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Everything posted by cåblelady

  1. Of course...and a FB, too.
  2. He's already sending me one. He liked the sign I made for him.
  3. And.....not too many people believed me. Sigh...... It's all good. I my Baby Boy.
  4. Happy Birthday! Sweetie.
  5. He's fun to talk to on Twitter.
  6. Ur making me dizzy. hehe
  7. You should take a happy pill.
  8. He's kinda chunky.
  9. Damn it. I was hoping they'd be stranded there forever....and they'd get mugged.
  10. We wanted to throw snowballs at Brady's head yesterday.
  11. I vote u keep the beard. It looks nice. Just sayin'
  12. It made sense to me after I heard his presser. I remember thinking.....where did all these big-azz D-men come from?
  13. Yeah, but....that would mean we have to suck again next year. That's askin' alot ya know! *LOL*
  14. I listen to the post-game show on the way home from the games.
  15. That would be sweet. U getting any snow? A friend of mine in Newport News, VA texted me on the way home from the game and said they have 14" already and it's still coming down.
  16. That'll learn ya.
  17. I think he's getting pounded with snow right about now.
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