pass? I would love to have the opportunity to get on the field to get some shots before the game! ::jealous::
  9. amazing commercial. I love the end when the kid versions of them fall back onto their beds.
  10. hahahahahahahaha!
  11. I went to the bathroom at halftime and it was pitch black except for a few cell phones and lighters. I asked a guy in front of me if he was in front of a urinal and he said no....and then one little light came on and there were a bunch of guys going in the sink and a few on the ground...including the guy in front of me...sweet. luckily I managed to get out of there after using a urinal and having dry shoes.
  12. it was a great two minute drill, a lot of time spent on the past and present bills. jimbo showed up and helped the swam decide on his pic for the game... Bills: 24 Chargers: 21 WOOOOOOOHOOOOO! Thank you Swami!
  13. thank god!
  14. thats the earliest I can round up the rest of the troops to get there....plus if I was there any earlier I prob wouldn't make it into the stadium.
  15. can't wait for sunday!....I'm planning on getting to the lots at 8:00am to enjoy a full day of tailgating! GO BILLS!
  16. sweet, it's awesome when berman shows us love
  17. I'm in lot 1 between poles 5 and 6!!!! Always a great time
  18. love it! this joke needs to retire and be an a-hole for a living.
  19. I feel bad for football players, all of these women throwing themselves at them, their only choice is to push them away. (or hit them with their cars)
  20. cleveland showed up, gotta give them credit here...their d looked awesome. oh, and eli sucked!
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