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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. <------------------------------------------------------------- this
  2. I have real seats. Section 123 tunnel endzone.
  3. He wants to play outside the dome....hehe.
  4. Yepper. I had to download the player and a plug-in. Pain in the butt....but, I guess it was worth it.
  5. Ummmmmmm.....Troup is inactive today. *LOL*
  6. I've never had any issues with ATDHE.net.
  7. <--------------------------------------------
  8. No slotting. They had our passes right there where u pay. It was kinda funny. There were a few guys over to the side that had all of the passes in envelopes with our names on them. Got there around 9 and there were quite a few cars already there. Not sure if they ended up opneing up to everybody. I was too busy tailgating.
  9. You have GOT to be kidding........
  10. Love you, Stevie J! Spiderweb: u suck.
  11. Missed you today.
  12. 3 seconds to be exact.
  13. Absofreakinglutely!
  14. I hope they do! Nick Mendola ROCKS!
  15. OK....this should be interesting. I called the ticket office earlier in the week to get my parking pass for Sunday's game. When we pull into Drive 1 we have to tell the ticket taker to call the office and they will verify that we have pre-purchased the pass. Wha' ?????? Maybe I should print out my bank statement where it shows I paid $20 to the Bills. *LOL*
  16. I think they should play the "Fitzmagic" clip over the PA system.
  17. Haters
  18. http://www.wkbw.com/news/local/Why-So-Serious-110152629.html
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